Nexus Whelplings

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Nexus Whelplings

Post by Unclenath » August 4th, 2017, 2:01 pm

Apologies if this is duplicating an exisiting topic, but has anyone else getting the Nexus Whelpling to spawn, been trying for 10 days different times and different servers without seeing a single one.

Anyone seeing any?

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Re: Nexus Whelplings

Post by Ranok » August 4th, 2017, 8:48 pm

Yes, they're still spawning, problem is the competition. With way Blizzard is distributing workload on their servers, you may now be sharing Northrend with players from over 50 other realms. Pets like Nexus Whelpling and Emerald Proto-whelp seem to only spawn occasionally, in bunches, and quickly get snapped up by other pet collectors. Not to mention the jerks that are only interested in rares and kill everything else in hopes of respawns.

For years collectors frustrated trying to get a Minfernal have been making a DK on a Brazilian server, they are much less crowded than the U.S. realms and pet collecting doesn't seem to be as popular. You might be able to find someone whose Brazilian toon will give you an invite. I just checked my Brazilian toon and saw 10 Nexus in Coldarra.

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Re: Nexus Whelplings

Post by Uduwudu » August 4th, 2017, 10:53 pm

Ranok wrote: ...
For years collectors frustrated trying to get a Minfernal have been making a DK on a Brazilian server, they are much less crowded than the U.S. realms and pet collecting doesn't seem to be as popular. ...
Actually there is one other advantage that gives you another chance ... there is a time difference (3 hours from the West Coast here) ... and this meant, that you had two attempts to get the Minfernal, and it finally came up for me ... after several attempts.

Now that it has changed and the showing of the Minfernal is more regular, this is likely not necessary anymore, I thought! But then, I don't need another Minfernal!

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Re: Nexus Whelplings

Post by Foo » August 5th, 2017, 2:30 pm

About a week ago, I was trying to catch Nexus Whelplings and Infinite Whelplings but could not find any on my realm (Dalaran), then I changed to another realm (Illidan) and they are literally everywhere -- I saw 5+ Nexus Whelplings flying around the eye of etenity and more than 20+ Infinite Whelpling in cave of times. So yes, they do spawn, but looks like it's a little buggy here, so check as many as realms as you can (instead of checking one realm on different times).

I don't think competition is an issue here. Most hardcore pet collectors aleady have these rare pets, and there are very few new collectors like you and me -- When I was flying atop Northend I saw a lot of Unborn Val'kyrs and no one is waiting to catch them, so it might not be a problem of competition, just your realm bugged somehow. :)

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Re: Nexus Whelplings

Post by Gráinne » August 5th, 2017, 3:51 pm

There are plenty up on ER-EU right now (22:50 realm time Sat night). I whisped your Horde character with the idea that you could join a party and get some but you're not online (very sensible of you!).

I'll be up for a while. If you post again maybe we can meet. If not, they'll be up again another time. :)

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Re: Nexus Whelplings

Post by Noel » August 15th, 2017, 1:52 pm

With the absolute mass of stones available I can't believe people would farm endlessly for a rare; just get the breed you want and stone it. Anyway I always try to be conscientious to other collectors, give to get.

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