Warpstalker Hatchling

Looks around and sniffs air.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

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Caught a rare B/B in the extreme western portion of it's range, just south of ShatCity. Â Looked some more for a rare P/S breed but never saw it occur as anything else but a poor. Â Leveled ten pets from level 5 to level 10/11 while looking for the P/S as a rare. Â Did find another B/B rare but finally surrendered and captured one of the poor P/Ss. Â Has anyone seen a P/S as a rare?
Got a rare first try right outside Allerian Stronghold. I got it early in the AM about 7:00 AM CST
On Aerie Peak Server - I think there is something wrong with the spawn of this battle pet. I have spent the past 2 days clearing this zone of every one of these pets four times and never once has a "rare" shown up (also cleared ALL pets twice). Also, every single spawn I have seen are has been a B/B - never anything different.
UPDATE: Switched to a different server. Did 2 passes through the zone and was about to give up and finally found a rare one!
Found a rare on my second try, also just south of Turrem, if there are lots of big ones around there will be lots of little ones.
After getting a bit frustrated, came to check the notes. Spyone1 had some good information that I used. Instead of checking the battlepets that weren't warpstalkers I just killed them to force respawns. When I did engage a warpstalker, I would kill it if it wasn't the rare I wanted. Lastly, since they can phase in and out, I went through the area on my land mount so I was more likely to see them phasing. Got mine at 49,32, between Stonebreak and Tuureem.
Caught my rare at 60.9 43.3 he is so cute :)
Just caught my rare level 18, a little bit south of Cenation Thicket in Terokkar (coordinates 43.14, 29.51). Accompanied by a squirrel and a skunk. Good luck!
Exactly south of Tuurem (53.1 - 35.7) was the very first Warpstalker Hatchling I saw and luck on my side just happen to be rare!!! However I am not always so lucky , the Sporeling Sprout has proven a challenge to find a rare , only uncommon thus far being 3 days into my search ~
I have to admit that I sort of cheated getting my rare:p, I got a flawless battlestone while looking for the rare and used it on the uncommon one I had. Having spent countless days and hours looking for the rare I felt it was worth the lvl decrease. :)
1. Â They only appear north and north-east of the Bone Waste. Â Don't try west.
2. Â They only appear in their own group. Â In over 60 tries, didn't see a single one as a secondary.
3. Â They phase out, just like warpstalkers. Â When hunting for them, keep this in mind.
4. Â No rare after 2 hours of trying. Â *sigh*
69,53 12:50am first time ever in battle with this pet it was a Rare B/B luckiest Ive ever been in this game to date I feel.
Still have yet to find one of these as a rare (over 50 battels), they are all over the place (not including The Bone Wastes) shareing there spawn points  with Skunks and Squarrels. I have found that they dont spawn alot at night, the spawn in the daylight seems to be alot higher.
Edit: And 5 min after posting I found my rare... lol
I was flying South of Shattrath on my flying mount and saw one. Dropped down and battled; it turned out to be an uncommon. Haven't seen another one for awhile, so no rare, but he is really cute!Â
I had a hard time finding these. I started killing things and just kept wondering until I found one. Have only come across 2 so far. First one I accidentally killed but cought the second. Both were located near Stonebreaker Hold.
Got my rare today just between Veil Skith and Grangol'Var village on the road leading to bone wastes.
Level18 rare had like  941 health when battled. turned into a level 17 with 1039 health, 188 speed and damage.
first one was a poor, second one was a rare, had gone over the entire area twice and those were the only 2 I found. Indeed easy to kill, my lvl 15 lunar lantern could handle the job on its own
I found plenty of them all over the Forest, but watch out they are easy to kill!
I didn't have my Turnip leveled so I had to use a level14 pet to not 2-shot them.
About 100 tries, really, and no rare spawn, but at least I upgraded some pets there.
With reading the comment for this pet, I got a bit worried that I wouldn't find any. I therefor captured the first one I saw, which was of uncommon quality. I flew around a bit and I must say that they weren't hard to find. Timespan being 10:30 to 10:45. Caught my blue one after 10 tries or so.
 Has something changed with this? I have been farming the zone for many hours on several diffent occasions and havn't even seen one. I tried killing all the various mobs and battling the various squirrels and skunk spawns in the hops of helping one spawn but so far nothing at all.
I caught my Rare between Tuurem and Stonebreaker Hold, by the river.
You'll have no trouble finding these little guys. I was there at 9pm and they were all over the place
Here is a link with a map of locations