Addon Rematch

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » June 8th, 2014, 7:18 pm

That was it. I'm sorry to have wasted your time on that. I was looking in the options pane for it and didn't see it. Sorry about that.
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » June 8th, 2014, 7:22 pm

No worries! It at least tells me I need to make it clearer. I may have crammed too much into that small space.

The leveling queue is getting a mild revamp in the UI revamp. I'll be sure to separate that out more so it doesn't look like another sort.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » July 1st, 2014, 7:45 pm

Not really a bug per say, but an oddity:

Since keywords like burning and chilled have a different internal text format than what you see on the screen, searching can sometimes be impacted.

You can search for "Burning" and get all the pets that cause burning, that rely on burning, and that are from the burning steppes. In order to filter some of that out, I tend to search for phrases like "is burning". This works fine on normal ability text, but with formatted words, it doesn't find them in the search.

Any insight into what I should put in the search field to do a search for "is burning" that actually finds all the pets with that phrase?
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » July 3rd, 2014, 8:33 pm

Yeah I had considered removing sources from search specifically because of that quirk. Maybe it can be an option.

The unparsed text for an ability with a red-formatted Burn looks like:

[StandardAccuracy(1,1)] |cffffffffHit Chance|r\r\n\r\nDeals [StandardDamage(1,1)] [School()] damage instantly. The enemy |cFFFF2020Burns|r for [StandardDamage(1,1,177)] additional [School()] damage per round for [duration(1,2)] |4round:rounds.

To search for all abilities that burn or are affected by burning you can search for "20burn", and it will hit on the control code that turns the text red. It's not very intuitive.

Also to address the problem of Auto Rotate not being obvious, I've gotten rid of the little pull-down control panel and made a filter-like button to mirror the browser filter button behavior:


And since this thread has had the bulk of the discussion on how teams are organized, I've gone the tabs along the side route:


The General tab always exists and is the default tab teams are saved unless you specify otherwise as you save. You can add tabs with their own name and icon. You can edit or re-order or delete tabs by right-clicking them. (Deleting a tab will move all teams within the tab to General) You can right-click a team to move it to another tab. You'll also be able to change its tab from the edit window also (which is just the save window).

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » July 3rd, 2014, 10:29 pm

Looks pretty neat. I'll have to play with it to see how it feels. Is that in the latest version or an up and coming version?
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » July 4th, 2014, 5:05 am

Up and coming 3.0, should be ready to post by the end of the month. Still a bit of work to do on it. RL work keeps interfering.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » July 4th, 2014, 10:22 am

thanks for the earlier response about the colors earlier.

Since I couldn't figure out how to see that text you displayed in the upper post, I played around with it today in Rematch and figured out:
cFFFF2020burn (you provided this one)

Those are the only 4 I could remember. I feel like I am forgetting an effect.

I was able to get up to the "c" before those, but couldn't reproduce the vertical slash you displayed (at least now with the one on my keyboard).

I'm not sure of an easy way to get around that without providing something like effect=blind, effect=chill, effect=burn, effect=poison as an alternate search criteria and then modifying the search. I don't know how easy/messy that is though. However, it is a criteria people will try to search with a lot. Right now, I think only burn is really affected by other text mixing the results, but zone descriptions and flavor text on newly added pets could cause issues later.
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » July 5th, 2014, 4:12 am

Bleed is another:


You can see the unparsed text by putting the mouse over an ability and typing:

/dump C_PetBattles.GetAbilityInfoByID(GetMouseFocus().abilityID)

or if you want to do it often, make this macro:

/run local id,text=GetMouseFocus().abilityID text=select(5,C_PetBattles.GetAbilityInfoByID(id)) if text then print(text:gsub("\124","\124\124")) end

I ran a script to go through all abilities in the pet journal and c808080 is used for Stunned, but is only used by the ability Takedown.

edit: if curious, the results of the script (that searched for color codes among all abilities in the journal):

cffffffff="Hit Chance"

(The "value" of the color code is what was beside the last occurrence of the color code)

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » August 1st, 2014, 8:14 pm

Like a lot of the UI changes in 3.0

Question: Is there still a way to set it to always load teams on manual targetting? In the old version, I was able to set it up so that every time I manually target a saved NPC it loaded my pets. That doesn't seem to work anymore in 3.0.3. I didn't see an option to make that work. I've been sitting here at Farmer Nishi trying to get the team for him to auto load again after changing it to try something and it no longer swaps in my Nishi team. I could log in/out or enable mouseover, but I really dislike mouseover personally, so I don't normally use that option.

