- Magic Ogre Idol (TCG item/code)
The Flag of Ownership (TCG item/code)
RAF! Either battlechests Or Game Time. You can have/play the second account if you refer it to mine, I dont care. If anyone is interested in a deal like this, let me know.
Battle.net Balance / gift cards
Wouldn't say no to a couple of the blizzard mounts I'm still missing.
Other TCG items/fun stuff is always cool too. Hit me up if you have them (Tabards, Pedestal, Sarcophagus, Epic Purple Shirt, etc)
Syd the Squid
Darkmoon Eye
Gooey Sha-ling S/S
Spectral Porcupette
Vengeful Porcupette (perhaps multiples on the right deal)
Coilfang Stalker
Son of Animus
Pierre / Rascal-Bot
Magical Crawdad
Razzashi Hatchling
Moon Moon
Ruby Droplet
Fossilized Hatchling
Clockwork Gnome
Voodoo Figurine
Death Adder Hatchling
Jademist Dancer S/S
Ashleaf Spriteling
Gu'chi Swarmling
Skunky Alemental
Dandelion Frolicker
Lil' Bling
Pandaren Earth/Air/Water/Fire Spirit or Mountain/Sunfur/Snowy Panda
Aqua Strider / Grinder
Magic Lamp
Childrens Week: Whiskers the Rat / Scooter the Snail / Legs / Speedy / Egbert / Peanut / Willy
Raiding With Leashes 1 & 2
- Battle Chests
- BOE Flawless upgrade stones
- BOP Flawless upgrade stones - All Types, the exact numbers vary daily. Flying, Beast in highest demand
- Pet leveling services
Sky Golem
Swift Lovebird
Any Alliance Argent tournament pets - Ammen Vale Lashling, Dun Morogh Cub, Mechanopeep, Ammen Vale Lashling, Teldrassil Sproutling, Shimmering Wyrmling
Enchanted Broom
DM Faire pets - DM Turtle, Zep, Tonk, Hatchling, Monkey, Cub (some might be dependent on the faire being in town)
Lots of Gold!! on Archimonde / The Underbog / Jaedenar / Agamaggan / Burning Legion
And more. Lots of duplicates I havn't listed here.
If you can get anything on my Need list, dont feel shy to throw me a invite so we can talk and work something out.