guild pets - a very basic question

someone could me tell if i buy a guild reward pets and then for any reason i leave the guild or transfer my char to another realm i will lost them?
Re: guild pets - a very basic question
Once you've learned them, you keep them. Leaving the guild or moving won't change that I believe.
Re: guild pets - a very basic question
thank you so much for your answer.
and happy holidays
and happy holidays
Re: guild pets - a very basic question
Just as curiosity and some feedback.
I stop to play about 2 years ago, just before all guild achievements and all. And now I am back to wow. and I have plans to join a new guild, because i got transfer to a Brazilian server, and i am Guildless atm. But i was wondering if the things does not works so good as I imagine, what will happened with my pets
(because you know, sometimes in some guilds there is more drama than a person can deal, guilds splited and stuffs like that, i faced it many times in the past, and as they said Once bitten twice shy.)
I stop to play about 2 years ago, just before all guild achievements and all. And now I am back to wow. and I have plans to join a new guild, because i got transfer to a Brazilian server, and i am Guildless atm. But i was wondering if the things does not works so good as I imagine, what will happened with my pets
(because you know, sometimes in some guilds there is more drama than a person can deal, guilds splited and stuffs like that, i faced it many times in the past, and as they said Once bitten twice shy.)