Teldrassil Sproutling

Teldrassil Sproutling
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Dances and occasionally sleeps.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
Wrath of the Lich King expansion required.
3 allowed
Wrath of the Lich King
Patch 3.1.1 | Posted: April 19, 2009

Teldrassil Sproutling
Item Level 1
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Right Click to summon and dismiss your Teldrassil Sproutling.
Players can participate in the Argent Tournament, a permanent event in northeastern Icecrown, to earn Champion's Seals. A representative of each race sells a race-specific pet. Alliance characters may purchase this and other alliance-based Argent Tournament pets once they have successfully "championed" that race's cause through various quests. Horde characters may purchase this pet through a neutral auction house and on occasion through their own auction house.

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1-20 of 20

Same moves as the Ruby Sapling, but the Sapling comes in three different breeds. The B/B breed of the Sproutling feels the slightly worse than what the Sapling or Withers can offer. Pretty decent elemental if you use sunlight, without sunlight look elsewhere.
This pet dropped for me yesterday from a Throne of Thunder LFR Fail-Bag or Treasures of the Thunder King there are several other pets that drop from these bags as of 5.2. There are also Flawless Stones that drop from these bags as well.
Being a resto druid. I love to take him out when I'm healing - it's so cool to /dance at the right moment, then you and your mini-tree can dance in time with each other. I also - however - do find that mine sleeps more than he dances - I guess even baby trees tire themselves out quickly
Because you can also get cats and bears, I keep telling my caster-druid friend that they should make a moonkin pet
I also have a blast bringing him out whenever my bf is in tree form and telling him he still hasn't paid the child support :P
Sometimes i even have to wait for him to catch up since hes to busy sleeping.
Appart from those shortcommings its one of my favorite and funniest pets :)
Here's the result.
Also, occasionally the sproutling's dancing animation will be about 3 times faster than it's supposed to. (I call it Turbo Dancing)
The same thing happens with Sleeping (Power Napping).
It already learned a druid 2 most important skills: dancing and sleeping.
This young one has much potential indeed.