July Pet Raffle:Chromie Pets [US Servers]- COMPLETED

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July Pet Raffle:Chromie Pets [US Servers]- COMPLETED

Post by Milotha » June 30th, 2017, 4:24 am

The prizes will be an Ageless Bronze Drake (Level 1) and a Bronze Proto-Whelp. (Level 1). US servers only.

Answer these questions to be entered:

1.What is the silliest or strangest thing that has happened to you during a pet battle or pet collecting?

2. Which battle pet would you most like to own in real life?


Upon submission you will be awarded a number. A /roll will be performed in-game between 1 and the number of entries. The winner is the one with the number rolled.

Only one entry per person.

This raffle will end on the 25th of July at 9 PM CET. - Edited to end early

P.S. Please make it clear at the top of your post, if you decide to reply, but don't wish to be entered for the roll!

My answers:

1) This is in honor of the deaths of Chromie. I was queuing for PVP pet battles out in Tanaan. I got the Doom Lord's terrace as the battle area. I loaded in and noticed I was in combat, which was odd since I'd just been sitting in Vol'mar. I had noticed that Doom Lord had been standing there right as I loaded in. I got the leaving combat message shortly into the pet battle. I won the pet battle and loaded back into Vol'mar. This is when I noticed that Vivianne was dead with a recent debuff. Killed by the Doom Lord. A noble sacrifice for the cause. May the dark lady watch over her.

2) Probably my Hyjal Bear Cub. Poor thing has had a rough life. I'd take him to a bear rehabilitation clinic so he could be released back into the wild as a wild bear. Go free little one.

1. Mirith
2. Kaicee
3. Nixxis - WINNER
Last edited by Milotha on July 26th, 2017, 11:39 am, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: July Pet Raffle:Chromie Pets [US Servers]

Post by Mirith » June 30th, 2017, 3:13 pm

1) My favorite is when Crysa bugs out and half the pets end up on top of her tent.

2) Either Xu-Fu, Ban-Fu (Who doesn't want a sentient tiger cub as a pet?), or one of the Pandaran Dragon Hatchlings, as they are adorable.

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Re: July Pet Raffle:Chromie Pets [US Servers]

Post by Kaicee » June 30th, 2017, 7:57 pm

1. Bugged fights are always fun, so probably when I was battling Ashlei in Draenor, her pets bugged and were all underground. Was interesting fighting the ground :)

2. Boneshard would be pretty epic following you around in RL. Who'd mess with you with that guy out??

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Re: July Pet Raffle:Chromie Pets [US Servers]

Post by Nixxis » July 11th, 2017, 10:09 am

1. I took a break from WoW for a bit shortly after WoD expansion. I played for about a month in Draenor and debated on coming back for Legion. I finally decided to, but was very behind on pet collecting, so I was jumping at the chance to catch every pet I didn't have each chance I could. So I found myself in the new Dalaran sewers one day and I was going after the blind rat. At this point in the game I did not realize the sewers upstairs could be a pvp zone, so low and behold I'm in the middle of battling to catch a rare blind rat, someone comes up and kills me before I even realize what had happened and I did not get to capture the rat. I felt pretty stupid afterwards, but I finally got one later after being much more careful in that area of the sewers :)

2. For me, it would have to be Murky. I know there's tons of hype around Murky, but I have wanted to collect him since BlizzCon 2005. I was unable to go to the con, virtual tickets didn't exist back then and I never did find anyone selling the code for a reasonable price. So I'm obsessed with Murky and his cute little voice. I would build him a nice pond and murloc hut in the back yard to keep him happy :)

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Re: July Pet Raffle:Chromie Pets [US Servers]

Post by Milotha » July 26th, 2017, 8:00 am

I ended this one a bit early due to potentially not being around for a bit.

Congrats Nixxis on your pets. I will send you a message.

If you want to make an alt on Silver Hand horde, I can trade you the pets.
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Re: July Pet Raffle:Chromie Pets [US Servers]- COMPLETED

Post by Milotha » July 26th, 2017, 11:40 am

Grats on your pet Nixxis. It has now been handed out.

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Re: July Pet Raffle:Chromie Pets [US Servers]- COMPLETED

Post by Nixxis » July 26th, 2017, 8:18 pm

Thank you so much Milotha!

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