Pet collection in pet battles

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Pet collection in pet battles

Post by Krypster » August 30th, 2014, 1:44 pm

I always try to get 3 RARE pets of each species, Should I be doing this or just concentrate on only ONE rare of each species?

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Re: Pet collection in pet battles

Post by Peanutty » August 30th, 2014, 2:28 pm

Not sure what you mean exactly by "species." Do you mean 3 of a specific pet (i.e. Irradiated Roach) or 3 of a general category of pet (i.e. any cockroaches) or 3 of a family of pet (i.e. critters)?

If you mean the first, 3 of a specific pet, it's not possible to get 3 of every one, as the pet journal can only hold 1000 pets right now.

You can collect however you want but I don't see a reason to collect multiples of most specific pets, unless using them for a PVP team, specific tamer battle team, or to get unique skins.

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Re: Pet collection in pet battles

Post by Krypster » August 30th, 2014, 2:50 pm

Thank You, I mean 3 of a specific pet. IE."Gilneas Raven" or "Eternal Strider". I guess I'll be having to delete some pets when the time comes.

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Re: Pet collection in pet battles

Post by Peanutty » August 30th, 2014, 3:22 pm

Ah okay. Yeah, I don't see a reason for doing that but it's your collection and you should do what you want with it. I know some people like having a wide variety of breeds, for example. I assume the pet journal might be increased at some point in WoD but currently, I believe the cap is still set at 1000 in beta.

Personally I find the pet journal already full enough as it is with 1 of each and a dozen or so duplicates for unique skins. ;)

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Re: Pet collection in pet battles

Post by Mykro9 » August 31st, 2014, 9:59 pm

There are a few specific pets where having more than one 'can' be useful, like I use 3 Unborn Val'Kyrs for the Celestial Tournament, and I have 2 Jade Owls for No-No, and the Pandaren Water Spirit, but generally, you only need 1 of each.

Another reason some people collect more than one of a specific wild pet is because of different colors. A lot of parrots have different colors, and the raccoon type critters have different color variations in the wild to collect. But, you can easily get almost all color varieties by collecting one color from each breed.

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Re: Pet collection in pet battles

Post by Digem » September 1st, 2014, 1:27 am

It is your pet journal do with it as one likes.
For most pet duplicates don't really matter but if you like to collect for different colors and such then do so.
Some pets it is nice to have duplicates, the valk, anbisol idol, and Flayer youngling to name a few.
Some times one might one a different breed to use it a bit differently, again ones choice to so.
Only negative is we can only have 1000 for now and will have a few 100 new ones in WoD so keep that in mind.

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