Lil' K.T.

Lil' Phylactery
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Cackles and occasionally freezes other critters. Additionally his head periodically detaches and spins around.
Vocalizations (on-click and periodic)
Freezes and kills nearby critters.
Requires purchase from Blizzard Store.
1 allowed
Wrath of the Lich King
Patch 3.2.2 | Posted: November 4, 2009
This pet is available for digital download exclusively from the Blizzard Store. It may be purchased using any major credit card. Players who purchase this pet will receive a code which may be redeemed on any WoW account. All WoW accounts (of the same region) under one will have access to this pet. Codes may also be purchased as gifts for other players.
Lil' K.T. is an excellent PvP companion, as he cackles at vanquished PvP foes. He also cackles when you down certain NPC bosses.
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It is now available at the Trading Post (October 2023).
Lil' K.T. is the only pet I have bought and probably will ever buy, and will ALWAYS be well worth it. I love absolutely everything about the little guy...okay so that's a lie, he seems pretty weak in battle.
I'm a newbie when it comes to pet battles (not to the capture/battle concept, just this portion of WoW) but even I find Lil' K.T. to be underwhelming. Still, he was my first 25 and will never leave my team.
If you have this pet out and a friend nearby has Unborn Val'kyr out, do they alternate killing and reviving nearby critters?
I wouldn't call it a good pet for PvP, there are other undead pets out there that fits the same slot and does it so much better. It does have a nice combination of Forst Nova and then Howling Blast, this does decent damage but with the long cooldowns you are then stuck doing pretty much no damage until you can repeat said moves. If you do this you probably need to switch to another pet. If you go with Shadow Slash/Curse of Doom there are other pets that does that better.
How does this pet compare to the Unborn Val'kyr?
Really cool pet, with a ton of awesome features to him. On top of that he is a great battler, The only thing I think he could use is a buff to his life siphon, or to death and decay(making it % of the targets max hp would be great, but potentially overpowered). Very versatile little guy, with a decent AE damage combo, and a ridiculous amount of burst via Curse of Doom.
I had to have this guy once they introduced pet battles, so I dropped the $10, and annoyingly, no more than 3 days later, Blizz did a half off promotion for him :(
I'm disappointed that his Life Siphon doesn't scale very well as you level. At 20, it only returns about 50-80 HP per round, which doesn't do much of anything when you are getting hit for at least 150 HP by pretty much any pet around the same level. If it gave back 15-20% health, I think he'd be more effective.
Now if only Blizzard would give us that Lil' Rivendare we've always wanted...
Even one of my skeptical guild-mates who wasn't too keen on actually "buying" a pet from Blizzard had a change of heart on seeing the animations, sounds, ect that came from this pet.
And the laughing at other players, makes it even that much more fun to pull this little guy through battlegrounds.
Also Scorchling and Willy attack critters if you were wondering. Scorchling with a little fireball... Willy uses an eye beam... and KT a frost tomb... fun times!
Edit: Toxic Wasteling now "eats" critter as well.
He will not fetch a ball, be put on a leash, be fed pet snacks or a grooming kit. (I wanted him to be sparkley :( )
When he kills a critter not only do you hear the cute little evil laugh, but Big K.T's booming laugh as well!
He's a very well detailed pet, with buck teeth & large blue eyes!
It's too bad he killes Bigglesworth to be honest! He shouldn't, he should hug it!
Lil' K.T. here will randomly spin his head around and cackle. He'll also frost tomb any annoying critters who may unfortunately cross his path. He may perhaps be the most detailed pet in the game and is a sight to see as well as an attention getter in any city. Blizz has come along way since the lowly Prairie Dog.