Designing New Pets

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Designing New Pets

Post by Adumbledore » August 1st, 2013, 5:24 pm

Built upon the Wish List For Pets thread ( ... f=2&t=5628), what abilities would you give your pet(s) if you could (or what abilities would you give new pets)?

For example:

Anetheron/Sathrovarr - Undead

Level 1: Agony, 100% hit chance - Inflicts agony on the target, causing increasing Undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Corrupting Strike, 90% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Slashes at the target with dark energy, dealing X undead damage with a 25% chance to stun the target for 1 round.
Level 4: Carrion Swarm, 100% hit chance - Deals X undead damage to the enemy's active pet and X undead damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 10: Wild Magic, 100% hit chance - Adds X damage to every attack against the target. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 15: Vampiric Aura, 100% hit chance - Deals X undead damage per round for 3 rounds and heals the user for X.
Level 20: Inferno, 100% hit chance - 8 round cooldown - Fade into the Twisting Nether, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, an infernal is summoned and attacks the opponent, dealing X damage each round.

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Re: Designing New Pets

Post by Adumbledore » August 4th, 2013, 11:10 pm

Ok, so I went ahead and figured out abilities for the other pets I mentioned (except for the Dreamform, which I'm still working on). Here they are:

Azgalor/Brutallus/Mannoroth - Humanoid

Level 1: Immolate, 100% hit chance - Deals X elemental damage instantly. The enemy burns for X elemental damage each round for 4 rounds.
Level 2: Rain of Fire, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - The enemy team burns for X elemental damage. The enemy team continues to burn for X elemental damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Earthquake, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - The earth quakes and trembles under the enemy team dealing X elemental damage and slowing targets by 50% for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Cleave, 80% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Deals X humanoid damage and has a 50% chance to deal X humanoid damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 15: Curse of Doom, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Deals X undead damage after 5 rounds.
Level 20: Fel Firestorm, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Summons a Fel Firestorm on the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy team. Enemies hit by the Fel Firestorm take 25% increased damage for 2 rounds. Lasts 2 rounds.

Archimonde - Humanoid

Level 1: Agony, 100% hit chance - Inflicts agony on the target, causing increasing Undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Death Coil, 95% hit chance - Deals X undead damage and heals the user for 50% of the damage dealt.
Level 4: Grip of the Legion, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X humanoid damage and forces the opponent's lowest health pet to swap into battle.
Level 10: Rain of Fire, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - The enemy team burns for X elemental damage. The enemy team continues to burn for X elemental damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Doomfire, 95% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X undead damage instantly. The enemy continues to take X undead damage each round for 2 rounds and heals the user for X.
Level 20: Finger of Death, 75% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X undead damage. If the enemy has less than 20% health remaining, Finger of Death will instantly kill the enemy pet.

Felmyst - Dragonkin

Level 1: Breath, 90% hit chance - Overwhelms the enemy with draconic breath, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 2: Corrosion, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Slowly corrodes the enemy, dealing X elemental damage and increasing the damage the target takes by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Lift-Off, 80% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Fly up high, becoming unattackable for one round. On the next round, you attack, dealing X flying damage.
Level 10: Flame Breath, 100% hit chance - Deals X dragonkin damage instantly. The enemy continues to burn for X dragonkin damage each round for 4 rounds.
Level 15: Encapsulate, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Encase the enemy in dragonfire, dealing X dragonkin damage and preventing the target from fleeing for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Fog of Corruption, 90% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Covers the enemy team in acidic fog, dealing X elemental damage and decreasing the enemy team's accuracy by 20% for 3 rounds.

Entropius - Magic

Level 1: Nether Blast, 100% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a surge of arcane power, dealing X magic damage. Damage increases by X each time it hits. Max X magic damage.
Level 2: Call Darkness, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - A shadow falls across the battlefield, dealing X humanoid damage, and turning the weather to Darkness for 5 rounds. During Darkness, all pets are considered Blinded and all healing received is reduced by 50%.
Level 4: Negative Energy, 85% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Shoots a beam of negative energy at the target, dealing X undead damage to the target and X undead damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 10: Drain Power, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X magic damage, reduces the target's damage by 25% for 2 rounds and increases the user's damage by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Prismatic Barrier, 5 round cooldown - Creates a crystal wall that blocks two attacks. Allied and enemy attacks both count.
Level 20: Void Zone, 90% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Creates a void zone under the target, dealing increasing undead damage every round for 3 rounds. While in the void zone, the target is prevented from fleeing.

Kil'Jaeden - Humanoid

Level 1: Shadow Spike, 85% hit chance - Spikes the enemy with dark energy, dealing X undead damage.
Level 2: Fire Bloom, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Sets the enemy team ablaze, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy team each round for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Soul Portal, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X undead damage and forces one of the opponent's pets to swap into battle.
Level 10: Sinister Reflection, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Reflects 50% damage done back to the attacker on the next attack. User is healed for 100% of the damage.
Level 15: Legion Lightning, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Shoots fel lightning at the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy and X elemental damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 20: Darkness of a Thousand Souls, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - First Use: Kil'Jaeden summons the souls of those vanquished in battle against the Legion, covering himself with wings. Second Use: Kil'Jaeden unleashes the souls, dealing X undead damage to the enemy team and increasing the damage they take by 50% for 2 rounds.

High Warlord Naj'entus - Aquatic

Level 1: Water Jet, 95% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a jet of water, dealing X aquatic damage.
Level 2: Spiked Skin - Reduces up to X damage from each attack against you and deals X dragonkin damage each time you take damage. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Impaling Spine, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Throws a spine at the target, dealing X dragonkin damage instantly and placing the "Growing Backbone" debuff on the target. After 2 rounds, the backbone is complete and the target is stunned for 1 round.
Level 10: Grasp, 100% hit chance - Grabs the target, dealing X aquatic damage. The target cannot swap for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Whirlpool, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Causes a whirlpool to form under the enemy pet. In 2 rounds, the opponent's pet will take X aquatic damage and be rooted for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Tidal Shield, 8 round cooldown - Deals X aquatic damage to the enemy pet when hit and an additional X aquatic damage each round for 2 rounds. The shield will expire if hit. If the shield is allowed to last more than 1 round, it will burst, healing Naj'entus for 50% of his total health.

Supremus - Magic

Level 1: Molten Flame, 90% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with molten lava, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Gaze, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - A sharp gaze fixes on the enemy pet, increasing damage taken by 100% for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Conflagrate, 95% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X elemental damage. Deals an additional X elemental damage if the target is Burning.
Level 10: Molten Punch, 85% hit chance - Punches the enemy with fists ablaze with lava. Deals X elemental damage and an additional X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Scorched Earth, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Scorches the ground, dealing X dragonkin damage and dealing X dragonkin damage to all active pets each round for 9 rounds. During Scorched Earth, all pets counts as Burning.
Level 20: Volcano, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Causes the ground beneath the enemy team to tremble. After 2 rounds, the ground erupts for 2 rounds, causing the current enemy pet to take X elemental damage and have a 25% chance to be stunned for 1 round.

Reliquary of Souls/Devourer of Souls - Undead

Level 1: Spirit Shock, 90% hit chance - Shocks the spirit of the target, dealing X undead damage.
Level 2: Aura of Suffering, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X undead damage to the enemy team. Also reduces healing done to the enemy team by 50%. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 4: Aura of Desire, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X undead damage to the enemy team. 25% of damage taken by user is reflected back to the attacker. Lasts 2 rounds
Level 10: Phantom Blast, 85% hit chance - Blasts the target with ghostly energy, dealing X undead damage.
Level 15: Aura of Anger, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals increasing undead damage to the enemy team each round for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Wailing Souls, 90% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Lets loose the tormented souls trapped in the Forge of Souls, dealing X undead damage. Also places a debuff on the target, dealing increasing undead damage each round for 2 rounds.

Mother Shahraz - Humanoid

Level 1: Sinful Beam, 100% hit chance - Shoots a beam of unholy energy at the target, dealing X undead damage. Damage increases by X each time it hits. Max X damage.
Level 2: Soul Ward, 3 round cooldown - A ward of powerful magic surrounds you, blocking the next attack.
Level 4: Silencing Shriek, 100% hit chance, 10 round cooldown - Your opponent's next attack becomes unusable for 5 rounds.
Level 10: Cleave, 80% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Deals X humanoid damage and has a 50% chance to deal X humanoid damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 15: Prismatic Aura, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Reduces the caster's damage taken from a random ability type by 25% for 3 rounds. Increases the enemy's damage taken from a random ability type by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Fatal Attraction, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Forces one of the opponent's pets to swap into battle and deals X undead damage to the pet swapped in.

Illidan Stormrage - Humanoid

Level 1: Draw Soul, 100% hit chance - Draws the soul out of the target, dealing X undead damage. The user is healed for 100% of the damage dealt.
Level 2: Dark Barrage, 100% hit chance - Hurls a barrage of dark energy at the enemy team, dealing X undead damage to the enemy's active pet and X undead damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 4: Shadow Demons, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Fade into the shadows, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, shadow demons are summoned to attack the opponent, dealing X undead damage each round.
Level 10: Parasitic Shadowfiend, 100% hit chance - A parasitic shadowfiend attaches itself to the enemy's active pet, dealing X undead damage and healing the user for X every round for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Aura of Dread, 80% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - An aura of dread surrounds Illidan, dealing X undead damage each round for 3 rounds. Each time the enemy is hit by the aura, they take 25% increased damage for 1 round.
Level 20: The Demon Within, 8 round cooldown - First Use: Illidan surrenders to the demon inside, transforming into one of the Burning Legion. Doing so charges his warglaives with fel energy. Second Use: Illidan takes out his vengeance on the enemy, carving them up for X humanoid damage plus X elemental damage for each round between uses.

Anub'arak - Humanoid

Level 1: Locust Swarm, 100% hit chance - A swarm of locusts surrounds the target, dealing increasing undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Carrion Beetles, 100% hit chance - Carrion Beetles attack the enemy pet, dealing X undead damage and healing the user for X every round for 3 rounds.
Level 4: Burrow, 80% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Burrow under the ground, becoming unattackable for one round. On the next round, you attack, dealing X beast damage.
Level 10: Acid Spit, 100% hit chance - Instantly deals X beast damage and Poisons the target for X additional elemental damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Leeching Swarm, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - A swarm of leeches covers the enemy's pet dealing increasing undead damage each round for 2 rounds. User is healed for 100% of the damage dealt.
Level 20: Impale, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - A spike of bone is launched at the target, dealing X humanoid damage with a 50% chance to stun the target for 1 round. Chance to stun is increased to 100% if the weather is Darkness.

