Pet Favourites for Garrison (brighter is better!)

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Pet Favourites for Garrison (brighter is better!)

Post by Demiano » November 20th, 2014, 4:33 pm

Alright so got Pet Menagerie level 2 and lo and behold the little buggers I put as favourite started wandering around my base. AWESOME. So I noticed right away that dark tiny pets are almost impossible to see, so I favourited all my bright and big pets and it made a huge difference. Really making the brightest pets (lil rag is a must, huge and bright) favourite really adds some flavour to your garrison. So, what pets are you favouriting?

I got all the Celestial tourny pets since they are bright (yula, Zao, Xufu, Chichi)
blossoming ancient
celestial dragon
cinder kitten
darkmoon eye
eye of legion
fel flame
lil rag
netherspace abyssal
phoenix hatchling
rascal bot because too kool
searing scorchling
singing sunflower because too terrifying
soul of the aspects

And anyone know the rules for having more than 10 as favourite? do they alternate out? just the first 10? Anyone?
Last edited by Demiano on November 20th, 2014, 5:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pet Favourites for Garrison

Post by Peanutty » November 20th, 2014, 5:06 pm

If you have more than 10 it should just choose randomly (same with Stables). I kept mine exactly at 10 so it wouldn't do that.

I'm going to have to rethink my favorites list because I did all the Pandaren Spirit type pets, but they're small and not really noticeable. So I think you're right, bigger and brighter is the way to go if you want them to stand out!

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Joined:November 11th, 2012
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Re: Pet Favourites for Garrison

Post by Demiano » November 20th, 2014, 5:08 pm

lil Rag is HUGE, and bright, really he stands out more than any other pet when hes gliding around. Abyssal also very good to see.

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