Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets
I noticed that Viscidus pet drop the boss can't die unless frozen. Shamans, Hunters, Mages, and DK's have froze type abilities that are known to work. Also mentioned is Frost Oil, and an enchant "Deathfrost" helps. This might be guide or article worthy.
- Hellomynameis
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Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets
I made sortof a guide here:
Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets
As a mage I can get him frozen but can't break him. So much for being able to solo these drops. 

- Linaomine
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Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets
Yeah some still hurt, I duo'd Naxx 10 with a friend, and I could have solo'd everything but Patchwerk, he still hits pretty hard =S
Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets
Viscidus has definitely changed, but it's still not doable for a class that doesn't have a consistent Frost damage option.
With my paladin, I bought one of the cheap white ilvl 80 1h swords from Dalaran, threw a Frost Oil on it, and went to town.
Did over 8M damage to him (he has 1.9M HP), froze him 4 times (89 Frostbolt procs) over 25 minutes (the first one wasn't until he was at 1hp), and still couldn't hit him enough to shatter him.
With my paladin, I bought one of the cheap white ilvl 80 1h swords from Dalaran, threw a Frost Oil on it, and went to town.
Did over 8M damage to him (he has 1.9M HP), froze him 4 times (89 Frostbolt procs) over 25 minutes (the first one wasn't until he was at 1hp), and still couldn't hit him enough to shatter him.
Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets
u can kill that slimeball w/o frost attacks now. i just did the more u attack he will start to freeze get frozen then have about 10sec to shatter
- Hellomynameis
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Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets
I dont know what has changed with the mechanics lately, but the main thing when he got frozen was to hit him with 75 melee attacks within 15 seconds. The amount of damage per attack doesnt matter, the amount of melee attacks do.
This change you are talking about, when did this happen, and what changed? The information I have are accurate atleast up to patch 4.2, but I'm not sure what changed after that.
This change you are talking about, when did this happen, and what changed? The information I have are accurate atleast up to patch 4.2, but I'm not sure what changed after that.
- Bistromath
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Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets
So far from what ive seen.
Emperor Vek'nilash and Vek'nor
Are not solo'able by some classes.
Emperor Vek'nilash and Vek'nor
Are not solo'able by some classes.
- Hellomynameis
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Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets
I'll assume you meant "not soloable by any classes".Edema wrote:So far from what ive seen.
Emperor Vek'nilash and Vek'nor
Are not solo'able by some classes.
I think...perhaps..if both stampede and readyness are available in the same hunter spec(didnt bother to check), that snake trap + stampede + readyness + snake trap + stampede might be a way to solo the "75 melee attack within 15 seconds"-part.
Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets
Viscidus can't be solo'd by some classes if you put some extra effort into it.Hellomynameis wrote: I'll assume you meant "not soloable by any classes".
I think...perhaps..if both stampede and readyness are available in the same hunter spec(didnt bother to check), that snake trap + stampede + readyness + snake trap + stampede might be a way to solo the "75 melee attack within 15 seconds"-part.
I did it on a Guardian druid by buying a frost dmg on hit weapon from the blue ladies in SP (as druids have no natural frost attacks). I DPS'd him down with my normal weapon in cat form. When he was at 1 health, switched to the frost polearm. Since cat attack speed is very fast, the freezing took almost no time. Right before he froze I hit trees (which I had to respec for as I don't normally use them) and berserk. Then just spammed the lowest energy attacks and let my trees and 1s swing timer do the rest.
I'm sure a DK would have little trouble as well with Razorize when dual-wielding, and using Army to shatter him.
Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets
Yeah, with even less effort with that. I was pretty fuzzy on the exact mechanic when I pulled him. :pGilneas wrote:I'm sure a DK would have little trouble as well with Razorize when dual-wielding, and using Army to shatter him.Hellomynameis wrote: I'll assume you meant "not soloable by any classes".
I think...perhaps..if both stampede and readyness are available in the same hunter spec(didnt bother to check), that snake trap + stampede + readyness + snake trap + stampede might be a way to solo the "75 melee attack within 15 seconds"-part.
Freezing him is easy with a DK (mine is specced blood), Icy Touch doesn't debuff him, but the attack still "hits". After a few times freezing and not shattering I switched to some 1h weapons I had in my bag and popped Army, Rune Weapon, and Remorseless Winter. He exploded with that combo.
Twin Emps went down fairly similar. Skipped trash, trash pulled when I pulled, ran around killing trash and 'tanking' the emps. Spent 5minutes getting nowhere, decided to try and evade bug in the doorway, found that damage was 'consistent' in the doorway through the teleports. Took two armies worth of CDs and was 5+ minutes into enrage.
Now I'm about an hour into basically autoattacking C'Thun to death. 49%. sob.
Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets
My results were
BWL: 3/3
Naxx: 2/3
AQ: 1/3 and 1/3
MC: 2/3
I duo'd both AQ clears and went in as a feral druid for the rest. I'm fairly gimpy, 2 pieces of LFR gear and missing one enchant/meta. My average dps runs between 25-30k on my druid.
AQ: Vicidious, I couldn't shatter him with timewarp up. So we reset him and I respecced into treants. This was easily enough to shatter him. I think a Barov peasant trinket would work too if you need melee. I'm an engineer, so I've also the option of the old compact reaper kit. With christmas coming up, we'll have mechanical grinches. Snake trap does work btw.
Naxx, Patchwerk gave me trouble. I had to spec out of resto and into bear to kill him, everything else I killed as kitty. Gluth I thought I was going to wipe, I had forgotten his mortal strike debuff. But I hit dash and was able to run around, it fell off, used heart of the wild to heal myself a bit. The zombies weren't a problem. He did heal, yes, but my dps was greater than their healing. It just delayed things a bit.
MC, you must clear except Lucifron to get to the harbringer. If you kill giants, keep blood of the mountains. They sell well to people doing the legendary. Same with ingots.
BWL: Razorgore took some learning, I found this post on the main forum helpful. Still a very tight fight though.
Edit: Little more detail
When I did Razorgore, I was feral but you get switched out to caster form when clicking. WHen the first mind control broke I did go ahead and kill some of the adds by me. But I had run Razor back, so most of the ones that had been on him, went to me. THen I got him again, I think he had about 1/3 of them on him and ended up maybe 15% health. I was down to half health.
I did Anub Frost, Grand Widow Blood, Maex Blood, Noth Frost, Heigan Frost, Loatheb Frost, Patchwerk Blood, Grobbulus Frost. I tried Gluth once each as Frost and Blood. Blood was horrid, only 95%. Frost I got him down to 25ish but when I tried using my talented sprint to shake off the mortal wound, I wasn't speedy enough and it was too short. A little more dps or a sprint pot might serve me here.
Another interesting note. I did Saph directly after Loatheb on my druid. I had the buff up that makes you have no threat, so my treants and ghost iron dragonling ended up tanking for the first 25% or so. So if I'm still feeling gimpy next reset with my DK, I may try clearing to just before Loatheb and Gluth. Killing Loatheb then sprinting over to Gluth while I've got the threat debuff and hitting army.
BWL: 3/3

Naxx: 2/3
AQ: 1/3 and 1/3
MC: 2/3
I duo'd both AQ clears and went in as a feral druid for the rest. I'm fairly gimpy, 2 pieces of LFR gear and missing one enchant/meta. My average dps runs between 25-30k on my druid.
AQ: Vicidious, I couldn't shatter him with timewarp up. So we reset him and I respecced into treants. This was easily enough to shatter him. I think a Barov peasant trinket would work too if you need melee. I'm an engineer, so I've also the option of the old compact reaper kit. With christmas coming up, we'll have mechanical grinches. Snake trap does work btw.
Naxx, Patchwerk gave me trouble. I had to spec out of resto and into bear to kill him, everything else I killed as kitty. Gluth I thought I was going to wipe, I had forgotten his mortal strike debuff. But I hit dash and was able to run around, it fell off, used heart of the wild to heal myself a bit. The zombies weren't a problem. He did heal, yes, but my dps was greater than their healing. It just delayed things a bit.
MC, you must clear except Lucifron to get to the harbringer. If you kill giants, keep blood of the mountains. They sell well to people doing the legendary. Same with ingots.
BWL: Razorgore took some learning, I found this post on the main forum helpful. Still a very tight fight though.
Edit: Little more detail
When I did Razorgore, I was feral but you get switched out to caster form when clicking. WHen the first mind control broke I did go ahead and kill some of the adds by me. But I had run Razor back, so most of the ones that had been on him, went to me. THen I got him again, I think he had about 1/3 of them on him and ended up maybe 15% health. I was down to half health.
I went back into Naxx this morning on my even less well geared DK. No dread wastes gear, 1 -2 pieces of dungeon gear. I was able to clear everything but Gluth with a little trial and error. Got Maex's pet again and nothing off Loatheb again.The adds on razorgore will aggro your character instead of razor if they are in close proximity to you, so they really only attack him when he is at the far end of the room.
What you want to do is break the eggs nearest to you, then move down one side, breaking eggs as you go, to the far end of the room and break all the eggs down there. Then you want to run razorgore back to near your character, and all the enemies that are attacking him will attack your character instead. Now you can break the rest of the eggs without worrying about razor taking too much damage. However, all these mobs are hitting you, so you'll want some kind of passive health regen.
