WTB Frosty and Mini Thor pets

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Re: WTB Frosty and Mini Thor pets

Post by Bob850 » October 24th, 2013, 12:20 pm

@Kravian, Just sent you a PM with my battletag and all the CE/code pets I'm interested in. Thanks again for bringing your contact to our attention. :D

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Re: WTB Frosty and Mini Thor pets

Post by Kravian » October 30th, 2013, 10:06 am

Just a quick update, everyone that pm'd me a battletag has had their tag and pets wanted forwarded to the CE dealer via in game mail. If you guys dont hear from him by the end of the week, go ahead and post here or pm me again and I can try to get on his case about it.

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Re: WTB Frosty and Mini Thor pets

Post by Kravian » November 6th, 2013, 4:43 pm

Just another update, I have completed my trade with this dealer for tyraels hilt, the trade went down without a problem. He told me that out of all the battletags and shopping lists that I gave him he has only added 2 people so far. I know he has talked to bob850 but I am not sure about anyone else. He told me that he will be able to service everyones request but has said that everyone will need to be patient.

It took over a month from the first time I spoke to him until I finally paid for and received grunty and mini tyrael. So to anyone still wanting to get something just remember to be patient and you will get whatever it is that you want!

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Re: WTB Frosty and Mini Thor pets

Post by Lajos » November 8th, 2013, 3:33 pm

Well, no one ever added me after. I kinda just figured they never would at this point, so made another thread. Still looking to buy frosty and mini thor.

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Re: WTB Frosty and Mini Thor pets

Post by Lajos » November 8th, 2013, 3:35 pm

I mean you can still pm me if the guy ever changes his mind. But his real ID is probably full or something. Don't see what the big deal ever was about giving it out anyhow. He wants buyers and I'm here waiting to buy something, so what is the problem?

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Re: WTB Frosty and Mini Thor pets

Post by Kravian » November 8th, 2013, 10:04 pm

Like I said in my previous post from wednesday, he told me out of the list I gave him he has only added 2 people. He said he wrote the entire list down and that he will be able to deal with everyone. He even said he would buy codes he doesnt have in order to fulfill any deals that people want to make. But the key is and ive said it again and again is you have to be patient! It took me weeks of waiting on this guy before he was finally ready to say ok, meet me on illidan and lets do this.

He runs a card shop and rarely finds time to play, when he is online its usually not even him but one of his employees and they are unable to do anything or even discuss any of the code transactions as its something he personally deals with. As far as him wanting buyers, i'm pretty sure he is doing good with word of mouth. Without advertising his battletag or codes for sale anywhere I was able to find him and spend 2 million gold on his pets and I know atleast fluffybunz from illidan also spent over 2 million gold on his codes.. I dont think he is stressed to make sales.

If selling these codes wasnt such a grey area with blizzard he would probably run a thread here or post in the tcg forums. No matter how legit you are I dont think you want to publicly announce that you are providing transactions that amount to so much gold.

Anyways, I hope you get your pets, thats the entire point of my postings here, I just want everyone to get the things they want! He has your battletag and knows the pets you want, im sure when he is ready he will contact you. If you find someone else in the mean time thats awesome too but as these codes are not so easy to come by I would just relax and be patient.

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Re: WTB Frosty and Mini Thor pets

Post by Lajos » November 9th, 2013, 3:15 am

I don't mind waiting for the guy to be ready to do the transaction for however long it takes. The problem is that they will probably never remember to add me now because you sent him like 20 other battletags along with mine at the same time. There is no way he will remember to even put me on his real ID at this point. You should have only sent him my ID since I was the first person to create this post weeks ago to begin with. Think I'm just screwed now, oh well. I won't say much else about it but i know no ones going to add me. Someone as busy as that just needed one name at a time, not all of them at once. I'll just go find out his real ID on my own somehow since you refuse to give it to me. I'll never understand why people withhold battletags so much. Its just annoying and serves no purpose except to make them seem selfish. What was hard about private messaging me the battletag? Honestly, I think you just like wasting peoples time.

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Re: WTB Frosty and Mini Thor pets

Post by Abizzmyl » November 9th, 2013, 5:57 am

Just to add to all this, I'm the second person he's added so far. But I haven't yet spoken to him, only the guys who work for him. From what I can tell he will add you when he has a code that is on your list. And by the way, the code he's contacted me about is not a Frosty or Mini Thor so he may not have those just now.

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Re: WTB Frosty and Mini Thor pets

Post by Kravian » November 9th, 2013, 11:51 am

Lajos wrote:I don't mind waiting for the guy to be ready to do the transaction for however long it takes. The problem is that they will probably never remember to add me now because you sent him like 20 other battletags along with mine at the same time. There is no way he will remember to even put me on his real ID at this point. You should have only sent him my ID since I was the first person to create this post weeks ago to begin with. Think I'm just screwed now, oh well. I won't say much else about it but i know no ones going to add me. Someone as busy as that just needed one name at a time, not all of them at once. I'll just go find out his real ID on my own somehow since you refuse to give it to me. I'll never understand why people withhold battletags so much. Its just annoying and serves no purpose except to make them seem selfish. What was hard about private messaging me the battletag? Honestly, I think you just like wasting peoples time.
Seriously, with the attitude you have you don't deserve being hooked up with stuff! If he wanted me to give his battletag out to everyone he would have told me to do so. But no, he told me to collect everyones tags and lists and send them to him, which is what I did. He said he wrote down every battletag and pet wanted, which is not 20, more like 6 or 7.

