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Post by Jefra » September 29th, 2014, 2:38 am

I been using my b/b valk + gluth + a bunch other pets in the 3rd slot for my team. I have tried Rag, Pandaren Mech, Xu fu and some others with varying degrees of succes. I am at 150/250 pvp pet battles and would like to finish up the 100 more wins as fast as possible. So does anyone have any good suggestions on what my third pet should be?

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Re: Valk/gluth/???

Post by Digem » September 29th, 2014, 5:55 am

Who or what is gluth?
I am not familiar with that abbreviation.

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Re: Valk/gluth/???

Post by Sibi » September 29th, 2014, 7:13 am

Stitched Pup, dropped by the boss named Gluth in Naxx.

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Re: Valk/gluth/???

Post by Digem » September 29th, 2014, 7:53 am

If running stiched pup then are you trying to do the consume spam?
If so need to man sure your valk haunts whenever it can, be careful though not to haunt against another valk and die because then lose the consume spam.
As a third pet you either need another pet with consume so it is a true spam and the two rotating cd's.
So like a blight hawk.
Or you need a pet that protects you from counters so a death addler, idol, spider, spring rabbit or a flyer like moth or crow.

Odds are to try to beat you people will either use critter since super effective with undead or the emperor crab.
So you need one pet that can take on a critter or emperor crab.

A frog also can be fun with frog kiss. I like the mechanical one because most assume it is aquatic.

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Re: Valk/gluth/???

Post by Jefra » September 29th, 2014, 11:29 am

Yeah sorry I meant stitched pup which you get from Gluth in Naxx. And yeah I use the corpse consume strategy which works great really. I was searching for a third pet to counter my weaknesses. I was gonna try the adder next since I seem to struggle the most against teams that have a bunny. I tried a crow but that seemed a little counter productive with darkness and all. I found that I can kill 1 aquatic pet no problem with both my valk and my stitched pup so a flyer might not be necessary for the team

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Re: Valk/gluth/???

Post by Sellys » September 29th, 2014, 11:36 am

Can't really go wrong with an S/S death adder hatchling.

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Re: Valk/gluth/???

Post by Awq » September 29th, 2014, 11:44 am

I would go with a Singing Sunflower, although you will be weak versus aquatics.

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Re: Valk/gluth/???

Post by Klaital » September 29th, 2014, 12:23 pm

Aren't s/s bunnies faster than the adder? Like for example my S/S Tolai Hare has 357 speed, whereas my death adder has only 341.

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Re: Valk/gluth/???

Post by Jefra » September 29th, 2014, 5:03 pm

I had a lot of success using the adder as a third pet but I decided to try and mix things up a little bit and went with the dread hatching for my third pet. I had even better success with this pairing and enjoyed playing it more than the adder team. I even got my no time to heal achievement because I kept facing a team that had 3 flaming moths that poor guy never stood a chance lol. Stopped once I got to 190 wins at the rate I am going with this team should have my stunted dino in no time!


Re: Valk/gluth/???

Post by Guest » September 29th, 2014, 8:24 pm

I've considered running a comp like this but it feels like cheating or at the very least, abusing a broken ability.

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Re: Valk/gluth/???

Post by Jefra » September 29th, 2014, 10:07 pm

I never got why people thought running a certain comp was cheating. To me it always came down to would I rather win a lot or not. The answer to that is fairly simple.

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Re: Valk/gluth/???

Post by Genome » September 29th, 2014, 11:05 pm

Jefra wrote:I never got why people thought running a certain comp was cheating. To me it always came down to would I rather win a lot or not. The answer to that is fairly simple.
The comp you are running is horribly, horribly broken at the moment, thus, many consider it cheating. In order to have any prayer against Valk/Stitched(Fawn, Blighthawk, etc.)/DH(or DAH), one needs a precise comp directed at beating the CC heal and perfect play. Whether the Haunt->Consume Corpse synergy was ever intended is up for debate (I lean towards an accident that got through testing), but as is it is stupidly OP (It's basically an on-demand Wish heal that includes invulnerability for one pet, a free "smart" pet swap, and 480+ dmg to boot). If a comp is winning the vast majority of games because of an exploit, then said comp will garner tons of hate (deserved in this case). It will come back down to earth when Haunt gets it's long-awaited nerf.

Using broken pets is not cheating (they are in the game after all!), but many frown upon people that use them. I use them, but with a caveat(s); I only use comps like Valk/Fawn/DAH against people using similar pets and only if I repeatedly run into teams like that. The other pets aren't an issue; Stitched Pups are nothing to worry about without a valk for the most part. My rule of thumb is if I run into a team with a valk on it, I stay and play them with my valk/CC team. If I don't, then I just flee. My ego doesn't need stroking by beating up weaker opposition with broken pets :).

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Re: Valk/gluth/???

Post by Maleric » September 30th, 2014, 12:16 am

I ran in to Valk/Stitched Pup/Murkalot a few times tonight. Went 1-1 with S/S Qiraji Guardling, Magic Lamp, and Flamering Moth, then chased him away with a Magical Crawdad. The comp seemed pretty strong, but not that much worse than Valk/DAH/X. Also, it's pretty easy to hose with a crab.

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Re: Valk/gluth/???

Post by Worgenbait » September 30th, 2014, 9:56 pm

I run Lil' Bling with that combo myself, but I rarely use it for the heal. I haunt with the valk, and then bring in one or the other to either howl or Inflation to make the haunt that much more deadly. That way, if they don't move the haunted pet back, he is likely dead real quick. Only time I really use the consume is against heal teams that my undead are weak against.

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