Lord Marrowgar - Undead

Level 1: Absorb, 100% hit chance - Deals X undead damage. The user is healed for 100% of the damage dealt.
Level 2: Curse of Doom, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Deals X undead damage after 5 rounds.
Level 4: Bone Spike Graveyard, 80% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Hurls a massive bone spike at the enemy pet, dealing X undead damage and 10% of the pet's total health each round for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Coldflame, 90% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - A line of frost pummels the enemy pet, dealing X aquatic damage and X elemental damage to the enemy pet each round for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Bone Slice, 80% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X humanoid damage and have a 25% chance to deal X humanoid damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 20: Storm of Bones, 80% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Lord Marrowgar attacks the enemy team in a whirlwind of bone, dealing X undead damage to the enemy team each round for 2 rounds. Enemies hit by the storm take 50% increased damage for 2 rounds.

Blood Queen Lana'thel - Humanoid

Level 1: Twilight Bloodbolt, 90% hit chance - Shoots a bolt of corrupted blood at the target, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Vampiric Bite, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Bites the enemy with the dark energy of the San'layn, dealing X humanoid damage, and turning the enemy into one of the San'layn for 3 rounds. While a San'layn, target's type becomes Undead.
Level 4: Bloodbolt Storm, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Blood-Queen Lana'thel flies into the air, becoming unattackable. On the next round, she spins around, throwing bloodbolts at the enemy team, dealing X undead damage and reducing the enemy team's speed by 25% for 4 rounds.
Level 10: Delirious Slash, 85% hit chance - Deals X undead damage instantly and X undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Blood Mirror, 75% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Injects the enemy's active pet with corrupted blood, causing the caster to reflect 25% of damage done to them back to the attacker. User is healed for 100% of the reflected damage. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 20: Pact of the Darkfallen, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The Pact of the Darkfallen spells the enemy's doom, dealing X undead damage to the enemy team each round until either 3 rounds have passed or one of the enemy pets has expired.

The Lich King - Humanoid

Level 1: Harvest Souls, 100% hit chance - The Lich King lifts the enemy's team off the ground, draining the life out of them. Deals X undead damage to the enemy team. User is healed for 100% of damage dealt.
Level 2: Pain and Suffering, 90% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Pain and Suffering afflicts the enemy team, dealing X undead damage. The enemy's active pet also takes X undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Soul Reaper, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - The Lich King strikes the enemy with Frostmourne, dealing X humanoid damage and healing for 100% of damage dealt. If the target pet has less than 50% health remaining, Soul Reaper will deal an additional X undead damage and increase the user's damage dealt by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Infest, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - The Lich King infests the enemy team with dark energy, dealing increasing undead damage each round for 2 rounds. If the target is healed above 75%, Infest will expire.
Level 15: Necrotic Plague, 80% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - The Lich King inflicts the enemy's active pet with Necrotic Plague, dealing increasing undead damage each round for 3 rounds. If the target dies while under the effects of Necrotic Plague, it will jump to the next enemy pet swapped in.
Level 20: Frostmourne Hungers, 90% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The Lich King lifts the enemy pet into the air before carving them up, dealing X humanoid damage and an additional X undead damage if faster than the enemy. Frostmourne also steals the soul of the enemy pet, bringing it into Frostmourne where it must fight the sword's guardians for 3 rounds before being released. While in Frostmourne, the pet is considered dead.

Flame Leviathan - Mechanical

Level 1: Flatten, 100% hit chance - Rushes to the enemy, dealing X mechanical damage. This move always goes first.
Level 2: Shock and Awe, 95% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X mechanical damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target for one round.
Level 4: Battering Ram, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Charges towards an enemy like a battering ram, dealing X mechanical damage and forces an opponent's pet to swap into battle.
Level 10: Gathering Speed, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Make repairs to the Leviathan, dealing X mechanical damage to the enemy and increasing your speed by 20%. Your speed continues to increase each time you use Gathering Speed.
Level 15: Flame Vents, 100% hit chance - Ignites the flame vents in the Leviathan, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy's current pet each round. Lasts 9 rounds.
Level 20: Missile Barrage, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - First Use: Fires a barrage of missiles into the air. Second Use: The missiles lock on their targets and attack the enemy team for X mechanical damage.

Mimiron - Mechanical

Level 1: Laser, 200% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a laser of arcane power, dealing X magic damage.
Level 2: Napalm Shell, 100% hit chance - Deals X elemental damage instantly. The enemy Burns for X additional elemental damage per round for 4 rounds.
Level 4: Rocket Strike, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Shoots a rocket at the enemy, dealing X mechanical damage. Also shoots a rocket into the air that will detonate after 1 round, dealing X mechanical damage to the enemy's team.
Level 10: Rapid Burst, 95% hit chance - Rapidly shoots the enemy with lasers 1-2 times, dealing X mechanical damage. Hits an additional time if the user is faster than the enemy.
Level 15: Magnetic Field, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - The magnetic field surrounding Mimiron becomes unstable, dealing X mechanical damage and causing a Lightning Storm. During a Lightning Storm, all pets deal X bonus mechanical damage on each attack and mechanical abilities deal 25% more damage. The Lightning Storm lasts 5 rounds.
Level 20: Explode, 100% hit chance - Instantly kills the caster, dealing damage equal to 40% of the user's total health to the enemy. Using Explode will prevent the caster from activating failsafe mechanisms.

Freya - Humanoid

Level 1: Iron Roots, 100% hit chance - Iron Roots surround the target, dealing X elemental damage and preventing the target from fleeing for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Touch of Eonar - Restores X health each round for 5 rounds. Twice as effective in sunny weather.
Level 4: Solar Flare, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Freya calls upon the power of the sun to deal X elemental damage to the enemy team and changes the weather to Sunlight. During a sunny day, the maximum health of all pets is increased by 50%, and healing done is increased by 25%.
Level 10: Nature Bomb, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Nature Bombs fall on the enemy team, Poisoning them for X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Attuned to Nature, 90% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Freya becomes more Attuned to Nature, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy and increasing healing done to the caster by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Conservatrix of Life, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Freya channels the power of Eonar to balance life and death. Health is equalized between all living pets. Health gained cannot exceed the caster's maximum health.

Thorim - Humanoid

Level 1: Orb of Lightning, 100% hit chance - Thorim throws an orb of lightning at the enemy, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Chain Lightning, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Shoots a bolt of lightning at the enemy's team, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy's active pet and X elemental damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 4: Stormhammer, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Thorim charges his hammer with lightning before throwing it at the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage and X elemental damage each round for 2 rounds. Enemies hit by the stormhammer have their speed reduced by 50% for 1 round.
Level 10: Unbalancing Strike, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Thorim swings his mighty hammer at the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage. Enemies hit by the hammer take 25% increased damage for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Sheath of Lightning, 4 round cooldown - Deals X elemental damage each time you take direct damage. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 20: Thunderstorm, 90% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Thorim summons a Thunderstorm, adding X elemental damage to each attack and also giving each attack a 25% chance to stun the target for 1 round. Lasts 3 rounds. Chance to stun is increased to 100% during a Lightning Storm.

Hodir - Humanoid

Level 1: Icicle, 100% hit chance - Hodir throws an Icicle at the target dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Biting Cold, 100% hit chance - The aura of cold emanating from Hodir is strong, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy pet each round. Lasts 9 rounds.
Level 4: Flash Freeze, 85% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X elemental damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target for 1 round. Chance to stun is increased to 100% if the target is Chilled.
Level 10: Freeze, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals increasing elemental damage each round for 3 rounds. On the 3rd round, the pet is Frozen, preventing them from fleeing for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Frozen Blows, 4 round cooldown - Adds X elemental damage to each attack and gives each attack a 25% chance to reduce the speed of the target by 25% for 1 round.
Level 20: Frosty's Revenge, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Hodir summons Winter on the enemy team before disappearing into the snow, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, snowmen are created and ravage the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage each round before melting.

Algalon the Observer - Magic

Level 1: Quantum Strike, 100% hit chance - Algalon smashes the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Cosmic Smash, 90% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Algalon summons a meteorite to fall on the enemy pet, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 4: The Big Bang, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Algalon summons The Big Bang, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy team and increasing their damage taken by 50% for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Black Hole Explosion, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Algalon summons a Black Hole underneath the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy's active pet and X elemental damage to the enemy's backline pets. Pets hit by the Black Hole have their speed reduced by 25% for 1 round.
Level 15: Phase Punch, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Algalon punches the target with the power of the heavens, dealing X humanoid damage and causing the enemy to become Phased for 1 round. While Phased, the target takes 25% less damage, but also deals 25% less damage.
Level 20: Ascend to the Heavens, 50% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Algalon's analysis of the enemy team has not proved favorable, causing him to re-originate the enemy team. Deals X elemental damage to the enemy team instantly and increasing elemental damage each round for 2 rounds. Enemies not killed by Ascend to the Heavens have their accuracy and critical strike chance reduced by 25% for 2 rounds.

Twilight Dragon Whelpling - Dragonkin

Level 1: Twilight Breath, 90% hit chance - Overwhelms the target with dark draconic breath, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 2: Devouring Flames, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Sets the target ablaze with shadowflame, dealing X dragonkin damage instantly and X dragonkin damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 4: Blackout, 80% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Sends a bolt of pure twilight energy at the enemy pet, dealing X dragonkin damage and increasing dragonkin damage each round for 2 rounds. If no enemies are hit by Blackout, the caster's speed is increased by 50% for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Twilight Shift, 3 round cooldown - Shifts into the Realm of Twilight, reducing damage taken by 50% for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Call Darkness, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - A shadow falls across the battlefield, dealing 591 Humanoid damage and turning the weather to Darkness for 5 rounds. During Darkness, all pets are considered Blinded and all healing received is reduced by 50%.
Level 20: Hour of Twilight, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The Hour of Twilight has fallen, causing the enemy team to take X dragonkin damage and sending them to the Twilight Realm. While in the Twilight Realm, they take increasing dragonkin damage each round for 3 rounds.

