Looking for a virtual ticket.

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Re: Looking for a virtual ticket.

Post by Demiano » October 20th, 2013, 6:35 am

and my is queston is "who cares?" Why do you care? Blizzard fanboy extreme? Not all of us follow societys norms and have a credit card or live in the states and have access to even one single option to getting the virtual ticket. Blizzard repeatedly has stupid policies that dont make any sense, I should be able to put cash on my account through game cards bought at a game store and top that up anytime and buy anthing I want with it that blizzard offers, but they have nothing but restrictions and limits on what I can buy and how, its stupid and angers me that I have to come up with some way to PAY THEM YET EVEN MORE MONEY after being a customer of theirs for almost 10 years nonstop. It should be steamlined and easy and this isnt the first time, its been troublesome paying them money for years, stupid business model.

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Re: Looking for a virtual ticket.

Post by Breanni » October 21st, 2013, 6:15 am

We're going to err on the side of caution and rule that BlizzCon Virtual Tickets are NOT to be traded for in-game pets. This thread has been locked. Any additional threads attempting to trade BlizzCon tickets (real or virtual) for pets will be locked.
