Search found 25 matches
- January 30th, 2022, 2:45 pm
- Forum: (US) Pet Trading
- Topic: WTT For Seaborne Spore
- Replies: 0
- Views: 8275
WTT For Seaborne Spore
I am looking to trade for a Seaborne Spore just let me know what you would like to trade. If your on Skywall/Drak'thul or one of the connected servers, I would buy it outright for 150k on the horde side.
- December 21st, 2021, 1:38 pm
- Forum: (US) Pet Trading
- Topic: WTT Ammen Vale Lashling for cub or sproutling
- Replies: 0
- Views: 8342
WTT Ammen Vale Lashling for cub or sproutling
WTT Ammen Vale Lashling for Dun Morogh Cub or Teldrassil Sproutling
- February 14th, 2021, 12:02 pm
- Forum: WarcraftPets Communities
- Topic: List of Guilds and Servers
- Replies: 91
- Views: 231125
Re: List of Guilds and Servers
I dunno if your updating this list anymore, but I rebranded and refocused my guild towards pets.
Skywall, PVE, Alliance, Menagerie Madness, 25, Ilovetania/Petepetrelli
Skywall, PVE, Alliance, Menagerie Madness, 25, Ilovetania/Petepetrelli
- October 29th, 2019, 5:41 pm
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: New Micronax Pet Run, Alliance-US, Saturday Nov 9th @ 8pm EST
- Replies: 37
- Views: 25166
Re: New Micronax Pet Run, Alliance-US, Saturday Nov 9th @ 8pm EST
My wife and I will be attending:
Petepetrelli - Skywall Mage DPS
Emmapetrelli - Skwall Mage DPS
Petepetrelli - Skywall Mage DPS
Emmapetrelli - Skwall Mage DPS
- October 26th, 2019, 8:31 pm
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Old Micronax Pet Run, Alliance, Sat Oct 26th @ 8pm EST
- Replies: 53
- Views: 48457
Re: Micronax Pet Run, Alliance, Sat Oct 26th @ 8pm EST
Might be better next time to do some kind of signup on here and publish a list of the people that got in, with some stand-by's in case someone is a no show. Then everyone knows ahead of time if they are in or not and doesn't sign on looking for it.
- October 26th, 2019, 7:20 pm
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Old Micronax Pet Run, Alliance, Sat Oct 26th @ 8pm EST
- Replies: 53
- Views: 48457
Re: Micronax Pet Run, Alliance, Sat Oct 26th @ 8pm EST
I got on at 7:50 EST, I guess they were full by then.. 

- October 26th, 2019, 7:05 pm
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Old Micronax Pet Run, Alliance, Sat Oct 26th @ 8pm EST
- Replies: 53
- Views: 48457
Re: Micronax Pet Run, Alliance, Sat Oct 26th @ 8pm EST
I was looking and couldn't find it either
- October 24th, 2019, 5:25 pm
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Old Micronax Pet Run, Alliance, Sat Oct 26th @ 8pm EST
- Replies: 53
- Views: 48457
Re: Micronax Pet Run, Alliance, Sat Oct 26th @ 8pm EST
I did not see this posted anywhere, is this on US servers or EU?
Is discord required?
Is discord required?
- October 20th, 2019, 6:19 pm
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Mechagon Lockout
- Replies: 1
- Views: 2201
Re: Mechagon Lockout
Its Sunday, noone has a lockout on Operation Mechagon that we can zone in with?
- October 14th, 2019, 8:15 pm
- Forum: (US) Pet Trading
- Topic: Free pets!
- Replies: 22
- Views: 21594
Re: Free pets!
I am missing these:
Juvenile Brineshell x1
My alliance character on Korgath is Zarshton
Juvenile Brineshell x1
My alliance character on Korgath is Zarshton
- October 14th, 2019, 7:55 pm
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Mechagon Lockout
- Replies: 1
- Views: 2201
Mechagon Lockout
I am looking for someone that has Mechagon cleared and is locked out, my wife and I would like to zone in and get the pets. Contact in game at Niteowl#1526 or here on the site.
- May 4th, 2014, 10:38 pm
- Forum: (US) Pet Trading
- Topic: (US) WTT for dungeons pets *UPDATED*
- Replies: 11
- Views: 5501
- April 29th, 2014, 6:30 pm
- Forum: (US) Pet Trading
- Topic: (US) WTT for dungeons pets *UPDATED*
- Replies: 11
- Views: 5501
Re: (US) WTT for dungeons pets *UPDATED*
***bump*** Still need both of these
- April 27th, 2014, 10:26 am
- Forum: (US) Pet Trading
- Topic: (US) WTT for dungeons pets *UPDATED*
- Replies: 11
- Views: 5501
Re: (US) WTT for dungeons pets *UPDATED*
Got an extra Emerald Whelpling, so I added that to the list that I am willing to trade for Crimson Whelpling or Coilfang Stalker
- April 26th, 2014, 1:38 pm
- Forum: (US) Pet Trading
- Topic: (US) WTT for dungeons pets *UPDATED*
- Replies: 11
- Views: 5501
- April 25th, 2014, 12:53 pm
- Forum: (US) Pet Trading
- Topic: (US) WTT for dungeons pets *UPDATED*
- Replies: 11
- Views: 5501
Re: (US) WTT for dungeons pets *UPDATED*
Add me Niteowl#1526
- April 25th, 2014, 10:18 am
- Forum: (US) Pet Trading
- Topic: (US) WTT for dungeons pets *UPDATED*
- Replies: 11
- Views: 5501
Re: (US) WTT for dungeons pets *UPDATED*
Updated list
- April 24th, 2014, 5:41 pm
- Forum: (US) Pet Trading
- Topic: (US) WTT for dungeons pets *UPDATED*
- Replies: 11
- Views: 5501
Re: (US) WTT for dungeons pets *UPDATED*
I also have a Tiny Green Carp to trade for a coilfang stalker.
- April 23rd, 2014, 8:52 am
- Forum: (US) Pet Trading
- Topic: (US) WTT for dungeons pets *UPDATED*
- Replies: 11
- Views: 5501
Re: (US) WTT for dungeons pets *UPDATED*
***Thank you Timecunning for the Tideskipper*****
- April 23rd, 2014, 8:47 am
- Forum: (US) Pet Trading
- Topic: Possible Viscous Horror Dupe?
- Replies: 14
- Views: 7695
Re: Possible Viscous Horror Dupe?
There could be something going on, there are 4 Ethereal Soul-Traders on my realm, when I rarely see any. 3 of them are owned by the same player who is asking 54k each