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Tiny Shale Spider

Pets by Family Elemental Spiders Tiny Shale Spider
Tiny Shale Spider
Tiny Shale Spider
Rating: 3.24 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 3.24 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 3.24 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 3.24 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 3.24 / 5 — Rate it below
3.24 655 votes
Rating: 2.89 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 2.89 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 2.89 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 2.89 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 2.89 / 5 — Rate it below
2.89 360 votes

Drop: Jadefang [30-35]

Zone: Deepholm (Crumbling Depths)

Drop Rate: 1 in 1

Tiny Shale Spider
Tiny Shale Spider
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Want it Want it | Got it | Exclude — Community: 1.8% have it
Neutral Neutral

Twitches its fangs and looks about.

Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)

Reputation grinding required.
Cataclysm expansion required.
3 allowed
Patch 4.0.3 | Posted: December 7, 2010

This pet drops off of Jadefang, a rare spider located within the Crumbling Depths caves of Deepholm. To gain access to the rarespawn requires the use of an item provided from the Therazane faction daily, Underground Economy. See our Community Guide: Tiny Shale Spider for details.

With a bit of ingenuity, engineers can also utilize Nitro Boosts to reach Jadefang. The belt enchant will sometimes malfunction and launch the player into the air, offering another way up into the rarespawn's cave.

Level 0: Health 0Power 0Speed 0
Requires Pet Level: 1

100% Hit Chance 


Blasts the enemy with fire, dealing 413 Elemental damage.

Vs. Mechanical

Vs. Critter
1 Round Cooldown
Requires Pet Level: 10

100% Hit Chance 


Deals 197 Undead damage.


The user restores 197 health. Double if the target is Webbed. 

Vs. Humanoid

Vs. Aquatic
Requires Pet Level: 2

100% Hit Chance 


Flings a sticky Web at the target, dealing 295 Beast damage and making it impossible to flee for 2 rounds.

Vs. Critter

Vs. Flying
Requires Pet Level: 15

100% Hit Chance 


Instantly deals 275 Beast damage and Poisons the target for 98 additional Elemental damage per round for 3 rounds.

Vs. Critter

Vs. Flying
1 Round Cooldown
Requires Pet Level: 4

100% Hit Chance 


Slams into the enemy, dealing 689 Elemental damage and dealing 295.5 Elemental damage to themselves.

Vs. Mechanical

Vs. Critter
Requires Pet Level: 20

Reduces up to 98.5 damage from each attack against you.


Lasts 5 rounds.



Elementals ignore all negative weather effects. Enemy pets can still gain the beneficial effects from weather when facing an elemental.


Damage Taken 

50% from Aquatic abilities

33% from Mechanical abilities

Deepholm — The Maelstrom
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Site MVPRhapture 
Rating: +6   [Report]
If you are a NE you can get to Jadefang easily. Simply stand below her cave opening and let one of the worms kill you. Once you release you can fly into her tunnel via flying wisp form and rez right in front of her. This may work with other classes as well but I am not sure they stay on the flying ghost mount in the tunnel.
Dec 9, 2010 at 4:14am | Edits: 0 | Stormrage-us | Pets: 1231 Compare collections | Score: 9806
Top RaterCentori 
Rating: +4   [Report]
I found this video helpful since I wasn't entirely sure where I needed to be. I waited a week before the quest ever showed up and saw my npc scan go off 3 times before the daily underground economy was available from ricket(inside the crumbling depths) (you cannot see her when the quest isn't available). You cannot track her from above as a hunter or with any buff. You have to into the cave to find her. After I got the quest I followed the instructions!
Jul 5, 2012 at 8:07pm | Edits: 0 | Wyrmrest Accord-us | Pets: 1729 Compare collections | Score: 13831
Site MVPBookarts 
Rating: +4   [Report]
This turned out to be way easier to get than I expected, thanks to Quintessence's guide. I threw myself up there last night, but Jadefang wasn't spawned. Decided to go back early this morning, figuring very few people would be on, and there she was. Early morning might be about the best time to get her, since there is less likely to be competition. I saw other people in the Crumbling Depths, but no one else showed any inclination for flinging themselves into Jadefang's tunnel.
Dec 20, 2010 at 12:57pm | Edits: 0 | Korialstrasz-us | Pets: 791 Compare collections | Score: 4551
Rating: +1   [Report]

As a Hunter I was torn betweenw tameing Jadefang or the pet!

A Hordie made the decison for me by killing jadefang little did they know I had already taged it.

May 9, 2015 at 11:27am | Edits: 0 | Tanaris-us | Pets: 308 Compare collections | Score: 1420
Rating: +1   [Report]

I didn't know about this pet until the rare warning came up for Jadefang, and I looked up information about it after wandering the Crumbling Depths Caves in vain. By the time I figured out how to get up into that alcove (I used the bomb method), Jadefang was gone (killed I guess).  So I simply logged there and checked back the next morning and there she was! The pet was a drop after killing Jadefang.