Al'Akir - Elemental

Level 1: Electrocute, 100% hit chance - Electrocutes the enemy pet for X elemental damage.
Level 2: Acid Rain, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Summons a storm of acid rain, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy team instantly and an additional X elemental damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Wind Burst, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - A burst of wind energy hits the enemy pet, dealing X flying damage and forces an opponent's pet to swap into battle.
Level 10: Squall Line, 100% hit chance - A line of tornadoes washes over the enemy team, dealing X flying damage. Destroys objects created by both teams.
Level 15: Lightning Strike, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Calls down a bolt of lightning that arcs, dealing X elemental damage to each of the enemy's pets.
Level 20: Hurricane, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Al'Akir summons a hurricane upon the enemy team, dealing X flying damage to the enemy team every round. Enemies hit by the Hurricane have their speed reduced by 25% for 1 round. Lasts 3 rounds.

Therazane - Elemental

Level 1: Boulder Shot, 95% hit chance - Hurls a boulder at the target, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Stoneskin - Reduces up to X damage from each attack against you. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Earthquake, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - The earth quakes and trembles under the enemy team dealing X elemental damage and slowing targets by 50% for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Rupture, 95% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Stone spikes erupt from the ground, dealing X Elemental damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target.
Level 15: Sandstorm, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X Flying damage and turns the weather into a sandstorm for 9 rounds. During a sandstorm, all pets take X less damage and their accuracy is reduced by 10%.
Level 20: Earth's Vengeance, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Therazane conjures her hatred for all who have made her kind suffer. All enemies are hit for X elemental damage each round. Those hit take 50% increased damage for 3 rounds. Lasts 3 rounds.

Neptulon - Elemental

Level 1: Ice Crystals, 100% hit chance - Neptulon throws icicles at the enemy, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Drench, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Neptulon drenches the target with water from the deepest parts of the sea, dealing X aquatic damage and an additional X elemental damage each round for 1 round.
Level 4: Vortex, 80% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Neptulon attacks the enemy team in a whirlwind of freezing water, dealing X aquatic damage to the enemy team each round for 2 rounds. Enemies hit by the storm take 50% increased damage for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Chilling Touch, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Neptulon slams the target with his fist, dealing X elemental damage and causing the target to be slowed by 25% for 1 round.
Level 15: Purified Waters, 3 round cooldown - Restores X health to your team and calls down a Cleansing Rain for 9 rounds. During a Cleansing Rain, the duration of hostile damage over time effects is reduced by 1 round and Aquatic abilities deal 25% more damage.
Level 20: Frost Storm, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Neptulon disperses into many water elementals, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. While dispersed, the elementals attack the enemy for X elemental damage each round.

Naaru - Magic

Level 1: Flash, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - A brilliant flash deals X magic damage and Blinds the target, reducing their hit chance by 50% for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Purity, 2 round cooldown - Removes all buffs and debuffs from the user.
Level 4: Light Cocoon, 5 round cooldown - Become wrapped in a cocoon of pure light energy, restoring X health on the first round, X health on the second, then X health on the third. While inside the cocoon you cannot swap pets.
Level 10: Light, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Covers the enemy in brilliant light, dealing X magic damage. Deals double damage if the target is Blinded.
Level 15: Prismatic Barrier, 5 round cooldown - Creates a crystal wall that blocks two attacks. Allied and enemy attacks both count.
Level 20: The Holy Light of Creation, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The Holy Light of Creation flows from the Naaru into your pets. Your pets are healed for X and are cleared of all debuffs.

Chromatic Dragon Whelpling - Dragonkin

Level 1: Chromatic Breath, 90% hit chance - Overwhelms the enemy with chromatic breath, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 2: Brood Affliction: Green, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Shoots a bolt of nature energy at the target that Poisons the target for X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds and reduces healing done to the target by 50% for 3 rounds.
Level 4: Time Lapse, 75% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - The power of the Bronze Dragonflight hits the enemy for X dragonkin damage plus half of the last hit the target took. If Time Lapse misses, the target is stunned for 1 round.
Level 10: Incinerate, 100% hit chance - Deals X elemental damage instantly. The enemy Burns for X additional elemental damage per round for 4 rounds.
Level 15: Brood Affliction: Red, 85% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Burns the target for X dragonkin damage each round for 3 rounds. If the target is killed by Brood Affliction: Red, the user is healed for X.
Level 20: Triple Breath, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The Chromatic Dragon Whelpling overwhelms the enemy with 3 dragon breath attacks, dealing X elemental damage, X dragonkin damage, and X aquatic damage.

Xavius - Humanoid

Level 1: Poisoned Branch, 100% hit chance - Instantly deals X Elemental damage and Poisons the target for X additional Elemental damage per round for 4 rounds.
Level 2: Barkskin, 4 round cooldown - Reduces X damage from each attack and heals for X each round for 3 rounds.
Level 4: Sleepwalkers, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Xavius summons Sleepwalkers from the Emerald Nightmare. During this time, he fades into the Emerald Nightmare, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, the Sleepwalkers attack the opponent, dealing X humanoid damage each round.
Level 10: Satyr Strike, 90% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Strikes the enemy for X humanoid damage and reduces the enemy's accuracy by 20% for 1 round.
Level 15: Emerald Nightmare, 50% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Fall asleep, dealing X elemental damage on the first round, X damage on the second, then X damage on the third. While in the Emerald Nightmare, you cannot swap pets.
Level 20: The Nightmare Lord, 50% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Xavius turns into a tree, becoming the Nightmare Lord. He pulls the enemy into the Emerald Nightmare where the enemy has a 25% chance to do 50% of the damage they would do to themselves each round for 2 rounds. If the Nightmare Lord misses both rounds, the enemy is stunned in fear for 1 round.

Dryad - Humanoid

Level 1: Spear Strike, 90% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - The dryad strikes the enemy with her spear, dealing X humanoid damage and poisoning the enemy for X elemental damage for 1 round.
Level 2: Tranquility - Fills the area with peace, causing your active pet to restore X health every round. Lasts 2 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 4: Mark of the Wild, 5 round cooldown - Increases the caster's damage, speed, and critical strike chance by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Entangling Roots, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Causes a thick nest of vines to begin growing around the enemy team. Next round, the opponent's pet will take X Elemental damage and be rooted for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Elusiveness, 3 round cooldown - The dryad melds into the forest surrounding her, reducing damage taken by 50% for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Daughters of Cenarius, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The dryad summons other Daughters of Cenarius. During this time, she fades into the forest, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, the Daughters attack the opponent, dealing X humanoid damage each round.

Cho'Gall - Humanoid

Level 1: Corrupted Blood, 90% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Cho'Gall shoots a ball of corrupted blood at the target, dealing X humanoid damage and increasing damage taken by 25% for 1 round.
Level 2: Order the Flame, 3 round cooldown - Cho'Gall sets his fists aflame, giving each attack the ability to deal an extra X elemental damage. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 4: Debilitating Beam, 80% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Cho'Gall shoots a beam of debilitating energy at the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage and causing the enemy to deal 50% less damage and take 50% less healing for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Corrupting Crash, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Cho'Gall fires a shadow missile at the enemy team, dealing X undead damage to the enemy pet and X undead damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 15: Order the Shadow, 3 round cooldown - Cho'Gall surrounds his fists with shadow magic, giving each attack the ability to deal X undead damage to the enemy's backline pets. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 20: Corruption of the Old God, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Cho'Gall becomes completely corrupted by the Old Gods, giving him a damaging aura. Each round, the enemy team will take X undead damage and have their speed slowed by 25%. Lasts 3 rounds.

Arakkoa - Flying

Level 1: Shadowbolt Volley, 100% hit chance - A volley of shadow bolts is shot at the enemy team dealing X undead damage to the enemy pet and X damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 2: Polymorph, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Polymorphs the enemy target into a sheep, rendering them docile. Lasts 2 rounds. For every round they stay a sheep, they gain X health. Polymorph is broken by any damage.
Level 4: Lift-Off, 80% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Fly up high, becoming unattackable for one round. On the next round, you attack, dealing X flying damage.
Level 10: Cyclone, 5 round cooldown - Creates a cyclone which has a 35% chance to deal 137 Flying damage to the enemy team each round. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 15: Frenzy, 4 round cooldown - Increases the caster's speed by 50% and damage by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Chosen One, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The arakkoa selects a random member of the enemy team to become the Chosen One. That pet then swaps into battle, taking X flying damage and they have their accuracy and damage decreased by 25% for 3 rounds.

Naga - Humanoid (or Aquatic)

Level 1: Forked Lightning, 100% hit chance - The Naga shoots lightning from their fingertips, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy pet and X damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 2: Crushing Wave, 100% hit chance - A crushing wave deals X aquatic damage to the enemy team. Destroys objects created by both teams.
Level 4: Submerge, 80% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Submerge under the water, becoming unattackable for one round. On the next round, you attack, dealing X aquatic damage.
Level 10: Ensnare, 100% hit chance - The naga throw a net at the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage and preventing the target from fleeing for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Whirlpool, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Causes a whirlpool to form under the enemy pet. In two rounds, the opponent's pet will take X aquatic damage and be rooted for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Summon Sea Elemental, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The Naga summons a Sea Elemental. During this time, the user goes underwater, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, the Sea Elemental attack the opponent, dealing X aquatic damage each round.

Chromatus - Dragonkin

Level 1: Ignite Flesh, 100% hit chance - Deals X elemental damage instantly. The enemy Burns for X additional elemental damage per round for 4 rounds.
Level 2: Chromatic Chaos, 80% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - A random head of Chromatus breathes on the target, dealing X dragonkin, elemental, undead, or aquatic damage.
Level 4: Aspect-Killer, 80% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Chromatus' heads converge on the enemy pet, dealing X dragonkin damage and producing one of the following effects for 2 rounds: reduce speed by 50%, reduce accuracy by 25%, reduce healing taken by 50%, Poisoning the target for X elemental damage, or inflict Agony on the target, causing increasing Undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Frost Burn, 90% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Chromatus' blue head breathes on the enemy pet, dealing X dragonkin damage and reducing the target's speed by 25% for 1 round.
Level 15: Sands of Time, 5 round cooldown - Reverses time to undo damage taken over the past 2 rounds. Using this ability drains the caster, reducing their speed and accuracy by 20% for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Deathwing's Darling, 8 round cooldown - Chromatus is blessed with the Destroyer's power, reducing damage taken by 50% for 3 rounds, and increasing damage done by 50% for 3 rounds. After expiring, the loss of such power drains Chromatus for 20% of his total health.

