Please help: Niggles Pet Teams

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Please help: Niggles Pet Teams

Post by Shaya » September 3rd, 2021, 1:13 pm

I have been away from WoW for a few months due to my job. I logged back on to play and ended up having a corrupter game file or something because would not download and complete an update over 3 days. I ended up having to delete the game and reinstall it. Doing so also seemed to delete all my add-ons, no big deal I knew which ones I had and all the setting for them all but one. Niggles: Pet Teams. I lost all my save team data. I spent so much time making my perfect teams for different trainers and loved using this add-on. Does anyone know of a way I can get all that data back? I am my no means a hard core pet battler but I did very much enjoy running around the world now and again. I spent so much time on Warcraft Pets finding the perfect team to build to battle many trainers. I would very much like not to have to redo all of that work again.

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Re: Please help: Niggles Pet Teams

Post by Ranok » September 3rd, 2021, 4:01 pm

I've never used Niggles but guessing it uses the normal method of saving data for add-ons, storing it as a .lua file. Reloading WoW from scratch probably completely erased all the existing data but you should be able to recover it from a backup you made earlier before doing the re-install. Even if a backup is missing your most recent team definitions, would be better than starting from scratch.

These .lua files are stored on whatever drive you installed WoW to, I'll use the C: drive for illustration:

C: / Program Files(x86) / World of Warcraft / _Retail_ / WTF / Account / (your name) / SavedVariables

If you were able to find a Niggles file there on a backup, just need to use it to replace the current empty one that would've been created by installing the add-on.

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