Turkey Lurkey Achievement
- Petunnia93
- Posts:124
- Joined:February 6th, 2013
- Pet Score:9240
- Realm:Uther-us
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Hi, I'm currently one rogue away from getting the achievement needed for the pet and title. Anyone who is a goblin rogue and is willing to help me out it would be much appreciated. I will also return the favor and help with anything you need.
- Zaraphinia
- Posts:4
- Joined:February 6th, 2015
- Pet Score:8655
- Realm:Skywall-us
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Re: Turkey Lurkey Achievement
I'm in the same boat. Just need a Goblin Rogue. Help?!
- Petunnia93
- Posts:124
- Joined:February 6th, 2013
- Pet Score:9240
- Realm:Uther-us
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Re: Turkey Lurkey Achievement
Just got this achievement this morning. The way i got it was go on a horde character and type in the who in social tab Goblin Rogue and i just asked them if i could use them for achievement.
Re: Turkey Lurkey Achievement
The previous year I literally chased the teen-level dwarf rogue in Redridge Mountains
By the way, Remte the paladin was created for the 2014 Noblegarden purpose.
This year she wasn't as revered as then, despite a premade group.

By the way, Remte the paladin was created for the 2014 Noblegarden purpose.
This year she wasn't as revered as then, despite a premade group.

I have compiled community knowledge & data about pet battle abilities!