(US) Trading a few pets.

Arrange pet trades on US and Oceanic servers.
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Joined:October 3rd, 2012
Pet Score:6507
Realm:Area 52-us
(US) Trading a few pets.

Post by Bastien » December 26th, 2012, 4:44 am

Not a huge list but I've got a few extras to trade off;
Pandaren Air Spirit
Pandaren Earth Spirit
Imperial Moth (Uncommon)

Looking to trade for these mostly;
Purple Puffer
Nightsaber Cub
Sand Scarab
Azure Whelpling
Crimson Whelpling
Emerald Whelpling
Hyacinth Macaw

Will certainly consider anything I don't have though.
Just post here or contact me ingame @ Bastien#1147 :) I'm in-game and checking here frequently so I'll respond asap.
Hope everyone had a great Christmas!

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