(US) LF/WTT for Tiny Red Carp, others.

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(US) LF/WTT for Tiny Red Carp, others.

Post by Noobanidus » July 17th, 2014, 9:10 pm

Here's a list of the pets I'm looking for:

- Tiny Red Carp
- Tuskarr Kite
- Viscous Horror
- Gryphon Hatchling

Currently what I'm particularly interested in is a Tiny Red Carp. The others would be nice but currently I don't believe I have any pets suitable for trade that I'm currently willing to part with, though I'll consider any offer.

I've a number of duplicates in my collection, some Icecrown pets (upgraded), various Pandaren spirits, and some world event pets (Spirit of Summer, Frigid Frostling, upgraded). [url=http://www.warcraftpets.com/account/profiles/Noobanidus]My collection can be found here.[/url] I'll endeavour to re-learn and update collection to ensure all duplicates are properly listed.

I also have some spare stones: (actually just one at the minute) Dragonkin

Finally, I have gold on: (Oceanic) US-Nagrand/Caelestrasz-Horde, US-Nagrand/Caelestrasz-Alliance, US-Barthilas-Horde, US-Barthilas-Alliance.

I can be contacted by replying to this thread, PM, or on BattleTag: nooby#6899
Last edited by Noobanidus on July 18th, 2014, 2:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: (US) LF/WTT for Tiny Red Carp, others.

Post by KuroOfTheWind » July 18th, 2014, 1:29 am

I have an extra tiny red carp for trade, sadly though short of 4 pets my collection is pretty much done and two of the pets are on your looking for list lol. But add me anyway maybe we can work something out. Cheers.

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Re: (US) LF/WTT for Tiny Red Carp, others.

Post by Noobanidus » July 18th, 2014, 2:13 am

Thanks! I've added you.

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