We have more pet-related news to share from the PTR. Apparently, Breanni is expanding her line of merchandise to include a new Red Ribbon Pet Leash and the Brown Snake pet (in limited supply). The leash sells for 1g35s (without faction discount) and is not consumed. Here is a video of the leash in action, courtesy of one of our members. As you can see, it is another fun cosmetic addition to help you proudly display your treasured pets.
So far, the Brown Snake is the only pet we've seen pop up for sale in Breanni's shop, although she does have quite a few creatures on display there. The 45g price tag may seem a bit steep, but you must consider the cost to import this exotic critter all the way from Durotar! Hopefully we will see more pets for sale from Breanni in the future. As always, you can count on WarcraftPets to keep you updated.