So, if making gold with pet charms is your actual goal... I have suggestions:
Since the charms have been out so long-all the pets have become common and are worth less.
If you only operate on one realm, your chances of selling charms pets are limited.
1) buy 50 charm pets - check the undermine journal site for your best picks
2) use the charms for the 'blue' upgrade to rare stones (15 charms each) and upgrade popular AH pets
often a rare copy sells better and for a bit more gold
3) buy the ultimate stones (60 charms) and upgrade pets like Anubisath-ikky-MPandaren dragonling to sell as level 25s
4) focus on 'cute' pets like butterflies-etc --
to make gold with charms you may have better luck making a level 1 toon on a busier realm and selling there- Thrall is a tough realm to sell on in my experience----- just sell on area 52- illidan or stormrage and buy a TCG pet to take back to thrall to sell when you earn enough gold
good luck