Medivh - Humanoid

Level 1: Arcane Blast, 100% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a surge of arcane power, dealing X magic damage. Damage increases by X each time it hits. Max X magic damage.
Level 2: Evocation, 4 round cooldown - The caster restores 40% of their total health over 2 rounds.
Level 4: Dark Portal, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Medivh conjures a replica of the Dark Portal and forces his opponent into it. This deals X magic damage and forces an opponent's pet to swap into battle.
Level 10: Blizzard, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X elemental damage and causes a Blizzard for 9 rounds. During a Blizzard, all pets are considered Chilled.
Level 15: Pyroblast, 85% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Hurls a fiery boulder at the target, causing X elemental damage. The target Burns for X additional elemental damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Essence Weaving, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Medivh casts a spell of great power, weaving his own essence into the magic. He then hurls the magic at the target, dealing X magic damage and an additional X magic damage each round for 2 rounds. Casting this drains Medivh, causing him to take 25% increased damage for 2 rounds.

Death Knight - Humanoid

Level 1: Death Coil, 95% hit chance - Deals X undead damage and heals the user for 50% of the damage dealt.
Level 2: Bone Shield, 4 round cooldown - Reduces all damage taken by 25% for the next 6 attacks made against you.
Level 4: Master of Diseases, 85% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Inflicts the target with Frost Fever and Blood Plague, causing X undead damage and slowing speed by 50% for 2 rounds and increasing damage taken by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Howling Blast, 100% hit chance - A blast of bone-chilling wind hits the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy pet and X elemental damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 15: Unholy Aura, 3 round cooldown - Increases your team's speed and accuracy by 25% for 4 rounds.
Level 20: Army of the Dead, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The Death Knight summons a legion of ghouls in front of him, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, the ghouls attack the opponent, dealing X undead damage each round.

Druid - Humanoid

Level 1: Moonfire, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X magic damage and turns the weather into Moonlight for 9 rounds. During Moonlight, all pets receive 25% additional healing and Magic abilities deal 10% additional damage.
Level 2: Rejuvenation, 3 round cooldown - Rejuvenates the caster, replenishing X health each round.
Level 4: Symbiosis, 4 round cooldown - Grants the caster the ability to use one of the enemy's abilities. The ability is chosen at random. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 10: Rip, 100% hit chance - Deals X beast damage and causes the target to Bleed for X beast damage per round for 5 rounds.
Level 15: Starsurge, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - The druid shoots a devastating bolt of Spellstorm energy at the target, dealing X magic damage.
Level 20: Bear Form, 8 round cooldown - The druid transforms into a Bear Form, increasing damage dealt, health, and critical strike by 40% for 3 rounds. The caster's accuracy and speed are reduced by 25% for 3 rounds.

Hunter - Humanoid

Level 1: Arcane Shot, 95% hit chance - The hunter shoots an arrow imbued with arcane power at the target dealing X magic damage.
Level 2: Explosive Trap, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - A highly inflammable trap is placed under the enemy team where it explodes, doing X elemental damage to the enemy team each round for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Aspect of the Iron Hawk, 5 round cooldown - The hunter gains the Aspect of the Iron Hawk, increasing damage done by 25% and reducing damage taken by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Black Arrow, 100% hit chance - Shadow energy surrounds the arrow of the hunter, dealing X undead damage and X additional undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Kill Command, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - The hunter orders a Kill Command to their pet, causing it to deal X beast damage. If the enemy is not killed by Kill Command, they will take 25% additional damage for 1 round.
Level 20: Stampede, 80% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - All of the hunter's pets come out and perform a stampede, hitting the enemy 4 times for X beast damage each. If the enemy is hit at least twice by the stampede, they will have their speed reduced by 25% for 2 rounds.

Mage - Humanoid

Level 1: Frostbolt, 90% hit chance - The mage sends a bolt of frozen water at the enemy dealing X elemental damage. Enemies hit by the frostbolt have their speed reduced by 25% for 1 round.
Level 2: Polymorph, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Polymorphs the enemy target into a sheep, rendering them docile. Lasts 2 rounds. For every round they stay a sheep, they gain X health. Polymorph is broken by any damage.
Level 4: Arcane Power, 5 round cooldown - When activated, the mage gains 30% increased damage and 30% increased critical strike chance. The caster's speed is reduced by 25%. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 10: Pyroblast, 85% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Hurls a fiery boulder at the target, causing X elemental damage. The target Burns for X additional elemental damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Evocation, 4 round cooldown - The caster restores 40% of their total health over 2 rounds.
Level 20: Dragon's Breath, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The mage conjures up dragon's breath, dealing X elemental damage and disorienting the target, preventing them from taking action for 1 round. The disorientation also roots the target, causing it to be unable to swap for 2 rounds.

Monk - Humanoid

Level 1: Dizzying Haze, 90% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - The monk throws a keg of brew at the enemy's team, dealing X humanoid damage. Also gives the Dizzying Haze debuff, reducing accuracy by 10% for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Renewing Mists - Fills the area with a healing mist, causing your front pet to restore X health every round. Lasts 3 rounds. Persists through pet swaps..
Level 4: Revival, 5 round cooldown - Channeling chi energy, your team is healed for X health and is cleared of all buffs and debuffs.
Level 10: Breath of Fire, 100% hit chance - Breathes a cone of fire at the enemy, dealing X elemental damage. If the enemy has the Dizzying Haze debuff on them, they are dealt an additional X elemental damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Fists of Fury, 85% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Fists are a monk's greatest weapons, as you demonstrate. Deals X humanoid damage to the enemy pet and has a 25% chance to stun for 1 round.
Level 20: Storm, Earth, and Fire, 8 round cooldown - Conjures up 3 monk spirits: Storm, Earth, and Fire to attack your enemies. Each round, a random spirit will perform the same attack you make, but for 25% of the damage you do. This damage is classified as elemental. It cannot crit and no added effects (stun, sleep, etc.) can be applied via this damage. Lasts 3 rounds.

Paladin - Humanoid

Level 1: Holy Wrath, 100% hit chance - Shoots out bolts of holy energy in all directions, dealing X humanoid damage to the enemy team.
Level 2: Divine Favor, 3 round cooldown - Increases speed and critical strike chance by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Holy Radiance, 5 round cooldown - The paladin glows with the Holy Light, healing your team for X and Blinding the enemy team for 3 rounds. Blinded victims have 50% reduced accuracy.
Level 10: Exorcism, 95% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Forcibly expels the evil in the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage and an additional X humanoid damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Shield of the Righteous, 90% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Throws a holy shield at the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage and reducing the damage you take by 25% for 1 round.
Level 20: Divine Shield, 8 round cooldown - Protects the Paladin from all attacks for the next 2 rounds, but reduces the damage you deal by 50% for the duration of the shield.

Priest - Humanoid

Level 1: Holy Fire, 100% hit chance - Blasts the opponent with a pillar of holy light, dealing X humanoid damage and an additional X humanoid damage for 1 round.
Level 2: Penance, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Launches a volley of holy light at the target, hitting them 3 separate times. Each hit deals X humanoid damage. The caster is healed for 100% of total damage done.
Level 4: Devouring Plague, 90% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - The priest places a shadowy disease on the target, dealing X undead damage and an additional X undead damage each round for 3 rounds. The caster is healed for 50% of damage done.
Level 10: Mind Flay, 85% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Tendrils of shadow magic attack the enemy, dealing X undead damage and slowing their speed by 50% for 1 round.
Level 15: Power Word: Shield, 3 round cooldown - Protects the caster from all attacks for 1 round.
Level 20: Divine Hymn, 8 round cooldown - The power of the Holy Light flows through the priest, healing their team for 20% of their total health each round for 3 rounds.

Rogue - Humanoid

Level 1: Revealing Strike, 90% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Strikes the enemy where it hurts most, dealing X humanoid damage and increasing their damage taken by 25% for 1 round.
Level 2: Blade Flurry, 100% hit chance - The rogue strikes the enemy team in a flurry of blades, dealing X humanoid damage to the enemy team.
Level 4: Dispatch, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Attempts to dispatch of the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage. If the target is below 35% health, Dispatch does double damage.
Level 10: Find Weakness, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Mastery of combat allows the rogue to pinpoint where attacks will do the most damage, causing the enemy to take 100% increased damage for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Hemorrhage, 100% hit chance - A vicious attempt at bloodletting, dealing X humanoid damage and causing the target to bleed for X additional humanoid damage each round for 5 rounds.
Level 20: Cheat Death, 8 round cooldown - The rogue's mastery at escaping is such that they can even cheat death, reducing damage taken by 75% for 3 rounds. If the rogue is killed the next round, they are reborn with full health, but lose 20% health per round.

Shaman - Humanoid

Level 1: Lava Burst, 100% hit chance - Hurls molten lava at the target, dealing X elemental damage. If the target is Burning, Lava Burst will critically strike.
Level 2: Riptide, 3 round cooldown - Instantly heals the target for X, and an additional X each round for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Thunderstorm, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Calls down a bolt of lightning on the target, dealing X elemental damage and causing an opponent's pet to swap in. The swapped in pet has their speed reduced by 20% for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Stormstrike, 80% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Instantly strikes the target for X humanoid damage, and increasing your critical strike chance by 25% for 1 round.
Level 15: Spirit Link Totem, 5 round cooldown - The shaman summons a spirit link totem which reduces damage taken by 10%. At the end of each round, the health of all of your pets is redistributed so each pet ends up with the same percentage of health. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 20: Feral Spirit, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - 2 Feral Spirits appear to aid the shaman. Each spirit will attack with you, but for 10% of the damage you do. This damage is considered beast damage, it cannot crit, and no added effects (stun, sleep, etc.) can be applied via this damage. The essence of the spirit wolves are such that the shaman is healed for the total amount of damage done each round. Lasts 2 rounds.

