Kosumoth group attunement

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Kosumoth group attunement

Post by Logansfury » September 20th, 2016, 3:49 am

I havent really spent a great deal of time researching kosumoth, just enough to know attunement to the quest is mandatory and that it can be painful on a pvp server, it takes a few hours, and is more easily successful in a group.

Id like to use the forum here to organize a group of players that havent attuned to this yet to get together reasonably quickly and schedule a day to group up and knock this out.

Lets get a small handful that share a few hours of free time together, set a date, get in the research at youtube and get it done.

Im a big proponent of voicechat as the key to smooth runs, so lets all settle on something to use, Id suggest openraid's free mumble client or perhaps the new curse free chat client/server. Ive nothing against ventrilo or teamspeak but no free servers jump immediately to mind. Id use either if someone has a guild server we can borrow for the event.

Who's in?

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Re: Kosumoth group attunement

Post by Darkchyld » September 20th, 2016, 5:41 am

You shouldn't have any issues doing this by yourself. Should take take an hour or so and the caves are sometimes hard to spot but that's about it. Plenty of guides and videos to help out though.

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Re: Kosumoth group attunement

Post by Logansfury » September 20th, 2016, 8:53 pm

Only video I had partially viewed showed this done with a large group. If its soloable thats cool but if Kosu himself takes a group to kill it would be convienient to attune then stay grouped to kill him immediately after. From what I saw on asmongold's video, it only took logging off and back on to spawn the quest immediately after attuning.

I could put a group for killing up on the finder, just figured this might be a cool thing for some of the site regulars to do together.

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Re: Kosumoth group attunement

Post by Salus » September 20th, 2016, 10:14 pm

Now that all the orbs should just work, I would say about 75 minutes to fully attune yourself - maybe 90 if things are going really slowly for you. It would behoove you to have a couple Invis pots and gliders to make your life a little easier.

You also may have to log off/on after you talk to Drak'thul the very first time in order for the cave to open and the item inside to be lootable.

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Re: Kosumoth group attunement

Post by Logansfury » September 20th, 2016, 10:45 pm

Im banging it out on my mage, working on orb 7 now. slowfall and invibility in my standard toolbox have been all ive needed so far. Should be putting a kill Kosu group up in finder in a bit.

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Re: Kosumoth group attunement

Post by Logansfury » September 20th, 2016, 11:56 pm

well this little pet is awesome!

Cant wait for next week to score the mount

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