Pet Naming

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Re: Pet Naming

Post by TippyKitt » March 5th, 2013, 4:28 pm

I dont have a set method to naming my pets. They just get names that seem to match there personalities.

Infinite Whelpling-Apeirosmi (Apeiros is Greek for endless and "mi" is how the bronze and infinant flights end female names. sadly, i just recently found out she is a he but I just cant bring myself to change it. X3)
Nexus Whelpling-Hanagosa (Hana means one in Korean and "gosa" is how the blue flight ends female names)
Infested Bear Cub-Morticia (Adams family)
Oily Slimeling-Eye See U (look closely. you'll get it)
Fjord Worg Pup-Icey (actually came from an episode of "A Haunting" I was watching when I caught her)
Fluxfire Feline-Frostfire (Gnome mage. What can I say? X3 )
Lil'Deathwing-Maximillian (If you've done the quests in Un'Goro Crater, you'll get it)
Rat-Scrumptious (Cats and Dogs 2)
De-Weaponized Mechanical Companion-Reboot (unoriginal name is unoriginal)
Tiny Bog Beast-Sapadila (...I actually cant remember...)
Cheetah Cub-Paws ( Cats and Dogs 2)
Jade Oozeling-Barfolomew (Fairly Odd Parents)
Baby Ape-Bimpy (Fairly Odd Parents)
Perky Pug-Pudgy (Its what I always called him before I could even name him lol)
Sea Pony-Rarity (My Little Pony)
Darkmoon Turtle-Volcanoth Child (I wanted to name it Child of Volcanoth because I have the hunter pet and named it Volcanoth but it was too long)
Winter Reindeer-Blitzen (unoriginal name is unoriginal)
Lashtail Hatchling-Issys Aka (My nickname is Issy)
Gilnean Raven-Poe De Spell (DuckTales)

I need to get to naming the others... @.@

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Re: Pet Naming

Post by Iritha » March 10th, 2013, 1:10 am

Ruzgofdi wrote:Fireflys: Serenity and her crew, except Jayne the Grunty).
I'm sure I'm far from the only WoW player who began pet-collecting after learning about the Firefly ("Still Flyin'!") but that's where it all began for me, and it was a slippery slope from there ;)

I farmed 6 up for my own use years before pets went account-wide, and the minute I had a moment to pause after rushing my newly-born Mistweaver-to-be through the monk starting zone in the first minutes of MoP (fearing the worst for the crush of those to come, vying for quest mobs and items), I rested in Stormwind and renamed my now-account-bound Firefly Serenity :)

Serenity was obviously going to be the cornerstone of my first pet team. I just needed to find other pets worthy of flying with her. I came up with:

Andromeda (Celestial Hatchling)
Enterprise (Elementium Geode)

... I'm far from a seasoned pet-battler (I'm very PvE raid-centric in-game) so I've just finally gotten around to doing some pet battling, and I now know that these three don't really do much for each other, unfortunately. I was still determined that they'd be my first three to lvl 25 for sentimental reasons!

My son loves pet battling, and between the two of us we've come up with some good names for our favourites.

Serenity (Firefly)
Andromeda (Celestial Hatchling)
Enterprise (Elementium Geode)
Stovetop (Lil' Ragnaros: you wiped us over and over and over in FL... look who's laughing now, jerk! COOK MY DINNER!)
Ancalagon (Nexus Whelpling)
Zip (Soul of the Aspects)
Sevenup (Sprite Darter Hatchling)
Manwe (Albino Snake; our RL pet blizzard corn snake is named Manwe)
Varda (Crimson Snake; our RL pet bloodred corn snake is named Varda)
Pop (Alliance Balloon, even though it can't battle)
Iapetus (Darkmoon Balloon, even though it can't battle. It's a moon of Saturn, and the name of a priest forum friend of mine who coincidentally loves the balloon pets)
Emchan (Gregarious Grell; a friend of mine from the priest forum)
Nixx (Personal World Destroyer; a friend of mine from the priest forum)
Kyllie (White Kitten; a friend of mine from the priest forum)
Winnipeg (Brown Prairie Dog; the city where we live... yes, in the prairies)
Cerberus (Core Hound Pup)
Timm (Darkmoon Rabbit)
Longshanks (Eternal Strider)
Evermore (Gilnean Raven)
Bambi (Little Fawn; in addition to the Disney movie, we watch Scrubs, and Fawns heal of course)
Kehar (Sea Gull; the gull in "Watership Down")
Virtute (Siamese Cat... anyone here know of The Weakerthans? You might, if you knew that our hometown, for which our Prairie Dog is named is named, is One Great City ;D )
Bitters (Terrible Turnip)

... and many Tolkien, Joss Whedon, Monty Python, and priest forum names reserved for pets yet to be collected.

