Opinions needed for very indecisive person!!

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Opinions needed for very indecisive person!!

Post by Bellstarz » November 13th, 2013, 9:11 pm

Hi all,

I am hoping that you can all help me make up my mind.

I have the option of buying 4 RAF's to get the pets or buying a sealed box of Reign of Fire cards (thanks hubby for causing this dilemma as a choice for my birthday pressie!) :lol:

I am of two minds, cos I am a big spender IRL (hubby says it has to stop here with this final fling!!) and on Wow and therefore don't have much gold, so wouldn't be able to afford things like spectral tigers, dragon kites etc... in game or out of game...

Alternatively, the RAF pets are not tradeable so if I don't do that I may never see them in my journal either...

HELP ME!!! What would you do? :?:

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Re: Opinions needed for very indecisive person!!

Post by GilroyKilroy » November 13th, 2013, 10:08 pm

Well the 4 RAF's are guaranteed 4 pets. The cards could contain nothing you want.

So its a sure thing vs a long shot.

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Re: Opinions needed for very indecisive person!!

Post by Opallena » November 13th, 2013, 11:25 pm

I'd personally get the RAF pets... Blizzard has a habit of revamping the RAF system, and while that doesn't seem likely this time around there's always the chance. Those TCGs will always be around, and you could get a good trade for one.

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Re: Opinions needed for very indecisive person!!

Post by Shagina » November 14th, 2013, 10:57 am

Opallena wrote:I'd personally get the RAF pets... Blizzard has a habit of revamping the RAF system, and while that doesn't seem likely this time around there's always the chance. Those TCGs will always be around, and you could get a good trade for one.

Another thing to keep in mind is that while you may be broke now, the auction house can be learned by anyone willing to put their mind to it and invest a little effort. In the future you may decide you want to do just that, then those TCG pets will be yours in no time at all.

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Re: Opinions needed for very indecisive person!!

Post by Maizing » November 14th, 2013, 12:04 pm

I have a tendency to spend my gold as soon as I have enough to buy something (such as Master Flight for all 22 of the characters on my 2 active accounts), so I have very little disposable gold, but I have made an alt on Illiden who does nothing but buy and sell pets... and (while it may take a little time), I have been able to get a number of pets that I would otherwise have not been able to afford.

I would also go for the RAF pets over gambling on a box of TCG cards.

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Re: Opinions needed for very indecisive person!!

Post by Yazhi » November 14th, 2013, 1:09 pm

I have the worst rng ever, even in life, so I would definately get the RAF pets, and theres some good deals about for tcg loot atm so just play the ah a little and youll get both!

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Re: Opinions needed for very indecisive person!!

Post by Shinii » November 14th, 2013, 1:40 pm

the way I see it you got 3 options

1st you can get the 4 RAF

2nd you can get the Box (whats in the box?? maybe its a boat!)

3rd you can get box and during blackfriday weekend you can buy battle chests onsale for $5 and you might find other cool deals on game time cards or what not. Then you can set up an account for a friend (co worker, neighbor, ect) and give them it as a christmas gift and tell em it is all paid for a 2 month trail.

you get your tripple XP
a free lvl 80 (per RAF)
a new pet
a happy friend, neighbor, coworker ect
and a possible new friend into the game you love.

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Re: Opinions needed for very indecisive person!!

Post by Dragonwizard » November 14th, 2013, 3:41 pm

Shinii wrote:a free lvl 80 (per RAF)

The free level 80 is for Scroll of Resurection not RaF. Raf you get the boosted XP when leveling together with the RaF person.
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Re: Opinions needed for very indecisive person!!

Post by Bellstarz » November 15th, 2013, 12:54 am

Thanks for your input guys, it really helped give me some clarity! I am going to go with the RAF pets AND mounts LOL yipeeeee :lol:

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