Rocket Chicken

Rocket Chicken
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Blasts off into the air, landing safely or exploding at random (rare).
» Video
Vocalizations (on-click and periodic)
Trading Card Game promotion.
Loot code required.
Loot code required.
3 allowed
The Burning Crusade
Patch 2.3.0 | Posted: November 7, 2007
This pet is redeemed through the very rare 'Robotic Homing Chicken' loot card from the World of Warcraft March of the Legion TCG expansion. The card may be scratched to reveal a code allowing access to this pet. The code may be redeemed at Blizzard's promotion retrieval page. The pet may be obtained in-game from Landro Longshot in Booty Bay.
Level 0:

1-20 of 20
1-20 of 20

Just got mine today, named it "Artz", after that guy on Lost. :)
This pet does have an animation. It's rockets light up and it hovers every few seconds.
It's a great battle pet. It has 2 abilities that mitigate damage, so when either or both are up it's very resilient. It also is good against both Beasts and Aquatic pets. Also the profile is completely unique from any other mechanical or chicken, while still retaining the flavor of both. It's breed is always SS so it hits first most of the time. It also is my favorite pet animation. I got it in a WOWTCG trading card pack prior to pet battles.
I love this battle-pet. It is my first got-to when I am against a beast that will burrow. It is Ninja Fast, so wait for them to burrow, then BAM fly into the air and swoop down on them.
But, it is a good battle pet?
I just bought this baby for 30k from a very kind guy. He told me he couldn't be arsed to trying to sell it in AH anymore, so he took my offer and traded me the chicken. I'm so happy, spent all my money but for sure I'm a happy gal now :D
Also known as 'Robotic Homing Chicken'. I've seen it on eBay under both names.
Just bought it out of AH for 20k. :) very happy.
Love him. He's part of my favorite battle pet team. Named him "BadabingbadaBOOM". =)
I named mine "Rooster Cogburn".
got mine off of the BMAH the other day for just the mere pocket change of 71k
Got mine after a heavy bidding war of the bmAH today, worth every penny! Quite looking forward to seeing the little guy in battle! Also big thanks to for their amazing site that helps me keep track of all the little ones <3
Just picked up a caged one for 10k on my server from a random seller in trade. Bargain if you ask me.
I've sold dozens of far more common pets for about 5k each, and a couple for MORE than 10k. So all and all I think it was a worthwhile buy. (Not that I plan on selling the little guy, he's MINE now, lol)...
I <3 Pet Caging. Giving me way more opportunities at little gems like this.
this pet can show up on the black market auction house