Rarity Issues Blizz vs Addons

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Rarity Issues Blizz vs Addons

Post by Skyepod » October 30th, 2012, 12:49 pm

Like so many I am totally confused regarding the quality of a companion on the Blizz tooltip and armory vs the quality according to WarcraftPets.com and some add ons.

Is there any reason I should believe WP.com and some add ons over Blizz's own rarity values. I really need help in understanding this.

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Re: Rarity Issues Blizz vs Addons

Post by Quintessence » October 30th, 2012, 1:03 pm

Rarity on the Armory is not consistent. The quality of wild pets will be shown, while the quality of pre-MoP pets will not be shown. Pet item quality often does not correspond with the quality of the learned pet. This can make the armory confusing to browse through.

For example: A rare captured rabbit will show up as a rare rabbit. On the other hand, the Darkmoon Rabbit is an epic item (purple), but once learned it shows up as a rare quality (blue) pet in the journal. The armory doesn't show this, though, and the Darkmoon Rabbit only shows up as epic.

Warcraftpets only lists the quality of the item on the pet's profile. For now, wild pets don't have any quality on the website. We are considering adding quality for personal collections in the near future, though.
Feel free to browse through my pet collecting blog: http://wowpetaddiction.blogspot.com

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Re: Rarity Issues Blizz vs Addons

Post by Skyepod » October 30th, 2012, 1:50 pm

Thank you Quintessence. I have read similar answers elsewhere in the forum, but my confusion is as to how you actually know this for sure. Sorry I don't mean to appear rude, I am just looking for absolute confirmation that your information is truly correct. If I know how you acquired this information I can go ahead and make a complete list of which pets I should be leveling

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Re: Rarity Issues Blizz vs Addons

Post by Quintessence » October 30th, 2012, 2:34 pm

All the information is pulled directly from the Blizzard API. Both addons and the information collected on Warcrafpets is accurate.
Feel free to browse through my pet collecting blog: http://wowpetaddiction.blogspot.com

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Re: Rarity Issues Blizz vs Addons

Post by Skyepod » October 30th, 2012, 3:20 pm

Aah right, that is what I wanted to know. Thank you very much Quintessence. I feel reassured now. :)

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