Mar 18, 2013 at 10:43pm | Edits: 1 | Farstriders-us | Pets: 543 Compare collections | Score: 2751
Rating: +1   [Report]
When you've got the quest it is really easy to get up there. I just started farming this yesterday and got it today! My method was basically just afking in the spawning spot while watching a movie or doing other stuff.. I had to mess with enemy players every once in a while but it finally spawned and I was able to get this awesome little guy. Good luck to you all! :)
Aug 22, 2012 at 3:52pm | Edits: 0 | Outland-eu | Pets: 452 Compare collections | Score: 1836
Rating: +1   [Report]
Ok just landed on the ledge, NPCscan is armed, sound on full blast, lets see how long it takes for her to spawn! I'm gonna get on with my housework while I listen out for that horn sound :D

edit - ok so 2 days later I'm still here....i GUARANTEE it spawned when I was at work....
May 1, 2012 at 6:12am | Edits: 1 | Draenor-eu | Pets: 638 Compare collections | Score: 3359
Top RaterAnath 
Rating: +1   [Report]
If you're on a PvP server be careful of people who are camping the cave - but not for Jadefang! I blasted my way up only to find a party of the opposite faction waiting for me (>_<)Needles to say I was killed, and judging by the few skeletons I wasn't the only one. After I ressurected I logged off and went to sleep. But logging on this morning made everything so much sweeter - Jade was there to greet me :D She gave me a Tiny Shale Spider after I promised to look after it :)
Jan 23, 2011 at 11:48pm | Edits: 0 | Dreadmaul-us | Pets: 1301 Compare collections | Score: 10405
Top RaterSweetdr0ps 
Rating: +1   [Report]
Important to know that you cannot obtain the quest item necessary to launch yourself into the cave unless you have a particularly daily which is phased until you open up the quest chain.
Dec 8, 2010 at 7:57pm | Edits: 0 | The Forgotten Coast-us | Pets: 1460 Compare collections | Score: 9135
Rating: 0   [Report]

Finaly just picked it up!  Been camping there for a couple of weeks.  Checking in the morning and at night.  Got it at little after 1 AM!

Jul 18, 2017 at 2:26am | Edits: 0 | Cenarius-us | Pets: 954 Compare collections | Score: 7183
Rating: 0   [Report]

I have been camping this thing on and off for weeks...and nothing. 

May 25, 2016 at 4:40pm | Edits: 0 | Icecrown-us | Pets: 1124 Compare collections | Score: 6707
Rating: 0   [Report]

This pet can be farmed in bulk (for selling/trading) if you can spare an 80+ alt. While getting to the spot where the rare spawns requires a certain daily quest, you can just camp your alt there. Check for the rare spawn each time you log on or off, and you'll get a bunch of these with minimal effort.

Sep 12, 2013 at 12:51pm | Edits: 0 | Scarshield Legion-eu | Pets: 677 Compare collections | Score: 3503
Rating: 0   [Report]

Found this little guy in a Misty Satchel of Exotic Mysteries :)  Comes from lfg when healers or tanks are really needed.

Aug 11, 2013 at 4:11am | Edits: 2 | Steamwheedle Cartel-eu | Pets: 1474 Compare collections | Score: 9609
Rating: 0   [Report]

Oh wow, 2 days of camping and I found him!


Please do have patience, he will drop for you!

Mar 4, 2013 at 2:16am | Edits: 0 | Caelestrasz-us | Pets: 1433 Compare collections | Score: 9403
Top RaterBeana 
Rating: 0   [Report]

Got him in Ah for 1.2 k score!!!

Jan 18, 2013 at 8:11pm | Edits: 0 | Area 52-us | Pets: 1680 Compare collections | Score: 13370
Rating: 0   [Report]

Just got him. Camped a couple hours last night, logged off...when i came back there she was.


I did the Therazane quest string long ago so was unable to use the bomb to get up there.  I did the turn the wifi of and on trick to fly all the way in.  Worked perfectly.  Feel like a cheater...alittle.

Nov 4, 2012 at 12:38pm | Edits: 0 | Grizzly Hills-us | Pets: 324 Compare collections | Score: 1419
Top RaterSilentSable 
Rating: 0   [Report]
4 hours of camping paid off :D dont give up guys!
Sep 24, 2012 at 10:45am | Edits: 0 | Silvermoon-eu | Pets: 1015 Compare collections | Score: 6088
Rating: 0   [Report]
I feel kind of bad. I've only just come back to WoW after a couple of years away, so I've been collecting loads of pets, and today was my first chance at the TSS. There was a night elf hunter (I'm Horde) in the cave, trying and trying to boost up to the cave - obviously after Jadefang as a pet. I used the technique in the guide, got straight up in one go, killed Jadefang and got the TSS. Oh well, at least she'll know how to get up there for next time.
Sep 13, 2012 at 7:42am | Edits: 0 | Moonglade-eu | Pets: 826 Compare collections | Score: 4621
Rating: 0   [Report]
This pet is actually easier to get than Pebble . Once you have Underground Economy (and get the bomb) its just a matter of when Jadefang spawns. Underground economy is offered when Pebble is not. Once you have the bomb line your self up with your back to the cave and put the bomb in front of you. Spawns usually every 3-4 hours. You also can find a chest in the cave with Green armor. You must have NPC scan add-on and delete the Cache folder if you saw him before but didn't get him.
Aug 27, 2012 at 10:39am | Edits: 1 | Terokkar-us | Pets: 239 Compare collections | Score: 1057
Rating: 0   [Report]
if you play on a device with a wifi on/off button this pet can be gotten with out rep grinding! go to the start of the cave and mount/flight form and then turn off and then right back on your wifi and move quick to the cave, it might take a couple of tries but it should work! its how i got mine!
Aug 23, 2012 at 7:08am | Edits: 0 | Dawnbringer-us | Pets: 196 Compare collections | Score: 858
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The elemental shale spider is no true arachnid, but it has durability and ferocity that make it feared even in Deepholm.
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