And let me get this straight, I have gone out of my way to help hook up a bunch of strangers with a 100% legit high end code seller, while getting nothing in return from either side of the transaction, yet I am withholding his battletag because I am selfish?! The only time I feel is being wasted is mine when i have to sit here and type out these stupid responses to you.

I will be sure to pass all of this on to him when I talk to him next, maybe he will still want to deal with you but im hoping for a scratch off the list!

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Re: WTB Frosty and Mini Thor pets

Post by Lajos » November 9th, 2013, 4:41 pm

If someone asked me for my battletag, I would just give it to them. Not make them wait a month for it. You just made sure you bought everything you wanted first before you let anyone else contact the seller. So to answer your question, yes that makes you selfish. And don't threaten me. I went and found out what the battletag was after. So I'm on the guys list now. It was better than waiting 2 months for you to allow me to be. Selfish actions are selfish. I've played wow for 5 years. People like you are everywhere on the game too. I'm just used to it by now. Don't act like some good Samaritan when you are clearly not.

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Re: WTB Frosty and Mini Thor pets

Post by Kravian » November 9th, 2013, 5:13 pm

Ok, this is the last time I am going to respond to any of this. I should walk away now but I cant stand your point of view on this so I will make one more attempt to counter your claims.

You say "You just made sure you bought everything you wanted first before you let anyone else contact the seller."
- You created this thread on October 18th. I bought grunty on October 17th and had already set in motion the trade for tyrael. Those are the only two pets I wanted and have picked up from this dealer and both of those trades were set in motion weeks before you made your first post. So your logic that I am some how hoarding this guy to myself is ridiculous.

you say "Selfish actions are selfish. I've played wow for 5 years. People like you are everywhere on the game too. I'm just used to it by now. Don't act like some good Samaritan when you are clearly not." - OK, so I came here and posted that I can help people get the really rare codes they need. I did not try to sell this hookup or ask for anything in return. I did nothing but explain that each person would have to endure the process that I myself endured while dealing with this seller. Which mostly consists of WAITING PATIENTLY. I even came back to say he has EVERYONES battletag and list and that he said he would be able to sell all of those pets, that it would just take some time. I fail to see how any of this makes me selfish.

I have no agenda other than to help people out. Some people are clearly undeserving of it though, I really wish I would have kept my mouth shut in the first place and never posted about my connection here. Although that would be unfair to the others like bob850 and Abizzmyl who are already on their way to obtaining the codes they want.

anyways, like I said this will be my last response to you on these matters. I am sorry for hijacking your thread to try and help you. I am sorry that you have no patience what so ever. I am sorry that your life has been so miserable that you have to insist that everyone is out to get you.

And BTW if you were added to someones friend list, its not my seller, he is at blizzcon and his account has not been logged into for over 2 days.

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Re: WTB Frosty and Mini Thor pets

Post by Lajos » November 9th, 2013, 5:29 pm

Its retarded and plain paranoia to not give a real id to anyone. What do you think I will do, hack the guy? No one can be hurt by adding a battletag. It takes like 3 months to get anything from the seller anyways. But if I waited for your approval to let me even talk to the guy, that would have been an extra 3 months on top of it. Like you just said, you wish you never told anyone. I know how most wow players operate. They dont want to help others and even when they actually do (which is rare) they regret it afterwards. You cant fool me with deception, I see through it all. And nice attempts at insulting me about my life. I'm sure I have more of one than you do since you are probably on your computer for 18 hours a day browsing these message boards.

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Re: WTB Frosty and Mini Thor pets

Post by Silverstarr » November 9th, 2013, 9:44 pm

I really appreciate Kravian's help in trying to link up pet collectors with this seller. He has nothing to gain by spending his time helping us. I'm sorry that you don't understand his explanation. It's hard for me to understand WHY you don't understand. I would not give out the seller's battletag either if the seller didn't want me to. I'm also trying to wait very patiently for this seller to add me. However, if I can eventually get the pets that I want it will be worth the wait. I hope your response won't keep Kravian, and other pet collectors, from offering to help others in the future.

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Re: WTB Frosty and Mini Thor pets

Post by Shadewraith » November 10th, 2013, 12:33 am

I've seen fluffy post a lot on the wow forums. I just wonder how these people get several spectral tigers and a seemingly infinite number of other pets, mounts, and CE codes. It's like they work in the factory where the cards are made and they just print out codes for themselves all day. That would be awesome!

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