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Re: Pet Naming

Post by Ruzgofdi » March 10th, 2013, 1:47 am

Allerielle wrote:Naming pets has been on my to-do list for a while but in good conscience I couldn't start naming a few and leave the others nameless.
I started by trying to get names ready for all the pets I had prior to MoP. But since the expansion launched, I've only been making an effort to name the rare quality pets. It's actually helped me choose which pets to use stones on at times. Like I'm pretty sure my last green beetle will get my next critter stone along with the name John.

And part of me wishes we could use numbers in names. The new sunreaver mechanical pet ended up getting named "edtwosixty". I think the reference would have worked better with digits.

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Re: Pet Naming

Post by GormanGhaste » March 10th, 2013, 9:23 am

Mingyao on Madoran

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Re: Pet Naming

Post by Ruzgofdi » March 10th, 2013, 11:13 am

TippyKitt wrote: Sea Pony-Rarity (My Little Pony)
I need to get to naming the others... @.@
Might I suggest:

Emerald Turtle - Tank
Great Horned Owl - Owlowiscious
Snarly - Gummy
Rabbit - Angel
Mr. Bigglesworth - Opal
Spawn of Onyxia - Spike
Yellow Moth - Fluttershy


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Re: Pet Naming

Post by Emachine » March 11th, 2013, 10:23 am

I generally go with whatever strikes my fancy at the moment - I have a lot of pets named after food, furniture, and articles of clothing, though I do try to be subtly clever on occasion. For instance, my Resilient Roach is named Keith. Look up Robin William's joke in his Live On Broadway DVD concerning Keith Richards for that one.

Other times I look for related things; Wikipedia is excellent for this, even if the articles aren't necessarily accurate, and sometimes I just find or make up words that sound good. My dragon whelps are all named with the same naming scheme as Blizzard's dragons (my Azure Whelpling is Corugos, for example), and I plan on naming my Pandaren elemental spirits using a version of Tolkien Elvish. In the end, my goal is just to name all of my rare pets something unique.

I'll spare y'all posting the names of my pets, as I've got nearly all 250-ish of my rares named. :lol:

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Re: Pet Naming

Post by Syrrie » March 11th, 2013, 6:19 pm

I love finding names for my pets, but a lot of them are pretty generic or boring because I can't be bothered to think up a very creative name for the tenth cockroach when I hate bugs.

That said, Lots of wow references in mine:

Onyxian Whelpling - More Dots
Spawn of Onyxia - Stop Dots
Death Talon Whelpguard - Many Whelps
Dragon Kite - Handle It

Vampiric Batling - Animal Wing (after that crappy part of Kara no one ever did)

Phoenix Hatchling - Merely A Setback
Fel Flame - Not Prepared (Spark of Azzinoth was too long :( )

Wildhammer Gryphon/Gryphon Hatchling - Beaky (After the baby gryphon from the quests in Twilight Highlands)

Hopling - Buntallus (I remember doing progression raiding on Brutallus back when hitting 2k DPS was pretty impressive. XD)

Brilliant Kaliri - Falling Damage (Anyone who did Skettis dailies back in BC will remember the Kaliris and the fateful day Blizzard let them learn how to fly upwards.)

Lizard Hatchling - Gezzarak (because it's the purple/yellow skin like the summoned warpstalker boss in Skettis. She was also the only warpstalker with that skin for a very long time.)

Curious Wolvar Pup - Kekek
Curious Oracle Hatchling - Roo (Because those were their names in game.)

Minfernal - Legions ("You face not Malchezaar alone, but the legions I command!")

