I had to share this extraordinary Scarlet Crusade event

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I had to share this extraordinary Scarlet Crusade event

Post by Sffcorgi » November 17th, 2016, 2:19 pm

(My guildies didn't seem to appreciate it at all. Hmph.)

https images.plurk. com/7IliB6eoWcDM9l6QgfM6. jpg (Fix URL to see image - for some reason, it's forbidding my link)

Text version: I was doing some pet levelling a few days ago, and my Troll Druid had just started the upper half of Kalimdor tamers, and as is my habit whenever in Felwood or Crystalsong Forest, stopped around rare spawn spots. Much to my surprise, right near the Venom falls, I found a Minfernal - never seen one that far south before.

Then I looked up. And found another.

And looked around. Found two more (at which time I took the snap)

Finished prowling the area for a total, believe it or not, of EIGHT Minfernals at the same time. The whole range of breeds, mostly Grey or White and one Green.

Has anybody ever seen this happen before? I usually feel lucky just to find one at all! (And it was nowhere near a server restart that I know of.)
Last edited by Sffcorgi on November 18th, 2016, 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: I had to share this extraordinary Scarlet Crusade event

Post by Gráinne » November 17th, 2016, 11:04 pm

When I first read this, and saw the green shading, I thought you meant you found them in Feralas, which really would be news!

I've seen that many before, on a low-pop realm. Not often, though. I imagine not a lot of people are going through there these days.

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Re: I had to share this extraordinary Scarlet Crusade event

Post by Sffcorgi » November 18th, 2016, 6:00 pm

[facepalm] I will fix the zone name. Brain hiccup.

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Re: I had to share this extraordinary Scarlet Crusade event

Post by Painbow » November 20th, 2016, 4:21 pm

I don't like when websites try to block URLs, so let me try to post the op's image:


Full size here: [url]http://i.imgur.com/W6cpkdc.jpg[/url]

And to answer your question, yes, I have seen a lot like this before. I'm not sure what triggers it, though.

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Re: I had to share this extraordinary Scarlet Crusade event

Post by Noel » November 20th, 2016, 7:18 pm

I wonder if they adjusted the spawn now that its old? Same goes with the stormstruck beaver; took me HOURS of farming to finally get one..then during the "kill 3 of them for the hatchling" quest, they were everywhere. THought it was going to be a slog!

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