Wolvenfire's trading post

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Wolvenfire's trading post

Post by Wolf8780 » December 19th, 2013, 4:39 pm

hello i am wolvenfire from alleria looking to trade off some pets and hoping to acquire a few others that tickle my fancy.
if any oeak your interst please feel free to add my battle tag CoffeeCrazy#1401

Available for trade
Darkmoon cub lvl 11 P/S
Darkmoon Zeppelin H/B
Aqua strider S/S
Darkmoon Turtle H/B
Guardian cub B/B
Sen'jin fetish P/P (stoned)
Sprite Darter hatchling S/S
Harbinger of flame P/P
Sunfur Panda H/S
Snowy Panda P/H
Mountain Panda P/S
Azure Crane Chick P/P
Rascal Bot P/B

Ones that i am seeking
Fox Kit
Gregarious grell
Rotten Little helper
Tiny blue carp
Tiny red carp
Rocket Chicken
Gusting Grimoire

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