Warlock - Humanoid

Level 1: Agony, 100% hit chance - Inflicts agony on the target, causing increasing Undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Drain Soul, 85% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Drains the soul out of the target, dealing X undead damage and increasing damage done by 25% for 1 round.
Level 4: Chaos Bolt, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Unleashes a blast of chaos energy, dealing X undead damage. This damage has a 50% chance to critically strike.
Level 10: Soul Link, 4 round cooldown - Damage and healing taken by the Warlock is distributed evenly among his team's pets. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 15: Curse of Doom, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Deals X undead damage after 5 rounds.
Level 20: Metamorphosis, 8 round cooldown - The warlock takes on the form of a demon, gaining 25% increased damage and speed. Attacks made by the warlock heal them for 50% of damage dealt. Lasts 3 rounds.

Warrior - Humanoid

Level 1: Wild Strike, 100% hit chance - Deals X humanoid damage and causes the target to Bleed for X humanoid damage per round for 5 rounds.
Level 2: Whirlwind, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Whirls around wildly, dealing X Humanoid damage to the enemy team.
Level 4: Bladestorm, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - The warrior spins around in a whirlwind of death, slicing up the enemy team for X humanoid damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Demoralizing Shout, 100% hit chance - Shouts at the enemy dealing X humanoid damage and reducing the damage the target deals by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Colossus Smash, 85% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Attacks the enemy with the power of a colossus, dealing X humanoid damage and causing the enemy to take 25% increased damage for 1 round.
Level 20: Avatar, 8 round cooldown - Transforms into a living juggernaut, increasing damage and health by 30% for 3 rounds. While in Avatar form, you are immune to stuns and roots.
Last edited by Adumbledore on August 6th, 2013, 11:35 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Designing New Pets

Post by Adumbledore » August 4th, 2013, 11:11 pm

Mini Alexstrasza - Dragonkin

Level 1: Incinerate, 100% hit chance - Deals X elemental damage instantly. The enemy Burns for X additional elemental damage per round for 4 rounds.
Level 2: Cauterize, 3 round cooldown - Restores X health plus half of the last hit taken by the user.
Level 4: Queen of Life, 5 round cooldown - The Queen of Life blesses your team, restoring X health to each of your pets instantly and an additional X health every round for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Flame Breath, 95% hit chance - Breathes purifying fire upon the enemy, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 15: Lifegiving Breath, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - The Dragonqueen breathes upon the enemy, dealing X dragonkin damage. You are healed for 50% of the damage done.
Level 20: The Lifebinder, 8 round cooldown - Alexstrasza gives her blessing to your team, restoring X health and preventing the health of any of your pets from being reduced below 1 for the next 2 rounds.

Mini Ysera - Dragonkin

Level 1: Poisonous Breath, 95% hit chance - Breathes upon the enemy with poison breath, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 2: Rejuvenation, 3 round cooldown - Rejuvenates the caster, replenishing X health each round.
Level 4: Mistress of Dreams, 5 round cooldown - Ysera causes your team to enter the Emerald Dream, restoring X health the first round, X health the second round, and X health the third round. While in the Emerald Dream, you cannot swap pets.
Level 10: Entangling Roots, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Causes a thick nest of vines to begin growing around the enemy team. Next round, the opponent's pet will take X elemental damage and be rooted for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Nightmare, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Ysera sends a nightmare at the target, causing them to lose their turn.
Level 20: The Awakened, 8 round cooldown - The Green Aspect blesses your team, granting 25% increased damage, health, and accuracy for 4 rounds that persists through pet swaps. However, having recently awoken from her slumber in the Emerald Dream, Ysera's speed is reduced by 25% for 2 rounds.

Mini Nozdormu - Dragonkin

Level 1: Sand Breath, 95% hit chance - Breathes scorching sand on the target, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 2: Temporal Blast, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Blasts the enemy with time-based magic, dealing X dragonkin damage and reducing their speed by 25% for 1 round.
Level 4: Lord of Time, 6 round cooldown - Nozdormu's mastery over time is unparalleled. Casting this spell resets the cooldowns on all of Nozdormu's abilities. Lord of Time is unaffected.
Level 10: Sandstorm, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X flying damage and turns the weather into a sandstorm for 9 rounds. During a sandstorm, all pets take X less damage and their accuracy is reduced by 10%.
Level 15: Sands of Time, 5 round cooldown - Reverses time to undo damage taken over the past 2 rounds. Using this ability drains the caster, reducing their speed and accuracy by 20% for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Timeless One, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The Timeless One blesses your team, granting 50% increased speed for 3 rounds while causing X dragonkin damage to the enemy team and reducing the enemy team's speed by 50% for 3 rounds.

Mini Kalecgos - Dragonkin

Level 1: Arcane Shock, 100% hit chance - Shocks the target with a blast of arcane energy, dealing X magic damage.
Level 2: Frost Breath, 95% hit chance - Freezes the target, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 4: The Lord of Magic, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - The Blue Aspect causes Moonfire to rain down during the Embrace, dealing X magic damage to each pet on the enemy's team and turning the weather into Moonlight for 9 rounds. During Moonlight, all pets receive 25% additional healing and Magic abilities deal 10% additional damage.
Level 10: Arcane Blast, 100% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a surge of arcane power, dealing X magic damage. Damage increases by X each time it hits. Max X magic damage.
Level 15: Arcane Storm, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X magic damage to all enemies and warps the weather into Arcane Winds for 9 rounds. During Arcane Winds, pets cannot be stunned or rooted.
Level 20: Spellweaver, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - As the Spellweaver, Kalecgos channels his magic into your pets, stealing any buffs the enemy team may have and reversing any debuffs your team may have back to the caster(s) of those spells.

Vol'jin - Humanoid

Level 1: Serpent Ward, 90% hit chance - Vol'jin summons a Serpent Ward to attack his enemy. Deals X beast damage.
Level 2: Chain Heal, 4 round cooldown - Calls forth a wave of healing energy, healing for X and bouncing to nearby allies, healing them for X .
Level 4: Blessing of the Loa, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Vol'jin receives the blessing of the loa, granting him increased regeneration. He heals for X each round and 100% of that healing is dealt as damage to a random enemy. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 10: Hex, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Vol'jin hexes the target, turning them into a frog for 1 round. While a frog, enemies cannot attack or use abilities.
Level 15: Healing Ward, 4 round cooldown - Vol'jin summons a healing ward on his team, healing them for X each round. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 20: Big Bad Voodoo, 8 round cooldown - Vol'jin summons the ultimate voodoo, granted by the loa. Big Bad Voodoo makes Vol'jin's teammates invulnerable for 3 rounds. Big Bad Voodoo does not affect Vol'jin and any pets swapped in before the end of the spell lose the invulnerability.

Baine Bloodhoof - Humanoid

Level 1: Throw Totem, 95% hit chance - Baine throws his totem at the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Pulverize, 100% hit chance - Baine leaps at the enemy team, pulverizing the ground beneath their feet, dealing X humanoid damage to each pet.
Level 4: Endurance Aura, 5 round cooldown - Increases your speed by 20% for 4 rounds and reduces your spells' cooldowns by 1 round. Endurance Aura is not affected by the reduction to spell cooldowns.
Level 10: Mortal Strike, 90% hit chance - Attacks the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage to the enemy pet and reducing healing received by 25% for 1 round.
Level 15: Cleave, 80% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Deals X humanoid damage and has a 50% chance to deal X humanoid damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 20: Reincarnation, 15 round cooldown - If Baine's health is reduced below 1 in the next 2 rounds, he will reincarnate after 3 rounds, gaining 35% of his total health. If the enemy destroys all of your other pets before he can reincarnate (or if you have no other pets alive), the spell will fail.

Sylvanas Windrunner - Undead

Level 1: Black Arrow, 100% hit chance - Shadow energy surrounds Sylvanas' arrow, dealing X undead damage and X additional undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Unholy Shot, 50% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Sylvanas shoots an unholy arrow at the target, dealing X undead damage and turning the enemy pet into the Undead type for 2 rounds. As an undead, they do NOT gain the undead racial, they simply take damage as if they were undead.
Level 4: Calling of the Highborne, 5 round cooldown - Sylvanas surrounds herself with a ring of undead elves, reducing damage taken by 20%. Each time she is hit, an elf will attack the enemy pet, dealing X undead damage. Lasts 4 rounds or until the elves have all been destroyed.
Level 10: Blighted Arrows, 100% hit chance - Sylvanas jumps into the sky and shoots Blighted Arrows at the ground beneath the enemy, corrupting them. Each round, the enemy will take X undead damage each round for 9 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 15: Life Drain, 85% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - A beam of unholy energy connects Sylvanas and the enemy, dealing X undead damage and healing Sylvanas for 100% of the damage.
Level 20: Vengeance of the Forsaken, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Sylvanas conjures up the hatred the Forsaken feel for the living, summoning a catapult. The catapult then fires several barrels full of Blight at the enemy team, dealing 30% of each pets' total health and changing the weather to Blight. During Blight, the maximum health of all pets is reduced by 10% and Undead abilities do 25% more damage.

Lor'themar Theron - Humanoid

Level 1: Arcane Shock, 100% hit chance - Shocks the target with a blast of arcane energy, dealing X magic damage.
Level 2: Multi-Shot, 100% hit chance - Shoots a volley of arrows at the enemy team, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 4: Charm, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Charms the enemy pet, making them unable to attack Lor'themar. Deals X magic damage and causes an opponent's pet to swap into battle.
Level 10: Arcane Shot, 95% hit chance - Lor'themar shoots an arrow imbued with arcane power at the target dealing X magic damage.
Level 15: Trueshot Aura - Lor'themar summons a Trueshot Aura, increasing accuracy by 50% and critical strike chance by 25%. Lasts 4 rounds.
Level 20: Glory of the Sin'dorei, 8 round cooldown - The Sunwell empowers Lor'themar, granting him a shield which reduces damage taken by X, deals X magic damage each time Lor'themar is hit, and heals Lor'themar for 25% of all damage he deals. Lasts 3 rounds.

