Albino Buzzard

Albino Buzzard
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Ground (hovers)
Flutters about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 7.1.0 | Posted: October 25, 2016
The Albino Buzzard has a chance to drop from the reward bag awarded by Crysa, a new trainer added in Patch 7.1, after defeating her and completing her quest.
This trainer can be found in Northern Barrens (63, 35), south of Nozzlepot's Outpost (just beyond the mountain area on the world map).
Crysa has three level 25 epic quality Flying pets.
This trainer can be found in Northern Barrens (63, 35), south of Nozzlepot's Outpost (just beyond the mountain area on the world map).
Crysa has three level 25 epic quality Flying pets.
Level 0:

Been working on her for months and finally got the pet today. She still drops. :D
Can confirm still drops, in fact I think they've altered the drop rate, because I've had 5 drop this week.
17 tries later got her to drop.
Leveled a character from 99-106, took 122 attemps but finally received the Buzzard. Do not give up! Pet is good size with standard flying battle abilities all breeds have health. I got H/S, not bad, but believe H/H may be more useful in certain fights. Good luck all!
56 tries. Finally dropped. Leveled my warrior from 58 to 64.
I got one today (8.1.5), for everyone wondering if it still drops.
Can anybody verify that the Buzzard still drops from the reward bag? I have leveled my warrior from 110-113, my monk from 110-112 and my mage from 53-56. I have never had good luck with drops, but after 9 months, I am starting to doubt that I am doing everything correctly.
Here is what I do....take quest, win pet battle, collect green bag, open green bag, frown.................................................
Easy fight,10 sec tops! 2 nexus whelping and one leveling pet of at least 800 HP.
open with nexus whelping, Arcane Storm, mana surge, watch them melt. swap lvling pet in and out between to whelpings.
Crysa hasn't been offering me daily quest for 2 days since the patch 8.1.
Anyone else experiencing this? I don't know why this, I hope it's only a bug
Garrison pet battle disappeared too
This bird in colouration is based off of an Egyptian vulture which I think is a great touch! They are fantastic vultures who are very clever and break eggs open with rocks
Emerald Proto-whelp is the best for this fight! <3
Been doing this quest every bloody day since it became available, but still haven't seen a buzzard. Glad to see it's dropping for others, at least.
My first try = my first drop. Unbelievable.
What are your opinions on the best breed? I've done this religiously for four months now and have been lucky to get multiples. I'm wondering which I should try to sell on the AH and which I should keep. I know that's a very broad question and someone out there is rolling their eyes, but in purely generic terms, if you had multiple breeds, which would you keep and which would you give up?
Today I got my albino buzzard, I'm so happy!!!!!
Yesterday I got a Porcupette in my bag which surprised me. Didn't know you could get other pets from the Torn Sack of Pet Supplies. Today I recieved the Albino Buzzard after my battle with Crysa. Yay!
I use one of my Alts to battle Crysa, I leave my level 36 Lock in front of her, and every day I started my Pet Battle. FINALLY, yesterday, the bird dropped for me! My Lock now is at level 45! Took so long... -__-
FINALLY!!!! The bird just dropped for me!!! I also leveled my paladin from 100-102 just doing this pet battle. The same battle that dropped the buzzard pushed me over to 102. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tempted to sell her while she is HOT but right now I just dipped to number 4 on my server... I need all the pets I can get. I am keeping her and gonna continue to level my pally.
Well, my level 100 toon that I parked there is now level 104 and still no dang pet... This is getting really painful.
I've had a low-ish level horde priest parked there doing this every day for over a month. Nothing yet but a couple of battle stones and the inevitable bandages. It must be a really low drop rate. On the plus side I'm throwing in a mid-level levelling pet.
2 months on, alt is now level 51 and still no pet....
Now nearly 5 months on, my alt has just hit level 60 and finally a pet dropped. Just not the one I wanted. A flipping Porcupette. I already have that :(