Buying Pets on Ebay

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Buying Pets on Ebay

Post by Aquitas » July 7th, 2015, 1:54 pm

What is up with all of the in game pets being sold on ebay? It seems shady.


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Re: Buying Pets on Ebay

Post by Ranok » July 7th, 2015, 6:30 pm

I assume you're looking at pets from the Trading Card Game, Promotions like BlizzCon and deluxe editions of Blizzard games, and from the plush pets bought from the Blizz store. These all involve scratch-off cards revealing a redemption code, which you then enter online to get the companion pet.

There's no violation of terms and conditions here. Only thing to watch out for is getting a code that's already been used. EBay is pretty good about refunding if you were promised an unscratched card but discover it isn't.

Some people have had problems where the code isn't accepted, there are various theories why. I've run into it a couple of times, both times resolved it by opening a ticket and attaching a photo of the card, with code clearly visible.

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Re: Buying Pets on Ebay

Post by Aquitas » July 8th, 2015, 12:03 am

No I am talking about listings like this one for hatespark.

There are lots of them


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Re: Buying Pets on Ebay

Post by Tekulve2012 » July 8th, 2015, 3:25 am

The fine print of the ad states that it is against Blizzard's Terms of Service (as most would guess)

I would stay away especially since you'd likely get nothing until they had your money..Hatespark can be bought on some AHs for 20-22k so it's likely not worth the risk
Also, I had a code for a Landros gift, this was from a pack that my son got me for Christmas...(but the code would not redeem)
I immediately sent the photo with card and code and my ID documents were all legit and it still took 6 months and 12 or more tickets (back and forth...we cant help you...wait a few weeks) was my only bad service in 3 years of Blizzard help..they are normally super...I never get codes now though

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Re: Buying Pets on Ebay

Post by Ranok » July 8th, 2015, 10:09 am

Jeez, I don't spend much time on EBay so hadn't seen these. Surprised that they can get away with it. Can't help but believe these are hacked or duped and EBay usually goes out of their way to avoid this sort of stuff. I certainly wouldn't touch them.

Interesting that all of the sellers are outside the U.S. May be some sort of legal dodge that lets them, and EBay, avoid the wrath of Blizzard's lawyers.

While I was checking these out, was really surprised to also come across some listings selling WoW accounts. Those have always been available on various sites but had never seen them on EBay.

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Re: Buying Pets on Ebay

Post by Aquitas » July 8th, 2015, 12:57 pm

Yes I was originally searching for TCG pets and came across those. I was surprised to see them. I am not buying any I just thought it was weird because I thought sales like that were not allowed.


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Re: Buying Pets on Ebay

Post by FuxieDK » July 8th, 2015, 1:36 pm

TCG pets are allowed to be traded on ebay (and similar sites)... I have bought (nearly) all TCG pets that exist via ebay, and never had any problems or scammers..

Other pets are too risky, as Blizzard doesn't allow it, and I'd never take the chance..

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Re: Buying Pets on Ebay

Post by Aquitas » July 8th, 2015, 7:39 pm

I have have bought TCG pets too with no problems, but I hate to pay real money for stuff i can get in game:) plus I don't want to knowingly buy a duped pet

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Re: Buying Pets on Ebay

Post by Tweak » August 11th, 2015, 1:11 pm

Having traded lots of WoW pets, and sold lots of stuff on ebay...

Selling digital content on ebay isn't allowed by their terms of use either.

Selling a physical item w/ an unused code (or a used code for that matter) is allowed (IE. A TCG card, or an unused Blizzcon Murky card). You should however, make damn sure you specify if the code is used or not, or you could risk a dispute from the buyer.

That's true of all games/digital content, not just WoW. If it's not a physical item that can be mailed, ebay doesn't allow it.

As such, selling Hatespark (or other pets that are in no way physical real world objects) on ebay violates both WoW and ebay's terms.

THAT said, 100s of people list digital content anyway, and there's far too much of it for ebay to actively police, so as long as people keep their listings relatively low-key, and no one reports them, people still get away with it all the time. Usually they get listed and sold in a short window, before ebay ever even takes notice.

Some people even attempt to sidestep it with listings along the line of, "You are buying this napkin, as an added bonus, if you buy the napkin, I will also e-mail you a promotional DLC code" ... making the napkin the actual subject of the listing, and the code incidental. (I'm pretty sure this might also not be allowed, but people still do it. No one ever actually mails the napkin :P)

Many listings, for say a piece of Gamestop DLC (as an example) also SAY they're selling a physical card, but it's more or less understood by those shopping them that no card will ever actually be mailed, and the code will just be e-mailed. The listings SAY they'll mail a card, just to adhere to ebay's listing rules (as a buyer, you could actually report the seller for not sending a physical card, but... that would be dirty pool, and most people don't care that they never get the card. I'm sure people have probably gotten into squabbles over it though. I don't think it's an issue with WoW TCG cards, because those are a collectible and pretty much always do actually get mailed. But DLC gamestop cards/inserts, once the code is used, are worthless, obviously, so most people don't bother mailing them or demanding they be mailed.)

SO... ALL that said, you can legally sell WoW Collector's Edition codes on ebay. You can legally sell physical blizzcon card codes on ebay. You can legally sell TCG cards with codes on ebay. You can even legally sell the Gryphon Hatchling and Wind Rider Cub Code Card on ebay (w/ or w/o doll)... And they can all either be used or unused. (but again, make sure you specify)

But any pet that is purely in-game isn't allowed by WoW or ebay's terms of use. If you actually report these listings to ebay, they will likely pull them (I can't however guarantee they will pull them in a timely manner).

I actually had trouble selling some plastic WoW cups once, because ebay was detecting WoW-Related words in my listing title (Warcraft, Lich King, Deathwing, etc) and thought I was trying to sell digital content. I had to creatively word my title around them (War-craft) just to get the damn cups listed. So even their automated, non-moderated systems try to prevent this, but people still get around it easily enough.

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Re: Buying Pets on Ebay

Post by Alkaia » August 12th, 2015, 3:51 am

Seen these as well, there are also mounts if you go looking. As you say they violate both ebay and Blizzard's T&C. If Blizz were to go looking you could easily have your account suspended.

I don't quite see the need with the WoW Tokens you can now buy. It's surely better to buy and redeem a token and buy the pet/mount on the AH. At least that's a legit way of getting pets/mounts with cash.

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