EDIT: actually, even mouseover isn't forcing the swap. I also tried targetting other things and retargetting Nishi. Nada

EDIT: also, the only time it initially auto loaded the team, it popped up a confirmation box instead of autoloading directly. Is there a way to make the box not appear and just auto load on manual target?

EDIT: some more info. The stuff I described in the opening paragraph was happening with the window collapsed. With the teams tab open and the window expanded, I get the confirmation box (at least on Aki the chosen...need to go check Nishi).

I also noticed that even with mouseover disabled, If I mouseover a saved tamer with a different team loaded, it cycles my global cooldown but doesn't do much more than that.

EDIT: Actually, after I manually drag a pet into a slot, it stops even popping up a confirmation box. I have to go to the teams tab, double click a team, and then retarget the tamer to get the confirmation box to pop up again.

EDIT: Something seems sporadic. Now I can get the confirmation to pop up with the window collapsed again.

I'm not sure I am being much help here, but it is acting weirdly.
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » August 1st, 2014, 9:06 pm

After logging out and in a few times, it seems to have somewhat settled down and become more consistent. Here is what I am seeing:

1. Whenever I select a team or have rematch load a team, two Global Cooldowns occur, with the second one sometimes taking a bit (this was the GCD I saw when mousing over that I mentioned just happened to occur when I moused over something I guess). While I am not sure if they are hurting anything, they are very distracting. I don't remember the old rematch doing that.

2. Whenever I manually swap out a single pet with a loaded team, deselecting the tamer and reselecting doesn't prompt to load the tamer's team anymore. I have to manually select a team from my list with a double click and then target the tamer to get the prompt back.

3. I would like a way to get rid of the prompt when manually targetting a tamer. In the old rematch, I could target a tamer and it would just auto load. Now I have to manually accept a prompt. I like how the mouseover auto loads, but I don't want to do it on mouseover. I prefer on manual target.

4. There used to be an option to jump to a team name when you typed the first letter of it. Is that gone as well?
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » August 2nd, 2014, 6:10 am

1. Whenever I select a team or have rematch load a team, two Global Cooldowns occur, with the second one sometimes taking a bit (this was the GCD I saw when mousing over that I mentioned just happened to occur when I moused over something I guess). While I am not sure if they are hurting anything, they are very distracting. I don't remember the old rematch doing that.
This is with 'Keep companion' checked, to resummon a pet after they swap from teams changing. Companion pets can't be summoned during a global cooldown, and the summoning causes a gcd. I'm positive the previous one did this too but I'll go back and check.
2. Whenever I manually swap out a single pet with a loaded team, deselecting the tamer and reselecting doesn't prompt to load the tamer's team anymore. I have to manually select a team from my list with a double click and then target the tamer to get the prompt back.
That was intended but can be changed. If you load a team and swap pets, it's assumed you didn't want the originally loaded team--there were quite a few comments annoyed with the way Rematch would nag about loading a team after it's been loaded and pets changed.
Question: Is there still a way to set it to always load teams on manual targetting? In the old version, I was able to set it up so that every time I manually target a saved NPC it loaded my pets. That doesn't seem to work anymore in 3.0.3.
3. I would like a way to get rid of the prompt when manually targetting a tamer. In the old rematch, I could target a tamer and it would just auto load. Now I have to manually accept a prompt. I like how the mouseover auto loads, but I don't want to do it on mouseover. I prefer on manual target.
I was waiting to see if anyone wanted this back. :P Yeah I can make that an option again. It will be opt-in with a big warning that doing so means you can't right-click a target to initiate battle and expect a team to load.
4. There used to be an option to jump to a team name when you typed the first letter of it. Is that gone as well?
That can be added back easily. It was a temporary measure until team organization was added. I'll add it back in.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » August 2nd, 2014, 12:40 pm

