RAF question - one more question..see end of thread

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RAF question - one more question..see end of thread

Post by Tekulve2012 » April 20th, 2014, 3:04 pm

Hi folks, so I've had a 60 day game timecard since January and i want the RAF pets. I want to be sure to do this right since I plan to trade pets for game time for the other 3 reward RAF pets.

Please correct me if iI have any aspect of this wrong:
1) Iset up an email that's different from my current account
2) I send a RAF email invite from my main account
3) I accept the invite (friend acc.) And activatethe new account
4) I buy the starter digital edition from the blizz store (up to cata)- for 20$ on the friend acc.
5) I put in the 60 day game timecode

So a couple of questions:
a- do I need 4 different emails for 4 recruited friend accounts?
B- do i need a different PayPal or credit card for each account set up or is the game time card enough
C- do I get 4 months game timeadded to my main account?
D- if my main aaccount gets 4 free months do I alert Blizz. To stop my auto payment or is that done automatically
E- is there anything I'm missing?

Thanks for your help! Just trying to improve my collection before the RAF offer disappears (I presume it won't be eternal)
Last edited by Tekulve2012 on April 21st, 2014, 2:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: RAF question - please help

Post by Yazhi » April 20th, 2014, 4:45 pm

Hi there!

I'm a bit of a RAF expert after doing it so many times so let me try answer each question for you:

1) Iset up an email that's different from my current account

You can choose to use your current battle.net account and have both under the same email address (this is awesome for trading heirlooms back and forth etc) or you can make it on a seperate account (if it's for someone else to use or you just want to keep it seperate)

2) I send a RAF email invite from my main account

You log into the game and under the friends tab you click the RAF button and send it to the email you want.

3) I accept the invite (friend acc.) And activatethe new account

4) I buy the starter digital edition from the blizz store (up to cata)- for 20$ on the friend acc.


5) I put in the 60 day game timecode

Correct! :D

So a couple of questions:
a- do I need 4 different emails for 4 recruited friend accounts?

You can have them all on the same bnet if you want as mentioned at the start (a maximum of 10 accounts on one bnet)

B- do i need a different PayPal or credit card for each account set up or is the game time card enough

No it can all be on the same

C- do I get 4 months game timeadded to my main account?

in theory yes. the first month gives your main a month, so you can think of it as buying the time for your main account for the first month.

D- if my main aaccount gets 4 free months do I alert Blizz. To stop my auto payment or is that done automatically

If you want to cancel your subscription log into your account management to do so, they will not cancel it unless you do so yourself

E- is there anything I'm missing?

It can take 72 hours for your trial account to be converted to a 'main account' meaning it can't talk in trade chat, it can't trade with any characters (so you can't send it gold etc) but it generally is done within 24 hours :)

Enjoy the RAF perks, if you can be bothered to level some alts it is reeeaally worth while doing it, I can't stand levelling without it now :P
Thanks for your help! Just trying to improve my collection before the RAF offer disappears (I presume it won't be eternal)

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Re: RAF question - please help

Post by Tekulve2012 » April 20th, 2014, 6:56 pm

Invaluable and comprehensive, prompt help ...thank you SO much!!!

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Re: RAF question - please help

Post by Worgenbait » April 20th, 2014, 8:39 pm

Just to clarify with regards to the subscription renewal, you don't need to do anything. That will still go naturally, it will just put the free months in front of the renewal. So say your 6-month subscription expires in July, the 4 free months would follow that, and the auto-renewal will kick in when the 4 months expire in November.

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Re: RAF question - please help

Post by Tekulve2012 » April 21st, 2014, 7:13 am

Thanks Worgenbait , I will likely let the current subscription run out 1st then..

Update - i did my 1st RAF successfully ..blizz.account activation page wouldn't display after I invited to set up a second time ..not sure what the issue is/was

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Re: RAF question - one more question..see end of thread

Post by Tekulve2012 » April 21st, 2014, 2:05 pm

One more question, when you link 2 toons for 300% xp, do pet battles count for that?

I have a lvl 66 toon on ilidan horde but don'twant to be constantly gbanked while questing if I put an RAF death knight toon on illidan..just wondered

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Re: RAF question - one more question..see end of thread

Post by Jerebear » April 21st, 2014, 4:36 pm

You can still get ganked doing wild pet battles on a PvP server. You are safe during NPC battles, but not for wild battles.
Carry Pet Experience Reference Guide:

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