Legionnaire Murky

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Special promotion.
BlizzCon promotion.
BlizzCon promotion.
1 allowed
Patch 7.1.0 | Posted: November 3, 2016
This pet was a free gift for US and EU BlizzCon 2016 attendees and purchasers of the Virtual Ticket. The pet is added directly to the Pet Journal.
Eligible players will receive both this murloc pet as well as Knight-Captain Murky. Each pet can only be summoned and used in battle by the appropriate faction.
Eligible players will receive both this murloc pet as well as Knight-Captain Murky. Each pet can only be summoned and used in battle by the appropriate faction.
Level 0:

1-6 of 6
1-6 of 6

This Pet can not be summoned now!
Is this pet obtainable in any way now? I just started playing this year.
Great back up pet with the right combination. Kill dragons and Teroclaw with ease.
Ok, so they may have removed one talent and replaced it with another. That doesn't mean it isn't still a pet with a unique ability ^_^. I'll let you figure out why.
This is actually VERY broken right now.
The clone it makes is untargetable and copies the last action taken by the main pet for 5 rounds. so simply pull the clone off, use whirlwind on the enemy team, and watch the cloneloc decimate them.
This is how it played out on an NPC, to show how it works: