Mini Thor

Mini Thor
Binds to account
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds to account
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Shoots cannons. Also takes flight and circles above, landing in a plume of smoke.
Vocalizations (on-click and periodic)
Special promotion.
Other Blizzard Game Title Collector's Edition
Other Blizzard Game Title Collector's Edition
1 allowed
Wrath of the Lich King
Patch 3.3.5 | Posted: July 26, 2010
This pet is a free gift for purchasing the Starcraft II Collector's Edition. This edition will be sold in stores (in limited quantity) and it will also be found on auction websites the week of July 26, 2010.
This pet features a unique tag of <The Destroyer>.

This is still available. You can still buy the StarCraft Collector's set and pick this up.
are these pets still available?
From now till the 5th of July, 2018 Blizzard is having a sale on it's Starcraft II Campaign collection and if you get the Digital Deluze edition, you get the Mini-Thor, the Baneling, and the Archon pets.
Thor is HERE!!!
Brought the starcraft battle chest deluxe edition just for this pet. (Don't plan on playing starcraft). Defiently very pricy for a pet I want (£50.00) but it's worth it in my opinion, awesome animations, looks good and it does well in pet battles :D
I was curious if it included Mini Thor seeing as I was missing him. Contacted support, who was extremly helpful, and they confirmed it, and because I already had the standard Starcraft II and the collector's HotS they said I could contact them later and they would free my old licenses up to gift to a friend.
Glad they give us a chance to nab pets we missed. Hopefully they will do the same for D3 collector and Vanilla collector, I missed them aswell and can't afford to pay $3000 on ebay.
It's worth mentioning that if you have already prepurchased the ce of Legacy of the Void that they will only charge you an additional $40.
Mini Thor is back to being available, along with the Baneling pet, and the soon-to-be-released new mini-Archon pet if you buy StarCraft II: The Complete Collection Digital Deluxe for $99.00. Plus you get a game with 2 expansions... that... you can play... if you do... that type of thing.
This was one of the first pets I leveled and its awesome. My goto mechanical.
I just got my Mini Thor (Name:Mjölnir) to 25 and I love this pet, for pet capturing he's my defacto tank, and sometimes spank. While leveling from 22-25 I could many times take down the entire 3 pets with just him. Now to work on leveling the rest of my pets... taking a four year break after cataclysm.. not a good idea LOL
First Mechanical pet I leveled and still is my goto mech pet :)
To the comment regarding flying Thors... This is a "Mini" Thor... thus it can fly! But if we're getting picky about WoW's reality, rugs shouldn't fly either :)
I love this pet, he's in as many battles as I can get him into. Sticky Bomb is missable/dodgeable though :(... Just time your Blocks just right. When the bomb drops, it happens at the end of that particular round. So for example, the moth will attack and then curl into a cocoon, if your pet goes first, then the cocoon will break once the Thor attacks, exposing your pet to the bomb. If your pet strikes last, then it'll be in the cocoon state for the bomb. It's possible that burrow and fly high have similar limitations. But it's all about timing.
For those who have this little bugger, you also have a ridiculously strong battle attack. His Sticky Bomb appears to be unblockable (Murkimus got squashed), unavoidable (high-flying and back line doesn't help, probably not burrow or dodge either.) and hits really hard.
I don't like him :(
Does it matter if you have a PC and get the Mac CE of SCII for the pet? Will it work anyway? I am thinking yes since all you need to do is put in the code in your accnt to confirm you have it but I am wondering if anyone knows for sure.
*yes it worked*
This pet in fact has a three line name/title:
Mini Thor
<The Destroyer>
<Name's Companion>
Also when Mini Thor flies around the name and title tags don't move with him. They stay fixed to the spot where he takes off and lands at.
Very cool pet, minimum idle, looks great with a papa hummel cookie.