I did it on an 89 warrior specced prot with second wind and I also did it with my warlock using grimoire of sacrifice.
I did Anub Frost, Grand Widow Blood, Maex Blood, Noth Frost, Heigan Frost, Loatheb Frost, Patchwerk Blood, Grobbulus Frost. I tried Gluth once each as Frost and Blood. Blood was horrid, only 95%. Frost I got him down to 25ish but when I tried using my talented sprint to shake off the mortal wound, I wasn't speedy enough and it was too short. A little more dps or a sprint pot might serve me here.
Another interesting note. I did Saph directly after Loatheb on my druid. I had the buff up that makes you have no threat, so my treants and ghost iron dragonling ended up tanking for the first 25% or so. So if I'm still feeling gimpy next reset with my DK, I may try clearing to just before Loatheb and Gluth. Killing Loatheb then sprinting over to Gluth while I've got the threat debuff and hitting army.
Last edited by Vhale on November 28th, 2012, 4:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets
I had very little trouble with the DK. To the point where I'm wondering if I was just very lucky. I think I popped Army in between mind controls actually.Vhale wrote: BWL: Razorgore took some learning, I found this post on the main forum helpful. Still a very tight fight though.
I had a lot of trouble with the priest, in the end a bit of info from wowhead helped. Sticking renew on Razorgore (instant cast, so it'll work) will heal him up and give you some threat.
Did it without problems after that.
Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets
Let's see... Here's my report after day 1 (using my ret pally).
BWL - Tried Razorgore twice and adds killed him off both times. Will have to try the tactic Vhale linked here.
MC - Full Clear. No pets though.
AQ40 - Cleared everyone except Twin Emps (kept outhealing my damage - need to get better gear for my pally) and Vicidious (meleed him down to 1 hp before remembering about the whole shatter thing - need to get Elemental Force on my weapon as the 'Elemental' damage supposedly counts as Frost damage with him). No pet from the Prophet.
Naxx - Haven't tried yet.
BWL - Tried Razorgore twice and adds killed him off both times. Will have to try the tactic Vhale linked here.
MC - Full Clear. No pets though.

AQ40 - Cleared everyone except Twin Emps (kept outhealing my damage - need to get better gear for my pally) and Vicidious (meleed him down to 1 hp before remembering about the whole shatter thing - need to get Elemental Force on my weapon as the 'Elemental' damage supposedly counts as Frost damage with him). No pet from the Prophet.

Naxx - Haven't tried yet.
Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets
My take:
MC: Still as easy to solo at 90 as it was at 85 I'm sure. I actually duo'd with my friends warrior so he could get some tier 1. 2/3 pets dropped.
BWL: I was able to solo Razorgore, but it took me four attempts to figure out the strategy. When you first start the encounter you have a few seconds to destroy eggs without adds. When they start coming, a few will start attacking him, run him over by yourself and they should switch off Razorgore. Repeat that whenever you get a few of the adds beating on him. I actually had to interrupt the channel a couple times in order to keep myself up (you can type /sit to stop the channel). I used Fan of Knives to build up a few combo points for Recuperate and that was able to keep me up while also giving a little bit of healing threat. Nothing else in BWL gave me any problems, Razorgore was the only one that dropped a pet though, 1/3.
AQ: I used to solo quite a bit of this at 85 trying for the red bug mount (took too long to get that). At 90 I was able to kill two of the bosses I couldn't at 85, the bug trio and Fangkriss. Viscidus would not go down for me though. I had a dagger from Tempest Keep that I saved for transmog, so I put some Frost Oil on it (Frost Oil can't be used on an item higher than ilevel 165). I beat on him for 20 minutes and got him frozen four times, but I couldn't shatter him. I may try again with some haste buffs. (According to the patch notes, it is "soloable." They can't just mean by 2 or 3 classes.) I pulled Twin Emperors after stealthing through all the mobs in the hallway before them, which all came running at me when I pulled. I died, horribly. After running back into the instance and killing all the offending mobs, I found the door the the Emperors' room was locked and I couldn't get in. 0/3.
MC: Still as easy to solo at 90 as it was at 85 I'm sure. I actually duo'd with my friends warrior so he could get some tier 1. 2/3 pets dropped.
BWL: I was able to solo Razorgore, but it took me four attempts to figure out the strategy. When you first start the encounter you have a few seconds to destroy eggs without adds. When they start coming, a few will start attacking him, run him over by yourself and they should switch off Razorgore. Repeat that whenever you get a few of the adds beating on him. I actually had to interrupt the channel a couple times in order to keep myself up (you can type /sit to stop the channel). I used Fan of Knives to build up a few combo points for Recuperate and that was able to keep me up while also giving a little bit of healing threat. Nothing else in BWL gave me any problems, Razorgore was the only one that dropped a pet though, 1/3.
