My Pet Collection
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Minivivi's Profile

Username: Minivivi Site MVP  
Character: Minivivi (A)
Realm & Rank: Medivh-us (#3)
Connected Rank: Medivh-us (#17)
Pets Collected: 1570/1754
Pets Rated: 0/1771 — Appearance
0/1740 — Battle
Joined: January 26, 2015
Last Online: January 22, 2023
Community: Comments (33)
Forum Posts (83)
Messaging: Enabled Contact Minivivi

Minivivi Says: 

Family Fighter 9/6/17


Newest Pet:

Orphaned Marsuul 9/7

Felclaw Marsuul 9/6

Horde Fanatic 8/30

Ban-Fu 7/22

Bloodbrood Whelping 7/12

Frostbrood Whelpling 6/20

Sun Darter Hatchling 6/16

Foe Reaper & Mining Monkey 6/13

Prestige 7 5/11  Dutiful Squire

Nightmare Treant 5/6 Family Familiar Achievement  


Current Goals: PVP Dutiful Squire  

Prestige 1  12/13/2916  Honor Level 50 Reward: Alliance Enthusiast

Prestige 2  1/24/2017

Prestige 3  2/9

Prestige 4  3/3

Reward: Prestigious Bronze Courser

Prestige 5  3/23

Reward: Title: The Honorable

Prestige 6  4/16

Reward: Artifact color

Prestige 7  5/11

Reward: Dutiful Squire


Achievement Progress:

Battle on the Broken Isles 9/28/16

Legendary Pet Battler  5/25/16

Broken Isles Safari  9/5/16

Broken Isles Diplomat 9/5/16

Posted Sep 7, 2017 at 12:08pm

Minivivi's Collection:  View Minivivi's Pets

Pet ScoreWhat is pet score?
Unique Pets
Pets at Max Level
Average Pet Level*
PoorPoor  0.0%
CommonCommon  0.0%
UncommonUncommon  0.0%
RareRare  0.0%
EpicEpic  0.0%
LegendaryLegendary  0.0%
Realm & Rank
Site Rank
*Collection data purged per accordance with Blizzard API rules

About Minivivi:

Highest Realm Rank: #1 (6/25/2015) Wyrmrest Accord

Highest Site Rank: #35 (6/25/2015) #18 (8/30/2016) #4 (9/13/2016)

Favorite Pets: My very first pet, Max, my Lucky Quilen Cub and my very last Old World pet, Thanks, the Plump Turkey.  

Idiosyncracy: Putting my toons to bed by taking off their heavy armor and weapons every night and insuring they're tucked in safely. 


Began playing World of Warcraft, my first video game EVER, in 2013. My wife lured me to the darkside by showing me her pet collection, and I was hooked. 

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