Trade Prince Gallywix - Humanoid

Level 1: Revenue Stream, 100% hit chance - A stream of money is thrown at the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Downsizing, 90% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Downsizes the enemy, reducing their damage and health by 10% for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Unload Toxic Assets, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Throws toxic assets into the air at the enemy team, raining down upon them dealing X elemental damage instantly and an additional X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Make It Rain, 80% hit chance - Throws gold coins at the enemy, dealing X mechanical damage. Gold coins will continue to fall on the enemy, dealing X mechanical damage each round for 4 rounds.
Level 15: You're Fired, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Gallywix no longer considers the enemy to be worth his time, dealing X humanoid damage and forcing one of the opponent's pets to swap in.
Level 20: The Bottom Line, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The Bottom Line is that goblins love money and will do anything to obtain it. The Bottom Line kills an enemy pet instantly, transmuting them into gold. The Bottom Line can only be used if the enemy pet has less than 25% health remaining.

Ji Firepaw - Humanoid

Level 1: Crackling Jade Lightning, 100% hit chance - Summons crackling jade lightning on the enemy, dealing X elemental damage and an additional X elemental damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Spinning Crane Kick, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Ji rushes to the enemy team then performs a spinning crane kick, attacking all enemies for X humanoid damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Touch of Karma, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Redirects all damage done to you this round, back to the enemy pet, dealing 50% of damage done each round for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Fists of Fury, 85% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Fists are a monk's greatest weapons, as you demonstrate. Deals X humanoid damage to the enemy pet and has a 25% chance to stun for 1 round.
Level 15: Rising Sun Kick, 90% hit chance - You kick upwards, dealing X humanoid damage to the enemy pet and reducing healing received by 25% for 1 round.
Level 20: Storm, Earth, and Fire, 8 round cooldown - Conjures up 3 monk spirits: Storm, Earth, and Fire to attack your enemies. Each round, a random spirit will perform the same attack you make, but for 25% of the damage you do. This damage is classified as elemental. It cannot crit and no added effects (stun, sleep, etc.) can be applied via this damage. Lasts 3 rounds.

Varian Wrynn - Humanoid

Level 1: Mortal Strike, 90% hit chance - Attacks the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage to the enemy pet and reducing healing received by 25% for 1 round.
Level 2: Heroic Leap, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Varian leaps at the enemy team before slamming down with tremendous force, dealing X humanoid damage to the enemy team, and stunning the enemy's active pet for 1 round.
Level 4: Bladestorm, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - The warrior spins around in a whirlwind of death, slicing up the enemy team for X humanoid damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Single-Minded Fury, 5 round cooldown - While active, increases damage done by 35%. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 15: Cleave, 80% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Deals X humanoid damage and has a 50% chance to deal X humanoid damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 20: Spirit of Lo'Gosh, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Varian transforms into a spectral version of Lo'Gosh, the ghost wolf. While active, damage and critical strike chance is increased by 25%. In addition, all abilities will deal beast damage instead of their regular damage type. Lasts 3 rounds.

Tyrande Whisperwind - Humanoid

Level 1: Searing Arrow, 100% hit chance - Tyrande shoots a flaming arrow at the target, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Starfall, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Deals X dragonkin damage to all enemy pets, restores X health to all allies and turns the weather into Moonlight for 9 rounds. During Moonlight, all pets receive 25% additional healing and Magic abilities deal 10% additional damage.
Level 4: Tears of Elune, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Tyrande summons the Tears of Elune, healing each pet on your team for X each round for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Lunar Bolt, 100% hit chance - Tyrande shoots a bolt of pure moon energy at the target, dealing X magic damage.
Level 15: Moonfire, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X magic damage and turns the weather into Moonlight for 9 rounds. During Moonlight, all pets receive 25% additional healing and Magic abilities deal 10% additional damage.
Level 20: Eyes of the Goddess, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Tyrande prays to Elune for aid, and Elune responds by summoning a line of priestesses in battle garb made of moonlight in front of her, allowing Tyrande to escape, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, the Battle Priestesses attack the opponent, dealing X magic damage each round.

Prophet Velen - Humanoid

Level 1: Holy Bolt, 100% hit chance - Shoots a bolt of holy magic at the enemy, dealing X magic damage.
Level 2: Prayer of Healing, 3 round cooldown - Velen prays for healing, restoring X health to each of your pets.
Level 4: Gift of the Naaru, 5 round cooldown - Velen channels the power of the benevolent Naaru, dispelling all debuffs from your team and all buffs from the enemy team.
Level 10: Holy Nova, 100% hit chance - Causes an explosion of holy light, dealing X magic damage to the enemy's pets.
Level 15: Divine Intervention, 3 round cooldown - Velen is the recipient of Divine Intervention, protecting him from all attacks for 1 round.
Level 20: Guardian Spirit, 8 round cooldown - Velen summons a Guardian Spirit for 3 rounds. If you take lethal damage while the guardian is active, the guardian will sacrifice itself, healing you for 50% of your total health.

Council of Three Hammers - Humanoid

Level 1: Mind Blast, 100% hit chance - Moira blasts the enemy's mind with shadow magic, dealing X undead damage.
Level 2: Storm Bolt, 85% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Muradin throws his mighty hammer with extraordinary strength, dealing X humanoid damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target for 1 round.
Level 4: Avatar, 8 round cooldown - The Council transforms into living juggernauts, increasing damage and health by 30% for 3 rounds. While in Avatar form, you are immune to stuns and roots.
Level 10: Thunder Clap, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Slams the ground under the enemy team, dealing X damage and slowing the enemy's active pet by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Renew, 2 round cooldown - Renews the Council, healing for X each round for 4 rounds.
Level 20: Storm Hammer, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Falstad charges his hammer with the power of the storm before throwing it at the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage. A thunderbolt then strikes, dealing X elemental damage to each of the enemy's pets.

Genn Greymane - Humanoid

Level 1: Bloodthirsty, 85% hit chance - Attacks the opponent with the intent to kill, dealing X humanoid damage. Hit chance increased to 100% if the target is Bleeding.
Level 2: Shattering Throw, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Greymane throws his weapon with tremendous force, shattering the enemy's defenses causing them to take 100% increased damage for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Bloodbath, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Carves up the enemy team with unmatched fury, dealing X humanoid damage to each enemy pet and causing them to Bleed for X additional humanoid damage each round for 5 rounds.
Level 10: Charge, 85% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Charges at the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage with a 25% chance to stun the target for 1 round.
Level 15: Horrifying Howl, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Greymane howls at the enemy, dealing X beast damage and reducing the speed of the enemy pet by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Curse of the Worgen, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Greymane gives in to his curse, transforming into a Worgen. He then slashes at the enemy 4 times with razor-sharp claws, dealing X beast damage per hit and increasing the enemy's damage taken by 50% for 3 rounds.

Gelbin Mekkatorque - Humanoid

Level 1: Electric Shock, 100% hit chance - Shocks the target with a jolt of electricity, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Toxic Bomb, 90% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Throws a bomb of toxic gas at the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 4: Robo-Gnome, 5 round cooldown - Gelbin activates his portable robot suit, granting him 30% increased damage and critical strike chance for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Tinker, 100% hit chance - Gelbin's curiosity causes him to tinker with the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 15: Healing Spray, 4 round cooldown - Gelbin sprays your team with a restorative mist, restoring X health to each pet every round for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Invasion of Troggs, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Gelbin retreats to Ironforge, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, the trogg invaders of Gnomeregan attack the opponent, dealing X humanoid damage each round.

Aysa Cloudsinger - Humanoid

Level 1: Blackout Kick, 100% hit chance - Kick with a blast of chi energy, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Expel Harm, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Instantly heals yourself for X. 100% of the amount healed is dealt to the enemy pet.
Level 4: Chi Wave, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - A wave of chi energy flows through friends and foes, dealing X damage to each of the enemy's pets and healing all of your pets for X.
Level 10: Detox, 2 round cooldown - Removes all buffs and debuffs from the user.
Level 15: Life Cocoon, 4 round cooldown - Encases the caster in life energy, reducing damage from each attack by X. Periodic healing effects also heal the caster for 50% more while Life Cocoon is active. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 20: Rushing Jade Wind, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - A jade tornado is summoned that hits the enemy team for X humanoid damage. Any pet hit by the tornado takes 25% increased damage for 3 rounds.

Cenarius - Humanoid

Level 1: Wrath, 100% hit chance - Shoots a bolt of nature magic at the enemy, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Entangling Roots, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Causes a thick nest of vines to begin growing around the enemy team. Next round, the opponent's pet will take X elemental damage and be rooted for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Dream of Cenarius, 5 round cooldown - For the next 3 rounds, the caster will deal 30% increased damage and receive 30% increased healing.
Level 10: Tranquility - Fills the area with peace, causing your active pet to restore X health every round. Lasts 2 rounds and persists through pet swaps.
Level 15: Thorns Aura - Deals X elemental damage each time you take direct damage. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 20: Force of Nature, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Cenarius summons treants before retreating into the forest, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, the treants attack the opponent, dealing X elemental damage each round.

Aviana - Flying

Level 1: Squawk, 100% hit chance - Lets out a loud squawk, dealing X flying damage and reducing the damage the target deals by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 2: Hawk Eye - Increases your critical strike chance by 25% for 4 rounds.
Level 4: Faerie Swarm, 5 round cooldown - A swarm of faeries surround the target, reducing the target's speed by 50% and increasing damage they take by 50% for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Wild Winds, 100% hit chance - A sharp wind gust deals X flying damage instantly and X flying damage every round for 2 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 15: Cyclone, 5 round cooldown - Creates a cyclone which has a 35% chance to deal X flying damage to the enemy team each round. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 20: Hurricane, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Aviana summons a hurricane upon the enemy team, dealing X flying damage to the enemy team every round. Enemies hit by the Hurricane have their speed reduced by 25% for 1 round. Lasts 3 rounds.

