Alterac Brew-Pup

Alterac Brandy
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Clicking on this pet will give the player a conjured consumable, Mulled Alterac Brandy. Targeting this pet and emoting /helpme will cause it to look around frantically.
Requires purchase from Blizzard Store.
1 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.4.1 | Posted: October 29, 2013
This pet is available for digital download exclusively from the Blizzard Store. It may be purchased using any major credit card. Players who purchase this pet will receive a code which may be redeemed on any WoW account. All WoW accounts (of the same region) under one account will have access to this pet. Codes may also be purchased as gifts for other players.
In 2013, proceeds from Alterac Brew-Pup adoptions went to charity. It generated over $1 million for the Make-a-Wish Foundation.
Level 0:

Unless a specific set of moves or stats is required the Aletrac Brew Pup is handsdown my go to Beast pet. Tough n' Cuddly, Call the Pack followed by Bite devastates and the pup doesnt die easily. Nearly soloes the critter Beasts of Fable too (for eg.). It is well worth the money spent to have this in your collection :)
I named him "Chuggs". Chuggs has juggs. When we go out Chuggs fills muggs. That's when Chuggs gets lot's of huggs!
I use this fella as part of my capture team - Tough and Cuddly along with Bark's -25% attack reduction on the next turn. this pooch can take a beating.
Could you imagine this in a H/H breed? :-)
Very effective in a Darkness or Sand Storm Elemental team. His selfless heal will heal Elementals in Darkness for the full amount because they ignore the 50% reduction.
How can you not like this pet, he's there for everyone and always willing to serve even after closing hours! :-)
Someone asked about a team with him so I though I'd share mine. I'm running this Brew Pup with a Nether Faerie Dragon (P/P) and a Nexus Whelpling (P/S). The dragons both hit hard. Usually I lead with Nether Faerie since she can dodge the first attack, which is usually where people use their hardest hitting attack. Once both the dragons have taken a bit of damage I sub in the brew pub for a group heal and an AOE attack and then put a dragons back in for damage. Works great!
Nice pet to have on a team great healer. I bring him to all our guild meetings for cocktails. :)
A powerful pet indeed. Best team heal available, one of the best AoE moves that don't lose anything when there are fewer pets to attack. 289 power and speed. A crouch move and a very interesting damage and defense move to make it even more durable. Also the only 100% damage bonus ability that also does damage. This pet is full of potential. Truly powerful in the right hands with many different playstyles.
got mine today....unlimited brandy? (NOT BEER!!!) how could you not?! awesome pet
i dunno why but mine doesnt have the option to fight along side me
I love this pet but not the first one I would choose to pet battle with. Maybe I need to play around with his abilities?
Is his heal a static heal or max-hp dependant? i.e. If you stacked sunshine and ancient blessing could this be a 800 hp heal?
This pet has a backline heal that is very strong. It heals your backline pets for 370-400+ each use. It is great for healing your pets in the celestial tournament because it takes only a few heals to get your other pets to max health.
He has a backline pet heal, so I've been running him in certain circles (oh yes, we're all about class in my stable) as an answer to the Kovok... he's saved me a couple of times, but I dunno. Anyone incorporating the pup into a dependable team? Upside, when we lose a battle he's always there with a consolation prize. /drink!
It has the same problem for EU accounts as the Murkalot pet. Blizzard haven't added it to the EU armory at all. If you look at your list it isn't even there as uncollected.
Got this today, so cute and I just luv that people can click on him for a brew. Funny watching people come up and get drunk in Stormwind.
Sad that this pet won't be checked "Got it" in my collection - i guess there is a problem with the german / english mishmash name it gots from blizzard ?
US name:
"Alterac Brew-Pup"german name:
"Alteracbräuhund NEW"dunno, maybe my pet collection here will accept him soon :)
This little guy has a click icon when you hover over him and he gives you unlimited beers! * can only have one in your inventory at a time tho :) *
I got same problem as Zews, no way to count this pet as "got it".
Problem with EU Armory again?
If you buy the bundle, both the mount and this little guy is mailed to you ingame.