Edema's Pet and Stone Store Updated

Arrange pet trades on US and Oceanic servers.
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Joined:July 26th, 2012
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Edema's Pet and Stone Store Updated

Post by Bistromath » December 22nd, 2012, 1:41 pm

Good Afternoon all,

I am very happy that i was able to help give these pets to trainers who needed them. Between raid pets, Pandaren Spirits, 2 Tiny Shale Spiders, and a Searing Scorchling 32 pets found new homes.

Right now this week ive finshed running all the raids on my toons, so i wont have anymore of them till reset.

I will still be doing all the Dailies (Pet Trainers, Molten Front, Argent Tournament) so ill make a new Thread when i get more.

Also when i get some Undead and Element Battle Stones they will be added to the Pet Store for those who need them.

Thank you guys, and ill put more pets and stones up when i get them.

Everyone have a good day.

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