Malorne - Beast

Level 1: Rip, 100% hit chance - Deals X beast damage and causes the target to Bleed for 98 Beast damage per round for 5 rounds.
Level 2: Thick Hide, 3 round cooldown - Reduces damage taken by 25% and reduces the enemy's critical strike chance by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 4: Mass Entanglement, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Entangles the enemy team in vines, dealing X elemental damage to each enemy pet after 2 rounds. The enemy's active pet is also rooted for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Skull Bash, 95% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X beast damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target for 1 round.
Level 15: Regrowth, 3 round cooldown - Instantly heals the caster for X and an additional X each round for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Nature's Vigil, 8 round cooldown - Increases damage and healing done by 20%. Anytime you deal damage, you heal for 25% of the damage done. Anytime you heal, you do 25% of the heal as damage to a random enemy pet. Lasts 4 rounds.

Agamaggan - Beast

Level 1: Infected Wounds, 100% hit chance - Swipes at the target with razor-sharp claws, dealing X beast damage and an additional X elemental damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Survival Instincts, 3 round cooldown - Agamaggan covers himself in thorns, reducing damage taken by 50% for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Rain of Thorns, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Agamaggan shoots thorns from his back, causing them to rain down on the enemy team. Deals X beast damage and an additional X beast damage every round for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Hoof Stomp, 95% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X beast damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target for 1 round.
Level 15: Killer Instinct, 3 round cooldown - Agamaggan has the instincts of a killer, increasing damage and critical strike chance by 20% for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Corrosive Breath, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Agamaggan breathes corrosive acid on the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage, poisoning them for X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds, and increasing the enemy team's damage taken by 25% for 3 rounds.

Aessina - Magic

Level 1: Nature's Focus, 100% hit chance - Aessina focuses the power of nature to deal X elemental damage and increase the caster's accuracy by 20% for 1 round.
Level 2: Wild Mushroom, 85% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Grows a wild mushroom under the enemy pet. After 3 rounds, the mushroom will explode, dealing X elemental damage and rooting the target for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Soul of the Forest, 5 round cooldown - Aessina blesses her team with the power of the soul of the forest, healing each pet for X instantly, and an additional X each round for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Flash, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - A brilliant flash deals X magic damage and Blinds the target, reducing their hit chance by 50% for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Moonfire, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X magic damage and turns the weather into Moonlight for 9 rounds. During Moonlight, all pets receive 25% additional healing and Magic abilities deal 10% additional damage.
Level 20: Heart of the Wild, 8 round cooldown - Increases the caster's damage, speed, and critical strike chance by 10% for 8 rounds.

Goldrinn - Beast

Level 1: Ferocious Bite, 90% hit chance - Bites the target with unmatched ferocity, dealing X beast damage. Critical strike chance increased by 25% if the target is bleeding.
Level 2: Mangle, 100% hit chance - Mangles the target pet, dealing X beast damage.
Level 4: Primal Fury, 5 round cooldown - Goldrinn gives in to the fury within, going berserk. Increases his damage dealt by 30% and critical strike chance by 25%, but increases his damage taken by 10%. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 10: Shred, 85% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Shreds the target enemy pet, dealing X beast damage. Deals an additional X beast damage if the target is bleeding.
Level 15: Lacerate, 90% hit chance - Claws swipe the target pet, leaving many lacerations dealing X beast damage. The target Bleeds for an additional X beast damage every round for 5 rounds.
Level 20: Leader of the Pack, 6 round cooldown - Goldrinn howls, signifying his position as Leader of the Pack. Increases the caster's critical strike chance by 25% and attacks cause Goldrinn to heal for 50% of damage done. Lasts 4 rounds.

Tortolla - Aquatic

Level 1: Water Jet, 95% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a jet of water dealing X aquatic damage.
Level 2: Swallow You Whole, 95% hit chance - Attempts to swallow the enemy whole, dealing X aquatic damage. Deals double damage if the target is below 25% health.
Level 4: Typhoon, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Tortolla summons a typhoon at the enemy team, dealing X aquatic damage and X aquatic damage to the enemy's backline pets. Also causes an opponent's pet to swap into battle.
Level 10: Cleansing Rain, 3 round cooldown - Restores X health to your team and calls down a cleansing rain for 9 rounds. During a cleansing rain, the duration of hostile damage over time effects is reduced by 1 round and Aquatic abilities deal 25% more damage.
Level 15: Whirlpool, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Causes a whirlpool to form under the enemy pet. In two rounds, the opponent's pet will take X aquatic damage and be rooted for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Shell of the Ancients, 8 round cooldown - Tortolla's shell is said to be impenetrable by even the most powerful demons of the Burning Legion. Reduces damage taken by 50% and heals for X each round. Lasts 4 rounds.

Ursol - Beast

Level 1: Bite, 100% hit chance - Bites at the enemy, dealing X beast damage.
Level 2: Earth Shield, 5 round cooldown - Protects the caster with an Earth Shield, reducing damage from each attack by 20% and giving each attack made against the caster a chance to restore X health. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 4: Spiritual Insight, 5 round cooldown - Reduces the cooldown of Earth spells by 1 round and increases the caster's accuracy by 20%. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 10: Earth Shock, 90% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Shocks the enemy with concussive force, dealing X elemental damage and reducing the damage they deal by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Hibernate, 5 round cooldown - Fall asleep, restoring X health on the first round, X health on the second, then X health on the third. While Hibernating you cannot swap pets.
Level 20: Ursol's Vortex, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Ursol sends a tornado at the enemy, dealing X flying damage each round and reducing the target's speed by 50% for 4 rounds. If the target is swapped out before 4 rounds have expired, Ursol's Vortex will pull the pet back into battle.

Ursoc - Beast

Level 1: Roar, 100% hit chance - A fierce roar deals X beast damage and enrages the user, increasing the damage they deal by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 2: Maul, 95% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Savagely mauls the enemy, dealing X beast damage. Deals X additional damage if the target is Bleeding.
Level 4: Might of Ursoc, 5 round cooldown - Increases the caster's maximum health by 30% and increases your health to 30% if below that amount. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 10: Ravage, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Deals X beast damage. If the user kills an enemy with Ravage, they restore X health. Ravage continues for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Hibernate, 5 round cooldown - Fall asleep, restoring X health on the first round, X health on the second, then X health on the third. While Hibernating you cannot swap pets.
Level 20: Unleashed Fury, 80% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Ursoc unleashes his full fury on the enemy, hitting them 4 times for X beast damage per hit. Each successful hit increases his speed by 10% for the remainder of the battle.

Omen - Beast

Level 1: Tooth and Claw, 95% hit chance - Omen attacks with tooth and claw, dealing X beast damage and an additional X damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Cleave, 80% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Deals X humanoid damage and has a 50% chance to deal X humanoid damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 4: Astral Communion, 5 round cooldown - Omen's communion with Elune grants him the ability to deal an additional X magic damage to each of his attacks. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 10: Bloodthirsty, 85% hit chance - Attacks the opponent with the intent to kill, dealing X humanoid damage. Hit chance increased to 100% if the target is Bleeding.
Level 15: Starfall, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Deals X dragonkin damage to all enemy pets, restores X health to all allies and turns the weather into Moonlight for 9 rounds. During Moonlight, all pets receive 25% additional healing and Magic abilities deal 10% additional damage.
Level 20: Balance of Power, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Omen attempts to balance the power between the two teams, granting his team 25% increased damage, speed, and accuracy. They are also cursed with 10% reduced critical strike chance and 10% increased damage taken. The enemy team has 25% reduced damage, speed, and accuracy, but 10% increased critical strike chance and 10% reduced damage taken. Lasts 4 rounds.

Mogu - Humanoid

Level 1: Crazy Thought, 90% hit chance - Blasts the enemy's mind with shadow magic, dealing X undead damage.
Level 2: Shield of Darkness, 4 round cooldown - Surrounds the mogu in a shield of darkness, preventing X damage from each attack and dealing X undead damage for each hit received. Lasts 4 rounds.
Level 4: Flesh-Shaper, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - The mogu are masters of flesh-shaping magic. When hit by this ability, the flesh of the target is stretched and contorted until they become a critter. As a critter, the enemy cannot attack. Damage taken will NOT break this spell. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 10: Pillage, 85% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - The mogu pillages the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage and increasing their damage taken by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Cowardice, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - The mere sight of a mogu is said to be able to inspire cowardice. Reduces the enemy's pet's speed and accuracy by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Flanking Orders, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Summons a line of mogu warriors before retreating into the background, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, the warriors attack the opponent, dealing X humanoid damage each round.

C'thun - Magic

Level 1: Eye Beam, 100% hit chance - Shoots a beam of green energy at the target, dealing X magic damage.
Level 2: Claw Tentacles, 85% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - The claw tentacle grabs the enemy pet and squeezes, doing X beast damage and reducing the target's critical strike chance by 25% for 1 round.
Level 4: Dark Glare, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - C'thun glares heavily at the enemy team, dealing X magic damage and an additional X magic damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Eye Tentacle, 85% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Tendrils attack the enemy with shadow magic, dealing X undead damage and slowing their speed by 50% for 1 round.
Level 15: Ground Rupture, 100% hit chance - The tentacles of C'thun rupture the ground beneath the enemy team, dealing X beast damage.
Level 20: Devoured, 90% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - C'thun bombards the target with attacks from its tentacles, dealing X magic damage. C'thun then devours the target pet for 3 rounds, where it takes X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds from the stomach acid. After 3 rounds, the target is released. While in C'thun's stomach, the pet is considered dead.

Yogg-Saron - Magic

Level 1: Psychosis, 100% hit chance - Yogg-Saron places psychosis on the target, dealing X undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Death Ray, 90% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Shoots a green death beam at the target, dealing X elemental damage. Decreases the enemy pet's speed by 25% for 1 round.
Level 4: Brain Link, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Links the minds of the active pets, granting each one an ability from the other pet. Lasts 3 rounds or until one of the pets is killed.
Level 10: Shadowy Barrier, 3 round cooldown - A barrier made of pure shadow magic surrounds Yogg-Saron making him completely invulnerable for 1 round.
Level 15: Malady of the Mind, 100% hit chance - Attacks the mind of the target, attempting to corrupt it. Deals X undead damage each round for 4 rounds.
Level 20: Extinguish All Life, 100% hit chance, 15 round cooldown - Yogg-Saron channels the power of death into every pet, which will kill all living pets in 15 rounds. Yogg-Saron always survives this attack.

