I have a few flawless battle stones want to use them

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Joined:November 19th, 2012
Pet Score:9115
I have a few flawless battle stones want to use them

Post by Sunkat85 » February 5th, 2014, 2:06 pm

Hi I'm Sunkat on bladefist, I collect pets. I have gotten to the fabled pets and now grinding these guys out. I'm looking at my flawless battle stones 2 critter, 1 aqua, and 1 beast. I was wondering what would be the general consistences on which ones to upgrade. Any and all suggestions will be helpful. Going to keep grinding the spirits to recoup some gold. Thanks for all the help. Sunkat.

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Re: I have a few flawless battle stones want to use them

Post by Kpb321 » February 5th, 2014, 3:00 pm

I'd say there are two options really.

1) Stone pets that be immediately helpful in your grinding the tamers/spirits/fabled. So pretty much any of the captured pets in the following thread. Capturing them as rares in a pet battle is better but not always easy.

http://www.warcraftpets.com/community/f ... =10&t=7556

2) Stone the pets that will have to be stoned eventually to get everything as rares (assuming that you want to work on that). There is a list at:

http://www.warcraftpets.com/community/f ... f=2&t=2978

Joined:November 19th, 2012
Pet Score:9115

Re: I have a few flawless battle stones want to use them

Post by Sunkat85 » February 5th, 2014, 4:01 pm

Thank you for both of the links, have them bookmarked for easy access. I have been using the stone to upgrade where needed. Will continue the grind. Sunkat.

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