Hi all,
Working on my All Pets Allowed achi, and I've been in Karasang for the past hour or so.
Thing is that I've been trying to get a rare Jungle Grub, but in about 30 fights I've seen 20 or so with the same combo:
Uncommon Jungle Grub
Rare Sirfang Otter
Common Amethyst Spiderling
Madness I tell you.
altaltalt alt.
Serious randomisation issues
Re: Serious randomisation issues
So far as I have heard so far, NOONE has found a rare Jungle Grub yet. So you might as well give that one up for now.
On the other issue, yes, I've noticed the same thing. A lot of the times there's a bunch of pets with the same stats and add pets with the same stats too. Most of the times their spawns are either bound or happened at the exact same time. Nonetheless it's weird.
On the other issue, yes, I've noticed the same thing. A lot of the times there's a bunch of pets with the same stats and add pets with the same stats too. Most of the times their spawns are either bound or happened at the exact same time. Nonetheless it's weird.
Re: Serious randomisation issues
Aye I've just been levelling the last pet, but I've also decided to despawn every Jungle Grub I can see, in the (probably vain) hope that one will spawn a rare for someone.


Re: Serious randomisation issues
There's two things going on there.
First, Jungle Grub only exists in Uncommon rarity at the moment. Same goes for Clouded Hedgehog and Silent Hedgehog. You can verify this with [url=http://schaffhauser.me/Warcraft#PetBreeds]Warla's nifty list[/url].
The second thing is that pet spawns can be linked, in the sense that all of the Kuitan Mongooses within an area will be the same rarity and have the same additional pets come with them (also with the same rarities). This is especially noticeable in Pandaria zones.
First, Jungle Grub only exists in Uncommon rarity at the moment. Same goes for Clouded Hedgehog and Silent Hedgehog. You can verify this with [url=http://schaffhauser.me/Warcraft#PetBreeds]Warla's nifty list[/url].
The second thing is that pet spawns can be linked, in the sense that all of the Kuitan Mongooses within an area will be the same rarity and have the same additional pets come with them (also with the same rarities). This is especially noticeable in Pandaria zones.
Re: Serious randomisation issues
I've also heard, and I can't remember where, that if you despawn a pet team by forfeiting the next spawn is the same thing you forfeited to.
The only way to spawn new rarities is to either kill or defeat pets in the wild.
I wish I could remember where I read that.
The only way to spawn new rarities is to either kill or defeat pets in the wild.
I wish I could remember where I read that.
Re: Serious randomisation issues
Ah fair shout. I kind of gave up after about five anyway. 

Re: Serious randomisation issues
This issue seems to be mostly limited to Panderia as well, I've noticed that all the pets in a certain area will spawn the same pet combination especially the little packs of battle pets. It's nice when a rare is in the group as you can get 3 rares of that pet rather quickly, if no rares it's a PITA. You basically have to clear out every pet in the area and wait for respawn and hope for the best, if not rinse and repeat.
I think the problem lies in those pet packs/families, I think Blizzard meant for the groupings to have the same spawn configuration but it appears to effect all the spawns in a given area. I don't notice the problem as much in areas like the Arboreteum where everything spawns individually.
I think the problem lies in those pet packs/families, I think Blizzard meant for the groupings to have the same spawn configuration but it appears to effect all the spawns in a given area. I don't notice the problem as much in areas like the Arboreteum where everything spawns individually.
Re: Serious randomisation issues
There are a handful of cases in other zones too, notably the time- or weather-dependent spawns. Baby Ape is the most noticeable for me: they seem to spawn in two tightly spaced waves, and each wave has the same rarity/breedID/additional pets. More will spawn as you kill them off, but not a lot more, and these will have different rarities. Restless Shadeling spawns in several small waves between 12:00 and ~12:03, and each wave shares properties. Festival Hatchling reportedly also has this behavior but I haven't encountered one yet to verify.