World of warcraft Orc Expansion 2 released 11/13/14

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World of warcraft Orc Expansion 2 released 11/13/14

Post by Shinii » August 14th, 2014, 12:26 pm

So I was excited to watch the live stream for warlords of drainor and I have come to the conclusion this expansion should be named
World of warcraft Orc Expansion 2 This time it is for real! (time pun intended)

I am all for an expansion with a more hardcore feel and love certain aspects of it.
what i did not like is how it is all on the orcs (AGAIN)

So i am making this thread for y'all to get out a little frustration and QQ, make jokes, or what ever haha.

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Re: World of warcraft Orc Expansion 2 released 11/13/14

Post by Mehetabel » August 14th, 2014, 6:29 pm

My main feeling was confliction when I watched it lol.

I was all like "yay, good boy, Grom" when he didn't drink the green goo but then I remembered I was cheering for the "bad guys" of the expac and that felt confusing. (And I'm an ALLY player, I can only imagine how horde players must feel!)

I was also a bit sad that there were no Draenai to be seen at all. I thought they played a big part in WoD, I thought we were teaming up with them? Not important enough for the cinematic though lol. :roll: :lol:

I'm super excited about WoD, but the cinematic didn't blow me away like they usually do.

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Re: World of warcraft Orc Expansion 2 released 11/13/14

Post by Electrolytez » October 20th, 2014, 12:27 am

Its not one of there best cinematic but it was still good. Glad they are bringing Hellscream back, but it kind of made his epic death from warcraft 3 seem... funny how grom saved his father the way he died in wc3. Surprised they didn't bother showing any drainei, possible they already wiped majority of them out?

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