More information has emerged about the anticipated Battle-Bot pet, though the biggest question (Will it be a true vanity pet?) remains unanswered. We should find out soon enough, as the Battle-Bot is supposed to become available in early June. Here are the full details about obtaining the bot once it has been implemented:
How do I get the Battle-Bot Ignition Key?
To claim the Battle-Bot pet, visit the promotion website at and follow the instructions there. The exclusive pet is available only between early June and August 20, and you many only claim the Battle-Bot Ignition Key on a World of Warcraft account (either trial or full account) that is tied to a account. This Promotion is open only to legal residents of one of the fifty (50) United States or the District of Columbia.
In other news, MMO Champion reports a new pet being added with the new patch, a Jade Panda Cub. However, before everyone starts to /cheer with joy, please note that this little cutie is most likely only available in China. I'm betting it will be China's version of the 4-year anniversary pet (like Baby Blizzard Bear was for most of us). WoW was released in China on June 7, 2005, so we should know more in a few days.
Finally, in a future patch, all of us who worked so hard to earn a Murkimus will be additionally awarded a new Feat of Strength achievement:
Murkimus the Gladiator - Proud owner of a Murkimus the Gladiator pet.
snake game
I didn’t realize the Battle-Bot pet was time-limited, so I’ll be jumping on that
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