100% Rares ?

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100% Rares ?

Post by Ackbah » May 15th, 2013, 3:55 pm

So I caught em all on the 1st pass, and rared em all on the 2nd pass. I traded stones like a madman and now I only have a few non tradeable greens to stone. My rares % on this site is 98.1ish. In game I only have a 7 uncommons, but here it shows 14, its the kites, balloons and squires/heralds.

Is it possible to get to 100%? Is it a waste to get BoE stones?


Ack )
Last edited by Ackbah on May 15th, 2013, 8:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: 100% Rares ?

Post by Peanutty » May 15th, 2013, 4:35 pm

I have my balloons, kites and alliance non-battling humanoids stoned to rare but they aren't reflected on this site (so there is no "100% rare" possible on WCP). If you want to stone them it's really just for your personal satisfaction. I like seeing a wall of all blue so I stoned all of mine. :)

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Re: 100% Rares ?

Post by Tahsfenz » May 15th, 2013, 4:58 pm

I believe it's an armory bug since WCP pulls from there.

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Re: 100% Rares ?

Post by Eridalafar » May 15th, 2013, 8:02 pm

The armory didn't show if you have upgraded your no-combating pets to the rare quality, it is why it isn't show on this site for now.


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Re: 100% Rares ?

Post by Dash » May 17th, 2013, 11:27 am

Peanutty wrote:I have my balloons, kites and alliance non-battling humanoids stoned to rare but they aren't reflected on this site (so there is no "100% rare" possible on WCP). If you want to stone them it's really just for your personal satisfaction. I like seeing a wall of all blue so I stoned all of mine. :)
I didn't even know you could do that! I see they're listed as flying, I hadn't even noticed that. Dammit, now I need 2 more flying stones (alliance ballon doesn't count, so there! *blows raspberries*)

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Re: 100% Rares ?

Post by Ackbah » May 17th, 2013, 6:28 pm

Dash, the non combat pets (Kites, Balloons, Squires and Heralds do not belong to a family. You have to use a BoE stones on them.

Edit, I was incorrect !!! You can indeed use flyer stones on the kites and balloons, and humanoid stones on the squires and heralds.

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Last edited by Ackbah on May 17th, 2013, 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 100% Rares ?

Post by Dash » May 17th, 2013, 6:34 pm

Ackbah wrote:Dash, the non combat pets (Kites, Balloons, Squires and Heralds do not belong to a family. You have to use a BoE stones on them.

Ack )
That's what I thought but here http://www.warcraftpets.com/search/?q=balloon they're listed as flying? Also, I chose to not believe that anyone could use a BoE stone on a balloon, it's too much badassery for me to handle and makes me feel inadequate as a pet collector x)

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Re: 100% Rares ?

Post by Dragonwizard » May 17th, 2013, 7:04 pm

Ackbah wrote:Dash, the non combat pets (Kites, Balloons, Squires and Heralds do not belong to a family. You have to use a BoE stones on them.

Ack )

Nope, I was able to use a flying stone and humanoid stones on the nonbattle pets and it worked just fine.
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Re: 100% Rares ?

Post by Ackbah » May 17th, 2013, 7:16 pm

I stand corrected, thanks DW. I read this and went home for lunch and opened my pet journal and the non-combat pets dont show the family icons. So I assumed !! Badack !!

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Re: 100% Rares ?

Post by Opallena » May 19th, 2013, 11:27 am

They don't show it in the journal, but when you summon them they each have specific families if you move your mouse over the pet.

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Re: 100% Rares ?

Post by Ravnhawk » May 21st, 2013, 12:44 pm

Anyone know why I can't summon my Argent Squire? I can summon the gruntling? I wanted to upgrade the squire as well.


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Re: 100% Rares ?

Post by Dakaf » May 21st, 2013, 12:47 pm

Can't summon the opposite faction pets. Try logging onto your alliance toon and summoning it! Stones will be BOA, so it won't be an issue either.
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Re: 100% Rares ?

Post by Peanutty » May 21st, 2013, 1:03 pm

Dakaf wrote:Can't summon the opposite faction pets. Try logging onto your alliance toon and summoning it! Stones will be BOA, so it won't be an issue either.
There is one extra little issue for the Guild Herald and Page I want to note. You need to be in a guild that has those unlocked to be able to summon them. If you leave the guild they can't be summoned until you join another.

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Re: 100% Rares ?

Post by Elmarc » June 1st, 2013, 3:59 pm

Dakaf wrote:Can't summon the opposite faction pets. Try logging onto your alliance toon and summoning it! Stones will be BOA, so it won't be an issue either.