Gello wrote:
1. Whenever I select a team or have rematch load a team, two Global Cooldowns occur, with the second one sometimes taking a bit (this was the GCD I saw when mousing over that I mentioned just happened to occur when I moused over something I guess). While I am not sure if they are hurting anything, they are very distracting. I don't remember the old rematch doing that.
This is with 'Keep companion' checked, to resummon a pet after they swap from teams changing. Companion pets can't be summoned during a global cooldown, and the summoning causes a gcd. I'm positive the previous one did this too but I'll go back and check.
That's possible. My old settings weren't saved, so I made a best effort to replicate them. I thought I had that checked in the old version, but I might be thinking wrong
Gello wrote:
2. Whenever I manually swap out a single pet with a loaded team, deselecting the tamer and reselecting doesn't prompt to load the tamer's team anymore. I have to manually select a team from my list with a double click and then target the tamer to get the prompt back.
That was intended but can be changed. If you load a team and swap pets, it's assumed you didn't want the originally loaded team--there were quite a few comments annoyed with the way Rematch would nag about loading a team after it's been loaded and pets changed.
If it is too much of a hassle, I can make due. Now that I know I just have to manually select another team to re-enable it, I can work on getting used to that. If you do add it in, make it an option so the others are miffed!
Gello wrote:
Question: Is there still a way to set it to always load teams on manual targetting? In the old version, I was able to set it up so that every time I manually target a saved NPC it loaded my pets. That doesn't seem to work anymore in 3.0.3.
3. I would like a way to get rid of the prompt when manually targetting a tamer. In the old rematch, I could target a tamer and it would just auto load. Now I have to manually accept a prompt. I like how the mouseover auto loads, but I don't want to do it on mouseover. I prefer on manual target.
I was waiting to see if anyone wanted this back. :P Yeah I can make that an option again. It will be opt-in with a big warning that doing so means you can't right-click a target to initiate battle and expect a team to load.
That's ok, I always left click BoF and Celestials before right clicking on them. I did try mouseover for a while on the old version, but found I accidentally changed my teams while fiddling with them if I let my mouse stray too close to the border. I would definitely like to see this as I really like the auto load feature and the current prompt makes it less useful for me.
Gello wrote:
4. There used to be an option to jump to a team name when you typed the first letter of it. Is that gone as well?
That can be added back easily. It was a temporary measure until team organization was added. I'll add it back in.
Thanks! Even with the tabs, I have at least one tab with 30 teams, so being able to jump around really helps, especially since the scroll bars tend to overshoot a bit for my current screen resolution.
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » August 23rd, 2014, 3:40 pm

Just want to say thanks for those options being added. I like your compromise on the pop up. It works well.

Also, thanks for making a Beta version. I've been testing it out and it works so far just in regular battling. I just need to look into getting my saved teams from live to beta now. Shouldn't be too hard.
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » August 31st, 2014, 6:19 pm

Some possible bugs:

When using multiple type bar selections (1 on strong, 1 on tough, 1 on type), clicking the X button to cancel doesn't cancel all of them. I have to click the X twice to clear all the selections.

While the Strong and Tough bars all show their colors, the type bar is in black and white.

This is both on live and in beta.
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » September 7th, 2014, 6:54 am

Oops sorry for late reply. I saw this earlier but forgot to reply.

The type bar being greyed out while on the Type tab was fixed in last update, thanks!

When multiple type bar tabs have stuff in them, if the current tab has something selected, X will clear the current tab only. When the current tab is empty, X will clear them all and move back to the Type tab.

So if the tab has stuff selected, X will first clear the current tab, and clicking X again will reset them all.

The 'Reset' option in the Filter menu (Pet Families/Strong vs/Tough vs) behaves the same way. First hit clears current sub-menu if it anything checked, or clears them all otherwise. The only difference is the menu (and tab if type bar is shown) will stay on the current menu.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » September 7th, 2014, 10:01 am


One other thing I have been noticing. You probably remember I am the weird one that doesn't do mouseover but has auto load on target. I really like how the first targetting always auto loads and the others afterwards provide a pop up asking. I do notice however that sometimes when I beat a tamer, when I come out of the battle the pop up is up as if I had made a team change and reselected the tamer though I haven't done any targetting since before the battle even started.

