If a horde player drops the Rodent Crate, can alliance see?

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If a horde player drops the Rodent Crate, can alliance see?

Post by Anarchitect » November 20th, 2013, 11:17 pm

My horde friend has enough to buy a crate but before I have him do it, will I even be able capture one?

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Re: If a horde player drops the Rodent Crate, can alliance s

Post by FuxieDK » November 21st, 2013, 2:27 am

IIRC, the crate can only be dropped inside the camp, making it very deadly to try pet-battling there, if you are wrong faction..

Why not make a level 1 Horde toon, and have a friendly warlock summon you? That would be the safest option, and with account wide pets, you'll still have it on your Alliance toon..

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Re: If a horde player drops the Rodent Crate, can alliance s

Post by Peanutty » November 21st, 2013, 5:03 pm

FuxieDK wrote:IIRC, the crate can only be dropped inside the camp, making it very deadly to try pet-battling there, if you are wrong faction..

Why not make a level 1 Horde toon, and have a friendly warlock summon you? That would be the safest option, and with account wide pets, you'll still have it on your Alliance toon..
Using a lvl 1 won't work. You must have started the quests to unlock the Operation Shieldwall / Dominance Offensive (level 90) to phase in the area where the rodents spawn.

Not sure if you can use the other faction's crate. That would be interesting to test. I would imagine you could since the area should phase in properly but you would very likely be attacked by both NPCs and other players.

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Re: If a horde player drops the Rodent Crate, can alliance s

Post by Tarfui » November 21st, 2013, 6:18 pm

You can see and battle the pets from the opposite faction crate. That is how I got mine. An Alliance pet collector knew me from this site and sent me a message in-game, letting me know when he would be dropping the crate. I showed up and grabbed the first one I could. Didn't care about quality or breed, since I had a stone to upgrade and just wanted it for my collection. If you know when your friend will be dropping the crate, be nearby and target one of them. Set a keybinding for Interact with target (I think) and target one of the ones closest to the edge of the area. Then start spamming the keybinding for Interact as you fly in close. Hopefully you will start the pet battle before you aggro any guards.

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Re: If a horde player drops the Rodent Crate, can alliance s

Post by Anarchitect » November 21st, 2013, 10:06 pm

Good to know, thank you!

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Re: If a horde player drops the Rodent Crate, can alliance s

Post by Shinii » November 21st, 2013, 10:09 pm

if you make a level 1 i will get you there so you can battle it

(all i ask is let me catch 1. I do not care about quality OR breed)

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Re: If a horde player drops the Rodent Crate, can alliance s

Post by Abashera » November 21st, 2013, 10:20 pm

I've been looking everywhere for information. Where do you even pick up quests to get the Commissions? Wowhead doesn't seem to give ANY information about the quests. And killing footmen and such yields no commissions without a quest or something.

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Re: If a horde player drops the Rodent Crate, can alliance s

Post by FuxieDK » November 22nd, 2013, 1:11 am

Jamesdevlin wrote:I've been looking everywhere for information. Where do you even pick up quests to get the Commissions? Wowhead doesn't seem to give ANY information about the quests. And killing footmen and such yields no commissions without a quest or something.
Commissions drop from any humanoid targets in the enemy camp... No quest specific needed, but you might need to have done the first few initial quests.

When I grinded the Sumprush Rodent, it took me 5 hours (with 60-90 minutes break) to farm the required commissions.. Not too bad..

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Re: If a horde player drops the Rodent Crate, can alliance s

Post by Abashera » November 23rd, 2013, 4:13 am

Thank you FuxieDK. I'll have to farm one up soon.

Right now I'm trying to farm a S/S Gilnean Raven. I think I shall never make another Worgan ever again when I get done. I won't be able to stomach the starting zone quests after going through it so many times.

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Re: If a horde player drops the Rodent Crate, can alliance s

Post by Dragonwizard » November 25th, 2013, 7:34 am

Jamesdevlin wrote:Thank you FuxieDK. I'll have to farm one up soon.

Right now I'm trying to farm a S/S Gilnean Raven. I think I shall never make another Worgan ever again when I get done. I won't be able to stomach the starting zone quests after going through it so many times.
You are farming it for no reason. Blizzard made it so the race pets are only one breed. The only way to get a S/S now is to buy/trade for one.
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Re: If a horde player drops the Rodent Crate, can alliance s

Post by Asphodael » November 27th, 2013, 12:28 am

Jamesdevlin wrote:Thank you FuxieDK. I'll have to farm one up soon.

Right now I'm trying to farm a S/S Gilnean Raven. I think I shall never make another Worgan ever again when I get done. I won't be able to stomach the starting zone quests after going through it so many times.
Oh dear god you poor soul.

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