Tundra Penguin - Lil Dippy (After Dippy from Brawler's Guild. He just wants a hug. And to eat your delicious, delicious eyes.)

Corehound Pup - Runty (After the small pup in the Beauty encounter in Blackrock Caverns that, if killed, would cause Beauty to engrage and eat everyone's face off.)

Mini Mindslayer - Sweet Cheeks ("I'm gonna light you up, sweet cheeks!" The Arcatraz was a really hard heroic in BC, but I always loved Millhouse Manastorm in it. I always thought he was just somehow wrongly imprisoned or accidentally ended up there, too, not that he was actually a bad guy :( )

Personal World Destroyer - Lil Fel Reaver (Not terribly clever, but I was so incredibly excited when this pet was added to the game because he was the exact thing that I'd been talking about with friends as an idea for a new mini pet back in Wrath. I still think he should make the sound the Fel Reaver makes, though. Anyone who played in BC would jump every time they heard it. >_>)

Jade Owl - Scree (Back in BC my husband's raid had a hunter who really liked to bring an owl to raid and at the time it did it's vocalization almost constantly which was a loud SCREE. Thankfully they nerfed the scree, but Husband and I still joke about it to this day.)

Searing Scorchling - Lil Geddon
Lumpy - Lil Gar
Harbinger of Flame - Minordomo
Fungal Abomination - Liltheb
Untamed Hatchling - Razorsmall (After Razorgore)
Stitched Pup - Precious (And my husband named his Stinky for the matching pair)
Viscidus Globule - Reak (After a rare of similar model in Hinterlands)

Gregarious Grell - Viel (After the imp who sold an item needed for the now-gone Dungeon Set 2 questline.)
Landro's Lichling - Mildly Annoyed (Round-about reference to Rage Winterchill)

Jade Tentacle - Lucid Dream ("I am the lucid dream. The monster in your nightmares. The fiend of a thousand faces. Cower before my true form. BOW DOWN BEFORE THE GOD OF DEATH!" Yogg is probably still my favorite boss fight of all time. My husband named his jade tentacle "Hatred and Rage" in a similar theme. :D)
Lil' XT - New Toys
Landro's Lil' XT - So Tired
Clockwork Gnome - Miniron
Proto-Drake Whelp - Razorsmall (After Razorscale)

I did a theme with most of my dragons to have their names starting with "mini"
Frosty - Mindragosa (BETRAAAAAAAAYS YOU)
Scourged Whelpling - Minimyst (Not skeletal but an undead dragon all the same)
Emerald Proto-Whelp - Miniscale (After Razorscale)
Nether Faerie Dragon - Minispite (Not the same model as Netherspite, but nether like him :3 )
Infinite Whelpling - Minizond
Nexus Whelpling - Minygos
Lil' Tarecgosa - Minicgosa
Dark Whelpling - Minifarian
Azure Whelpling - Minigos
Emerald Whelpling - Minisera
Crimson Whelpling - Ministraz

Crow - Hotfix (Because it was, in fact, hotfixed and because I spent, like, four hours to find a rare that day. ~_~ )

Black Lamb & Little Black Ram - Ram Ewe (because that spell name in game amuses me to no end.)

Strand Crawler - Ghostcrawler

Mulgore Hatchling - Lil Mazzranache

Gundrak Hatchling - Bitey (After a quest in the Wetlands called "I'll call him Bitey")

Out of game references:

Clockwork Rocket Bot - Envy (because for years I was envious that my husband had this pet and I missed getting it by a couple months. This was before it was added back into the game.)

Tiny Bog Beast - Alec (The guy who became Swamp Thing's name)
Magical Crawdad - Rock Lobster

Darkmoon Rabbit - Dynamite
Sandy Petrel - Seagullsicle (I'm surprised I didn't do more Python references, to be honest.)