AQ: I used to solo quite a bit of this at 85 trying for the red bug mount (took too long to get that). At 90 I was able to kill two of the bosses I couldn't at 85, the bug trio and Fangkriss. Viscidus would not go down for me though. I had a dagger from Tempest Keep that I saved for transmog, so I put some Frost Oil on it (Frost Oil can't be used on an item higher than ilevel 165). I beat on him for 20 minutes and got him frozen four times, but I couldn't shatter him. I may try again with some haste buffs. (According to the patch notes, it is "soloable." They can't just mean by 2 or 3 classes.) I pulled Twin Emperors after stealthing through all the mobs in the hallway before them, which all came running at me when I pulled. I died, horribly. After running back into the instance and killing all the offending mobs, I found the door the the Emperors' room was locked and I couldn't get in. 0/3.
Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets
Additionally on Viscidus, a warlock can do it if they get one of the alternate forms of frost damage (e.g., weapon with deathfrost or frost oil).
The fastest hitting melee pet seems to be the felguard, so spec into Demo and talent into Grimoire of Service. Right before he freezes when you've got him at 1, drop your infernal (I believe his melee swings count). When he freezes, quickly summon your Grimoire of Service felguard (so you have 2 up!), and have them Felstorm.
I had a couple of priests melee'ing him when I did this (and not using their shadowfiends at that point) but it went pretty quick so I assume that a warlock can do the number of hits alone like this.
The fastest hitting melee pet seems to be the felguard, so spec into Demo and talent into Grimoire of Service. Right before he freezes when you've got him at 1, drop your infernal (I believe his melee swings count). When he freezes, quickly summon your Grimoire of Service felguard (so you have 2 up!), and have them Felstorm.
I had a couple of priests melee'ing him when I did this (and not using their shadowfiends at that point) but it went pretty quick so I assume that a warlock can do the number of hits alone like this.
Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets
I've only tried AQ so far, couldn't do Emperors or Viscidus as prot pally. Tonight I will go back with elemental force as ret and equip my barov peasant caller, my hat from don julio or whoever that summons a coyote and another add summoning trinket (can be a netherwhelp, paladin from scourge invasion or something along those lines).
Not sure how I could possibly solo emperors on my pally, they do a lot of damage for ret and I can't do enough dps as prot. Plus my ret gear is not that great. Maybe if I get some better gear for ret it will be easier, I have had really terrible luck from LFR.
I have no real concerns about soloing MC or BWL. I think that I should be able to do most of naxx but will have to try it to know for sure. The tip about loatheb is very interesting and I will probably give a couple of attempts on gluth first, then when I understand all the mechanics really well, run and kill loatheb and run back.
Not sure how I could possibly solo emperors on my pally, they do a lot of damage for ret and I can't do enough dps as prot. Plus my ret gear is not that great. Maybe if I get some better gear for ret it will be easier, I have had really terrible luck from LFR.
I have no real concerns about soloing MC or BWL. I think that I should be able to do most of naxx but will have to try it to know for sure. The tip about loatheb is very interesting and I will probably give a couple of attempts on gluth first, then when I understand all the mechanics really well, run and kill loatheb and run back.
- Hellomynameis
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Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets
Be sure to check all the on-use items beforehand, they might induce a 20-30 sec cooldown on similar on-use effects. If you have the barov peasant caller and the Zul'aman gnome caller trinkets, I would wager a bet that they cant be used at the exact same time.Aquilus wrote:Tonight I will go back with elemental force as ret and equip my barov peasant caller, my hat from don julio or whoever that summons a coyote and another add summoning trinket (can be a netherwhelp, paladin from scourge invasion or something along those lines).
Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets
I tried to do the first boss of BWL, alone with my feral druid, and it seems I can't do it.
Tried it several times, with no result....don't know how to kill all the adds.
Any suggestion? Sorry for my bad english!
Tried it several times, with no result....don't know how to kill all the adds.
Any suggestion? Sorry for my bad english!
Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets
I did it as 453 Ret twice prior to the patch (obviously no LFR gear.) last night when I did it I was 459 with a 463 weapon.Aquilus wrote:Not sure how I could possibly solo emperors on my pally, they do a lot of damage for ret and I can't do enough dps as prot. Plus my ret gear is not that great. Maybe if I get some better gear for ret it will be easier, I have had really terrible luck from LFR..
Use Seal of Insight, either Sacred Shield or Selfless Healer (I use the latter) and burn HP on WoG heals.
I also use Execution Sentence alternating between myself and one of the Twins.
Prior to this patch, it would take me 15+ minutes; when I did it last night it took about 4.
There's still a period at the start where their heals outbalance your dps, but once you get into the rotation you should be good.
Don't forget to pop wings for the free Hammer as often as you can.