Gu'chi Swarmling

Swarmling of Gu'chi
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.4.0 | Posted: September 10, 2013
Level 0:

1-10 of 10
1-10 of 10

After 48 kills it finally dropped.
"Seriously, the drop rate on this IS way off"
Your experience does not prove anything about the actual drop rate.
Seriously, the drop rate on this IS way off. I camped this grubby lil snot blower and killed it over 100 times! I'm not exaggerating, no joke, no pet, nothing I got zilch. How else do you explane the AH price? The Ruby Droplet was easier! My bad luck? Finaly I gave up. I saw the h/s breed for 18,000 gold and I took it. Not an ideal ending but a satisfactory one. I have it and I'm free.
Since both breeds have the same power, it boils down to speed versus health. I would say that in most cases 289 speed vs 260 is a bigger deal than the health difference (1725 vs 1546). Most undead pets are slow anyway so the H/S breed might give you the leading edge vs undead which is how this pet shines with its first two movesets. Don't forget that Chew can deal damage from the back row. Bow down after the undead pet has taken its final breath.
Soo... when this pet uses Acidic Goo... do you call it Gu'chi Goo? :3
No impressive stats but suprisingly useful. Chew, Swarm and Consume and you can go toe to toe against many pets. Consume will heal alot on an debuffed opponent. Especially dangerous to Undead pets which often lack avoidance and are slow. It will not win fights singlehandedly but can often take one opposing pet with them to the grave.
over 70 kills still no pet
This is one of my favorite new pets to be honest. I think the coloring is very nice and it looks MUCH cuter than most of the other "grub" type pets. I keep it out on my mage who uses purple as her main color.
Respawns on a timer. Minimum 30 minutes, maximum 60 minutes, so go do something else for half an hour after you kill him. He spawns at the south-east edge of Old Pi'jiu village, by the water.
The alemental event is right next door (on a separate 30-60 min respawn timer), so you can do that while you wait. You can evem pull alementals out to Gu'chi's spawn point if you're worried about missing him.