Oily Slimeling - Beepee (Husband's suggestion because of the BP oil spill)

Various Turkeys and Chickens - Lunch, Dinner, Brunch, Takeout

Emperor Crab - Citizen Snips
Baby Ape/Bananas - Donkey ("I know that monkey! His name is Donkey!" "Monkeys aren't donkeys, quit messing with my head!")
Nether Ray Fry - Philip J
Fledgling Nether Ray - Symposia (Husband and I always found it incredibly amusing that Fry knew the correct plural of Symposium.)
Yellow-Bellied Bullfrog - Welshie

Venus - Seymour

Clouded Hedgehog - Sonic

Imperial Eagle Chick - States (Both a reference to the US's national bird and a character from the now-defunct MMO City of Heros)

Nordraaail Wisp - Hey Listen
Pet Bombling - Bob Omb
Various Bandicoons - Tom Nook, Tim Nook, Todd Nook

Alpine Foxling - Fenrir
Gilnean Raven - Munin

Wild Golden Hatchling - Gold
Wild Crimson Hatchling - Ruby
Wild Jade Hatchling - Emerald (While I didn't actually play those pokemon games I felt the opportunity to pay homage to them was too good to pass up.)
Tiny Twister - Thunderus
Terrible Turnip - Ash (Husband's suggestion since he's the one I use for catching all the things)

Arcane Eye - Visine

Clock'em - Robbot Paulson (Since the whole of brawler's guild is a reference to Fight Club this felt appropriate.)

Pandaren Monk - Bill (I like the Kill Bill movies more that I probably should.)

Giant Sewer Rat - R O U S ("I don't think they exsist.")
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Re: Pet Naming

Post by Syrrie » March 11th, 2013, 6:32 pm

GormanGhaste wrote:I named my Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling Smog.
That is fiendishly clever and I am shamelessly stealing it.
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Re: Pet Naming

Post by GormanGhaste » March 11th, 2013, 8:14 pm

Syrrie wrote:
GormanGhaste wrote:I named my Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling Smog.
That is fiendishly clever and I am shamelessly stealing it.
I can't take credit for it, my other half came up with the name :)
Mingyao on Madoran

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Re: Pet Naming

Post by Saviya » March 11th, 2013, 10:05 pm

There are some really clever names you guys have come up with, and I've liked a few of them so much I used them, hehe 8-)

My new pandas (have 3/4 so far) are Piffles, Wiffles and Kerfiffles :lol:

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Re: Pet Naming

Post by Allerielle » March 12th, 2013, 10:07 am

Syrrie wrote:
GormanGhaste wrote:I named my Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling Smog.
That is fiendishly clever and I am shamelessly stealing it.

Last night I named my Kunlai Runt 'Smash'. Whenever he runs I just think of the Hulk but he's not green, so 'Smash' it was.

I also named my Mini Diablo 'Jenkins'. I just couldn't help myself.


Re: Pet Naming

Post by Alexsertu » March 13th, 2013, 11:55 am

Thanks for your sharing information.I have a learn new thinks from here.

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Re: Pet Naming

Post by TippyKitt » March 13th, 2013, 2:30 pm

Ruzgofdi wrote:
TippyKitt wrote: Sea Pony-Rarity (My Little Pony)
I need to get to naming the others... @.@
Might I suggest:

Emerald Turtle - Tank
Great Horned Owl - Owlowiscious
Snarly - Gummy
Rabbit - Angel
Mr. Bigglesworth - Opal
Spawn of Onyxia - Spike
Yellow Moth - Fluttershy

I think I love you...

And i tihnk Sea Pony will have to have its name changed so I could name my Elementium Geode Rarity. X3

A few new ones:

Venus-Cleopatra (Addams Family: I have an Undead Mage named Morticia I've been holding off on playing until I got this X3)
Sinister Squashling-Pumpkin Head (Pumpkin Head the horror movie)

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Re: Pet Naming

Post by Thelandira » March 14th, 2013, 9:58 am

I have no real naming theme for my pets...although quite a few are names from animated movies and regular movies. Here's a few of them:

Restless Shadeling - Mortimer
Tundra Penguin - Lovelace (from Happy Feet)
3 x Rapana Whelk - Pokey, Pokeyjr, Pokeysr (cuz snails are slow...slow pokes...pokey)
Wild Golden Hatchling - Falkor (from Neverending Story)
Dancing Water Skimmerer - Glitters
Kun-lai Runt - Gramps (cuz he looks like a slumped over old man when he's standing still)
Terrible Turnip - Grumpy (cuz he has a grumpy look on his face)
Cat - Crookshanks (from Harry Potter - Hermoine's cat)
Corefire Imp - Beezle (planned a team using Imp and Grell - combine their names for spin off of Beelzebub the 'prince of demons'
Gregarious Grell - Bub
Flayer Youngling - Chauncey (looks like a Chauncey to me)
Little Fawn - Clarice (Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer's girlfriend)
Silky Moth - Periwinkle
Pterrodax Hatchiling - Petrie (from The Land Before Time)
Darkmoon Eye - Ra
Emperor Crab - Roxie (spin off of clothing line Roxy - which is associated with surfing/beach clothes)
Lava Crab - Sebastian (from The Little Mermaid)
Magical Crawdad - Lobstahmobstah
Lil' XT - Vroomvroom (cuz he looks like he's revving a motorcycle when he stands still)
Rabbit - Wascally
Fossilized Hatchling - Tbone

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Re: Pet Naming

Post by Slaggathor » March 23rd, 2013, 10:14 pm

A few of my favorites:

Terrible Turnip -- Farts (I laughed when it would say ... Your Farts has reached level ....)
Crow -- Edgar Allan Crow
Elfin Rabbit -- Buddy
Emperor Crab -- Dip
Rapana Whelk -- Gertrude Slime
King Snake -- Stephen
The 4 Zandalari named for the Stooges

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Re: Pet Naming

Post by Usako » March 27th, 2013, 9:43 am

Glad to find I'm not alone in the Pop Culture Naming Schemes!

For Bob, I named my disgusting oozeling that as a tip of the hat to B.O.B. from Aliens vs. Monsters. Plus Bob is funny.

Clockwork Gnome - Tik Tok (Return to Oz)
Sporeling Sprout - Fungi (He's such a fun guy ha ha)
Darkmoon Cub - Tygra (Thundercats)
Celestial Dragon - Starlight (Rainbow Brite)
Anklebiter - Grimlock (Transformers)
Wanderer's Festival Turtle - George (I will hug him and love him and name him George)
Frogs - Warts, Zitz, Robin (kermit's nephew)
Parrot - Hook
Dogs - Hooch (Turner & Hooch)
Brilliant Kaliri - Skeksis (Dark Crystal)
Crab - Krabs (Spongebob)
Soul of Aspects - Gorbash (Flight of Dragons)
Lil KT - Mort (Discworld)
Dino Bird - Pterri (Pee Wee's Playhouse)
Hippogryph - Zazu (Lion King - his bill reminds me of him)
Groundhog - Caddyshack (movie)
Spider - Parker (Peter Parker/Spiderman)
Darkmoon Monkey - Sallah (Indiana Jones)
Bettle - Bettleguise (Bettlejuice)
Rabbit - Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Snake - Hissy Fit, Sidewinder (Transformers)
Moth - Mothra (Godzilla)
Sheep - Knitting Terms like Purl

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Re: Pet Naming

Post by Ruzgofdi » March 27th, 2013, 11:04 am

Usako wrote:Glad to find I'm not alone in the Pop Culture Naming Schemes!

Wanderer's Festival Turtle - George (I will hug him and love him and name him George)
The Looney Toons reference made me use George on my Mechanical Yeti.

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Re: Pet Naming

Post by Maizing » March 27th, 2013, 11:20 am

Bonhomous wrote:I named my Porcupette Payne, because that's the trainer that I got it from.
I named my Ghostly Skull Bob because . . . well because how can you have a skull with glowing eyes and NOT call him Bob?
I named my own Ghostly Skull Travis (after the head in a jar from Scary Gary).

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Re: Pet Naming

Post by Usako » March 27th, 2013, 11:22 am

Ruzgofdi wrote:
Usako wrote:Glad to find I'm not alone in the Pop Culture Naming Schemes!

Wanderer's Festival Turtle - George (I will hug him and love him and name him George)
The Looney Toons reference made me use George on my Mechanical Yeti.

Ha-ha! That's awesome! I hadn't thought of that but then again I wasn't focused on leveling another mechanical yet. Very adorable.

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Re: Pet Naming

Post by Tycchoe » March 28th, 2013, 8:57 am

I named my fel flame Zippo because every time I see him I want to lean over and light a smoke off his head.

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