EDIT: This is with the previous version, since I just found out about your new load. I assume it is in the new load as well unless you made changes to that logic at all.
Carry Pet Experience Reference Guide:

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » September 7th, 2014, 7:19 pm

That behavior is still there likely. I'll mark it for a fix next update. Thanks!

edit: Actually, I can't reproduce it. The spot where I suspected it was happening doesn't look likely now. Can you verify the behavior is still happening in the latest version? That bit of code has had some changes over the last few versions.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » September 9th, 2014, 5:51 pm

I tried with 3.11 today and got the same thing. Here was my methodology:

Click on Tamer (auto loads my team + carry pet from queue)
Accept Quest
Start Battle
Battled for a while. First Pet dies. Carry Pet and other 25 survive
Came out of battle. Tamer is no longer targetted.
I click on tamer to turn in quest and the Pop Up for loading the same team I currently have pops up.

Here's a screen shot:

I didn't mess with the abilities or the pets themselves in the Rematch window. In fact, I didn't mess with Rematch at all after setting my carry pet in the queue and collapsing it prior to even starting the battle.

Perhaps a settings combination issue? If so, what settings would you be interested in?
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » September 9th, 2014, 5:56 pm

Actually, here is a copy of my saved variables file if that helps. I cut out all the tamers except for the one in the screenshot I posted, but can give you the full one if you need.

RematchSettings = {
["AutoShow"] = 1,
["EmptyMissing"] = 1,
["LastTeamNameLoaded"] = "Farmer Nishi",
["sidePanelOpen"] = false,
["WideSearchBar"] = 1,
["OnlyBattlePets"] = 1,
["LastTeamTableLoaded"] = {
"0x00000000011F47B0", -- [1]
118, -- [2]
230, -- [3]
297, -- [4]
}, -- [1]
"0x0000000002652F67", -- [1]
119, -- [2]
1047, -- [3]
307, -- [4]
}, -- [2]
"0x0000000001A3F369", -- [1]
116, -- [2]
646, -- [3]
209, -- [4]
}, -- [3]
["CurrentLevelingPet"] = "0x000000000238A37C",
["SelectedTab"] = 3,
["DisableShare"] = 1,
["QueueSortOrder"] = 2,
["XPos"] = 1121.500610351563,
["AutoLoad"] = 1,
["ShowSidePanel"] = 1,
["LevelingQueue"] = {
"0x0000000002325A41", -- [1]
"0x000000000238A37C", -- [2]
"0x00000000023852A6", -- [3]
["loadedNpcID"] = 67370,
["TeamGroups"] = {
"General", -- [1]
"Interface\\Icons\\PetJournalPortrait", -- [2]
}, -- [1]
"PvP", -- [1]
"Interface\\Icons\\Ability_DualWield", -- [2]
}, -- [2]
"Utility", -- [1]
"Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Hunter_TrapLauncher", -- [2]
}, -- [3]
["JumpToTeam"] = 1,
["StayForBattle"] = 1,
["browserOpen"] = true,
["queueOpen"] = true,
["loadedTeamName"] = "Jeremy Feasel",
["UseQueueControls"] = true,
["AutoLoadTargetOnly"] = 1,
["AutoLoadAlways"] = 1,
["KeepQueueSort"] = 1,
["Y"] = 144.5002746582031,
["X"] = 1173.000366210938,
["LockWindow"] = 1,
["LockDrawer"] = 1,
["Height"] = 450,
["UseTypeBar"] = true,
["YPos"] = 209.513916015625,
["AutoAlways"] = 1,
RematchSaved = {
["Hyuna of the Shrines"] = {
"0x0000000001F64CE4", -- [1]
525, -- [2]
597, -- [3]
612, -- [4]
1167, -- [5]
}, -- [1]
0, -- [1]
0, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
0, -- [4]
}, -- [2]
"0x00000000000F0FB6", -- [1]
504, -- [2]
506, -- [3]
508, -- [4]
140, -- [5]
}, -- [3]
66730, -- [4]
Carry Pet Experience Reference Guide:

Joined:January 23rd, 2014
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » September 17th, 2014, 2:10 am

Thanks for the detailed info. I'll look into it more closely this week.

Rematch updates have been spotty lately as I get my other addons ready for WoD. But it will get my full focus again soon.

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