Can you/ anyone confirm that, please. I have a humanoid stone i want to use for my horde (guild page/ herald / argent gruntling). However the server i play on is full with alliance toons. I made a ticket to get it to my horde character (on another server) but i received a negative answer twice (not possible cross-server, as per GM). So if I would delete one of my alts, make a horde character (on my main server), will i be able to send the stone to that horde character? How does this work/ anyone who have done this?

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Re: 100% Rares ?

Post by Quintessence » June 1st, 2013, 6:59 pm

Elmarc wrote:
Dakaf wrote:Can't summon the opposite faction pets. Try logging onto your alliance toon and summoning it! Stones will be BOA, so it won't be an issue either.

Can you/ anyone confirm that, please. I have a humanoid stone i want to use for my horde (guild page/ herald / argent gruntling). However the server i play on is full with alliance toons. I made a ticket to get it to my horde character (on another server) but i received a negative answer twice (not possible cross-server, as per GM). So if I would delete one of my alts, make a horde character (on my main server), will i be able to send the stone to that horde character? How does this work/ anyone who have done this?
If you purchased the Guild Page/Herald on a different server, even if you create a horde character on the server where your stones are, I don't think you can upgrade them on that server. Only the characters that actually bought those two guild pets can summon them. So to upgrade the Guild Page/Herald, the character that purchased them would need to acquire a stone somehow.

I just tried summoning the Page/Herald that my druid purchased, while on my shaman, but both are greyed out for me. Same guild, same reputation, but my shaman wasn't the one who purchased them.

In regards to sending stones cross faction on the same server, it is possible.
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Re: 100% Rares ?

Post by Peanutty » June 1st, 2013, 7:29 pm

Elmarc, I am in the same boat and Quintessence is correct. The toon that bought the herald and page will need to be the one to upgrade them as that toon is the only one that can use those particular pets.

In my situation I'll probably end up buying some BoE stones to upgrade them, once I can get a good deal on them.

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Re: 100% Rares ?

Post by Tiggindy » June 2nd, 2013, 12:18 pm

Quintessence wrote:If you purchased the Guild Page/Herald on a different server, even if you create a horde character on the server where your stones are, I don't think you can upgrade them on that server. Only the characters that actually bought those two guild pets can summon them. So to upgrade the Guild Page/Herald, the character that purchased them would need to acquire a stone somehow.
Yeah, this one perplexes me.

Why are the guild page/herald character only? Why do they show up as duplicate pets for the armory?
I realize it's asking a lot to expect consistency, but this is just foolish.

Just combine them and make them like the other faction specific pets, with the caveat that only peeps in guild that has the pets unlocked are able to summon them.

It shouldn't be complex, since it's just 1 extra check/flag. I know they can do multiple flags, since only the peeps that have it unlocked can use the extra squire functionality.

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Re: 100% Rares ?

Post by Quintessence » June 2nd, 2013, 2:20 pm

Tiggindy wrote:Yeah, this one perplexes me.

Why are the guild page/herald character only? Why do they show up as duplicate pets for the armory?
I realize it's asking a lot to expect consistency, but this is just foolish.

Just combine them and make them like the other faction specific pets, with the caveat that only peeps in guild that has the pets unlocked are able to summon them.

It shouldn't be complex, since it's just 1 extra check/flag. I know they can do multiple flags, since only the peeps that have it unlocked can use the extra squire functionality.
Agreed, the implementation for these two pets is kind of sloppy.

I think the reason behind it, though, is that they require specific reputation AND they have additional functionality (other than just looking cute :P). Having a pet that you can vendor to/buy guild reward items is too OP? O_o
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Re: 100% Rares ?

Post by Tiggindy » June 2nd, 2013, 3:05 pm

Quintessence wrote:Agreed, the implementation for these two pets is kind of sloppy.

I think the reason behind it, though, is that they require specific reputation AND they have additional functionality (other than just looking cute :P). Having a pet that you can vendor to/buy guild reward items is too OP? O_o
Yeah, but the counter to that is there are other items that require a reputation to get, but you can send them to other toons to use, like the tabards and even the mount.

Again, with the squire players can have ability(vendor or whatever) access through a pet that's character specific.
If it's that huge a problem to code as a rep check for vendor access, then do it like the squire and make us buy (with achievement or whatever) the vendor ability per toon on the pet rather than the wonky implementation where we have to buy multiples of the pet.

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Re: 100% Rares ?

Post by Maizing » June 2nd, 2013, 3:11 pm

Has anyone actually been able to upgrade their Guild page/herald? I have used stones on mine, but the stones were not consumed and my guild page/herald are both still green. I have upgraded all of my other non-combat pets, but those two stay stubbornly green.

Edit: I tried again and was able to upgrade my alliance guild page and herald. My horde guild page and herald however, seem to have completely vanished from my pet journal. They don't even show up as greyed out on the journal of the character that bought and learned them. Not that I could upgrade them anyway since the character that got them is on a different realm from where I have all my battle-stones.

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