looking for a macro...
- Ladymagical
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I'm not the best at macro's so I was wondering if anyone has a macro for when a druid shapeshifts a certain pet is also summoned? Basically I want the moonkin pet to appear when my druid shapeshifts into boomkin form and a panther cub to summon when i'm in cat form and a hyjal bear cub when I shapeshift into bear form... 

- Kpb321
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Re: looking for a macro...
should be able to use /cast with a stance
- Maizing
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Re: looking for a macro...
I played around with this. If I did:
/cast Cat Form(Shapeshift)
/summonpet snow cub
It would shapeshift me into cat form, but not summon (or dismiss) the pet... but it would summon/dismiss the pet (depending on whether it was out or not) when I used it to leave the shapeshift form. If I reversed the order of the commands, I just got an error message and could not change form (but it did summon/dismiss the pet).
I think the problem is that you cannot cast two spells at once using a macro and pet summons count as spells, however, it appears that leaving a shapeshift form does not count as a spell (hence my partial success with the first attempt).
I am not very good with macros myself though, so maybe someone else would be able to figure out a way to do this.
/cast Cat Form(Shapeshift)
/summonpet snow cub
It would shapeshift me into cat form, but not summon (or dismiss) the pet... but it would summon/dismiss the pet (depending on whether it was out or not) when I used it to leave the shapeshift form. If I reversed the order of the commands, I just got an error message and could not change form (but it did summon/dismiss the pet).
I think the problem is that you cannot cast two spells at once using a macro and pet summons count as spells, however, it appears that leaving a shapeshift form does not count as a spell (hence my partial success with the first attempt).
I am not very good with macros myself though, so maybe someone else would be able to figure out a way to do this.
Re: looking for a macro...
As a lifelong druid, I can tell you that this is true. Cancelform is not a spell and can be included in a macro with another command, but shifting into a form is a spell and cannot include another command in the macro. I forget the exact terminology, but iirc it has to do with a command triggering a gcd.Maizing wrote:I think the problem is that you cannot cast two spells at once using a macro and pet summons count as spells, however, it appears that leaving a shapeshift form does not count as a spell (hence my partial success with the first attempt)
The only way around this, afaik, is to do a cast sequence, where you spam the key, but if you're already in the form it summons the pet. It wouldn't ever cancel the form, then, so you'd want something else to cancelform--maybe one key for all forms to go back to caster (and summon something else, then?).
I'm a little out of date with macros. I'll check back on the weekend and see if this has a proper answer. If not, I'll fool around with it some.
- Ladymagical
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Re: looking for a macro...
That's about the extent to which my knowledge of macros extends haha... I think you're right about needing a cast sequence type thing but I have no idea how to do thatMaizing wrote: /cast Cat Form(Shapeshift)
/summonpet snow cub

Re: looking for a macro...
Try that:
/cast Cat Form(Shapeshift)
/run local pet,p="snow cub",C_PetJournal for i=1,p.GetNumPets(false) do local id,_,_,m,_,_,_,n=p.GetPetInfoByIndex(i) if n==pet or m==pet then p.SummonPetByID(id) return end end