Fluxfire Feline

Yawns, sits, and lies down.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Emoting /sit while targeting it will cause it to walk over, jump onto your lap and lie down. This pet will sit on top of a summoned Pilfered Sweeper toy.
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.1.0 | Posted: November 27, 2012
Can be found outside Gnomeregan in the Toxic Airfield.
Level 0:

Came back to WoW and was very sad to see this nerfed. I understand it was a strong pet back in the day and free to acquire, but was the nerf really necessary? Because now it's virtually useless compared with most other pets. Yet things such as P/P or H/H Iron Starlette, are allowed to exist? How does that make any sense? I really honestly and truly wish Blizz would consider un-doing some of the pet nerfs they've done in the past. This pet deserves a chance to at least be viable again.
I guess these spawn regularly now? On Twighlights Hammer EU there's plenty of them, captured a rare after 5 kills but after 20 kills no look getting P/B breed. I'm wondering if there's something specific in order to get anything other than S/S - maybe location or time of day? I'll give it another 80 tries.
Be very careful if you are trying to capture one of these as Horde. The guards in the area will one shot you as a 120 and the graveyard is annoyingly far away. I gave up after 3 deaths and logged a level 60 Alliance gnome I happened to have at Ironforge...
Took over 24 hours for a rare. Found a large number yesterday late afternoon; none rare, only a few respawns and then they stopped spawning. Followed another tip and created a gnome on another realm and found some more without a rare. Came back again this afternoon to see a bunch and finally scored a rare at 6:20 server time. I'd say they spawn during one period each day and if you run out, you'll have to try a 2nd server or wait.
Still spawning outside of Gnomeregan. Caught three out in the toxic green area. Same area has irradiated roaches as well.
Funny thing I noticed as I battled with it is that it sounds like a cat when taking damage, but sounds like a dog when it dies.
I can confirm that the Fluxfire Feline has a chance to spawn in the first room when you create a new gnome character. I tried three different servers until I found my kitty. Happy pet hunting.
I decided to try making a new gnome on a new players realm and there were two right in the first room!
Today at 6:53pm server time I caught 2 in the toxic airfield and stopped looking. One was rare s/s.
So, they are not extinct here. Or they weren't some minutes ago. Good to know about the train spawn.
Found multiple rares while searching for a rare Irradiated Roach in the Train Depot on the way to the Gnomeregan entrance. Both the roach and the feline spawn here consistantly.
Fluxfire Felines are spawning, but they seem to be AM only spawns. Have seen them three days in a row at 0600-0630 server time on Arathor. (Both before and after server reset.) Same coordinates as before: perimeter of the Toxic Airfield e.g. [37,68,40.22]. Only poor or common but both PS and SS flavors.
Has anyone found this little guy recently?
First I never found the fluxfire Feline and now I saw more then ten in 15 minutes, so is this no longer a rare spawn? (I found a rare though :)
I agree that the pre-Legion invasions seemed to bug the Fluxfire Feline, but it seems to be spawning again now.
Pre-Patch Demon Invasion caused this to bug. If you could not find one the issue has been fixed since Legion launch. All is good now.
I have the same problem as Golconda. I have started gnomes on a dozen servers, low population, brazil, RP, RPPVP, New Player. Have wiped out hoards of roaches hoping for respawn. Can't find one of these kitties.
Ok, I have created a gnome on about eight servers and have never even seen a fluxfire feline. Do they still exist there? I just am not sure if I am messing something up or CRZ makes it even more difficult to get them. Any ideas?
Is P/S breed still can be catched in game?
I check around 20 felines & all they was S/S breed.
I still miss the days with his OP supercharge 2k+ hit (buffed by other pet like infected squirl) days. Kinda logic, but I miss it. it was Bye Bye magical Crawdad.. you know which move I mean if you play pets longer.. I will never release/abandon him, I called him "Where my OP Move" in memory of that OP move, ppl must have hated me. In that time was Idol, broom, flex, turret clockworks, Lil g,skull, and crawlingcraw and there was the world destroyer tactics. Fun days, but now is also good.
I've just caught my FF and he's S/S should I keep pushing for a P/S?
Making a new gnome on a "new players" server worked perfectly, and I managed to find two rares. Thanks for the advice! :)