N'Zoth - Magic

Level 1: Tentacle Smack, 100% hit chance - Smacks the enemy pet with a tentacle, dealing X beast damage.
Level 2: Focused Anger, 1 round cooldown - Increases damage done by 10%. This effect stacks and lasts until the end of battle.
Level 4: Corruptor of Aspects, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - N'Zoth's malevolent influence is so strong it can even affect Aspects. Deals X magic damage and corrupts the target, dealing increasing undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Always Watching You, 85% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - N'Zoth is always watching you whether you know it or not. His stare inflicts X undead damage and reduces accuracy by 20% for 1 round.
Level 15: Emerald Nightmare, 50% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Fall asleep, dealing X elemental damage on the first round, X damage on the second, then X damage on the third. While in the Emerald Nightmare, you cannot swap pets.
Level 20: A Stay in Ny'alotha, 90% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Most who travel to Ny'alotha never return and N'Zoth is determined to make sure the enemy stays forever. The enemy falls asleep before the inhabitants of Ny'alotha assault the target, dealing X humanoid damage and increasing damage taken by 25% for 3 rounds. If the attack misses, the target is stunned for 1 round.

Y'Shaarj - Magic

Level 1: Breath of Anger, 90% hit chance - Y'Shaarj breathes raw anger onto the enemy team, dealing X magic damage.
Level 2: Aura of Despair and Doubt, 4 round cooldown - An aura of despair and doubt infects the enemy's active pet, reducing accuracy and damage by 15%. Y'Shaarj feeds on the negative emotions, healing for 25% of all damage the enemy pet deals.
Level 4: Festering Hatred, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Y'Shaarj engenders hatred in the enemy team, causing 50% of the damage done by the enemy to be reflected back at one of the pets on the enemy's team. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 10: Claws of Violence, 85% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Y'Shaarj swipes at the enemy with claws of violence, dealing X beast damage. Enemies hit by the claws are enraged, dealing 10% more damage, but also taking 10% more damage for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Overwhelming Fear, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - An overwhelming feeling of fear is set upon the enemy, causing them to be unable to attack for 1 round.
Level 20: The Destruction of Pride, 80% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Pride is the most dangerous emotion, being able to strike down those who believe them above others. This insidious emotion lowers all attributes of the enemy by 15% for 3 rounds. If the ability misses, Y'Shaarj instead has its attributes reduced by 15% for 3 rounds.

So what do you think?

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Re: Designing New Pets

Post by Laraven » August 6th, 2013, 8:53 am you know how hard Human stones are to get? *grins*

Great job! I really enjoyed reading these. Very clever. Now to get this list to Blizz team stat! :D

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Re: Designing New Pets

Post by Adumbledore » August 6th, 2013, 12:14 pm

Laraven you know how hard Human stones are to get? *grins*
Yeah, those are a problem. lol. Though I think most of them would be rare already. The others like the Mogu could be wild pets where you can farm for a rare. I wish they would have the celestial tournament as a regular tournament instead where they could add new pets as time goes on (or maybe like an Argent Tournament-type thing except for pets). Then they wouldn't have to find ways to add pets in (and trying to get pets in current-raid drops is like pulling teeth).
Laraven wrote:Great job! I really enjoyed reading these. Very clever. Now to get this list to Blizz team stat! :D
Thanks. :) I just want them to have some ideas and options for us when they design the next Raiding With Leashes. I mean, the last two were nice and all, but for collecting them all, all we got was Tito and he's a bland, boring old model.

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Re: Designing New Pets

Post by Quintessence » August 6th, 2013, 7:26 pm

Adumbledore wrote:I mean, the last two were nice and all, but for collecting them all, all we got was Tito and he's a bland, boring old model.
Tito may not have the most unique pet model, but his idle animation is really awesome. I love the targetable cows in the tornado!
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Re: Designing New Pets

Post by Gilneas » August 7th, 2013, 12:20 am

Yeah, the BWL2 pets are pretty cool not for their models, but for their special animations. They put a lot into those pets. Though Tito is the best one!

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Re: Designing New Pets

Post by Gilneas » August 7th, 2013, 1:11 am

One idea we had that I always liked was Lostmourne -- a mini floating Frostmourne.

Not given it as much thought as you but we came up with:

Quake (but with undead damage)
Defile (increasing damage per round like CoA, but on the battlefield)
Soulreaper (perhaps a timed attack, which gives a buff to Lostmourne if it kills the pet)

And it occurs to me that we really only had 5 abilities for it. Last one could be Harvest Soul (not sure what that would do since it seems similar to Haunt...), or Summon Ghouls (which could either be like Stampede, or more interestingly a Sons of the Root/Sons of the Flame style ability), or Necrotic Plague (not sure how to balance that one in a way that also keeps its original flavor), etc.

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Re: Designing New Pets

Post by Adumbledore » August 7th, 2013, 11:42 am

I wouldn't mind Tito if he had a different model. To go through all of those raids to try and get those pets only to get a pet that doesn't have a unique model is a bit disheartening. :(
Gilneas wrote:One idea we had that I always liked was Lostmourne -- a mini floating Frostmourne.

Not given it as much thought as you but we came up with:

Quake (but with undead damage)
Defile (increasing damage per round like CoA, but on the battlefield)
Soulreaper (perhaps a timed attack, which gives a buff to Lostmourne if it kills the pet)

And it occurs to me that we really only had 5 abilities for it. Last one could be Harvest Soul (not sure what that would do since it seems similar to Haunt...), or Summon Ghouls (which could either be like Stampede, or more interestingly a Sons of the Root/Sons of the Flame style ability), or Necrotic Plague (not sure how to balance that one in a way that also keeps its original flavor), etc.
That sounds cool. :) I had the same problem when it came to trying to balance the original spells vs. the new pet abilities without trying to make them too OP or underpowered. But it was still better than having to come up with boring old abilities for people like Varian, where I couldn't take as many liberties in coming up with new stuff as I would have liked.

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Re: Designing New Pets

Post by Adumbledore » August 9th, 2013, 8:59 am

Apparently, I forgot Gul'dan. lol

Gul'dan - Humanoid

Level 1: Shadow Bolt, 95% hit chance - Gul'dan shoots a bolt of shadow magic at the enemy, dealing X undead damage.
Level 2: Harvest Life, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Gul'dan drains the life out of the enemy team, dealing X undead damage to each enemy pet. Gul'dan heals for 100% of the damage dealt.
Level 4: The Shadow Council, 5 round cooldown - The Shadow Council channels its power into Gul'dan. Increases one of the following at random: damage by 25%, speed by 30%, or critical strike chance by 30% for 3 rounds. Also increases accuracy by 20% for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Agony, 100% hit chance - Inflicts agony on the target, causing increasing undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Fel Armor, 5 round cooldown - Reduces damage taken by 10%, increases max health by 10%, and increases amount healed by 10%. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 20: Darkness Incarnate, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Using his powers of darkness, Gul'dan attacks the enemy dealing X undead damage to the enemy pet, an additional X undead damage to the enemy team after 1 round, and changing the weather to Darkness. During Darkness, all pets are considered Blinded and all healing received is reduced by 50%.

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Re: Designing New Pets

Post by Adumbledore » September 17th, 2013, 1:05 pm

Finally finished the dreamform. :)

Dreamform - Humanoid

Level 1: Spectral Hand, 90% hit chance - Hits the enemy with a spectral hand, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Dream, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Pulls the target closer to the Dream, causing them to become drowsy. Drowsy targets will fall asleep at the end of next round unless hit.
Level 4: Dreamsight, 5 round cooldown - Being a part of the Emerald Dream grants the caster Dreamsight, increasing their damage, accuracy, and speed by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Nightmare, 80% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - The dreamform manifests as the enemy's worst nightmare, inflicting fear on the enemy. The enemy has a 25% chance to deal damage they would have dealt that turn to themselves instead of the enemy.
Level 15: Ghostly Visage, 3 round cooldown - The ghostly visage of the dreamform grants them protection. Reduces damage taken by 25% and causes each hit made against the caster to deal X humanoid damage.
Level 20: Wanderer of the Emerald Dream, 6 round coodlwon - Walking the paths of the Emerald Dream restores vitality to the caster. Restores X health each round and increases accuracy and speed by 50% for 3 rounds.

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Re: Designing New Pets

Post by Adumbledore » December 12th, 2013, 1:29 pm

I finished a few more:

Mantid - Humanoid

Level 1: Injection, 100% hit chance - Injects the target with a random poison, dealing X beast damage and an additional X elemental damage every round for 5 rounds.
Level 2: Aim - Increases your team's hit chance by 25% for 4 rounds.
Level 4: Bloodthirsty, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Brutally attacks the target dealing X humanoid damage and placing the corrupted blood debuff on the target. Each round the debuff deals 10% of the target's maximum health and heals the caster for 10% of their maximum health. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 10: Gouge, 100% hit chance - Deals X beast damage and causes the target to bleed for X beast damage per round for 5 rounds.
Level 15: Multi-Shot, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - The mantid shoots a volley of arrows at the enemy team dealing X humanoid damage to each of the enemy's pets.
Level 20: Diminish, 90% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - The mantid throws a catalyst at the target, dealing X elemental damage and causing them to shrink in size. This reduction causes the target to deal 25% less damage and have 25% reduced speed, but they also take 25% reduced damage.

Mantid Paragon - Humanoid

Level 1: Hurl Amber, 90% hit chance - Throws an orb of amber at the target, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Encase In Amber, 5 round cooldown - Encases the caster in amber, causing them to regenerate 20% health each round for 3 rounds. While encased, the caster takes 50% less damage, but they cannot act and cannot swap out.
Level 4: Death From Above, 80% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - The caster leaps into the air for one round, becoming unattackable. On the next round, you viciously attack the enemy team dealing X humanoid damage and an additional X humanoid damage to the enemy's team each round for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Mesmerize, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Mesmerizes the enemy target, dealing X magic damage and interrupting the opponent's round.
Level 15: Calculate, 90% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Calculates the enemy pet's weakness, dealing X magic damage and reducing one of the opponent's attributes by 20% for 1 round.
Level 20: Master of Puppets, 8 round cooldown - Due to great sonic manipulation, the caster and the enemy target switch teams for 3 rounds.

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