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More News on 3.2 Pets

June 23, 2009
The folks at MMO Champion have reported more news on the new pets (raptors!) likely to be added in patch 3.2:

Non-Combat Pets

* Summon Baby Pink Elekk has been renamed to Pint-Sized Pink Elekk
* Jade Panda Cub has been renamed to Jade Tiger.
* Calico Cat has been added to the game.
* Curious Oracle Hatchling has been added to the game.
* Curious Wolvar Pup has been added to the game.
* Shimmering Wyrmling has been added to the game.
* Macabre Marionette has been added to the game.
* Gundrak Hatchling has been added to the game.
* Ravasaur Hatchling has been added to the game.
* Leaping Hatchling has been added to the game.
* Obsidian Hatchling has been added to the game.
* Darting Hatchling has been added to the game.
* Razzashi Hatchling has been added to the game.
* Deviate Hatchling has been added to the game.
* Razormaw Hatchling has been added to the game.
* Onyx Panther has been added to the game.

There is also a Plump Turkey that will be added for those who complete certain achievements for the new Pilgrim's Bounty world event. We remind you that none of these additions are final, but we'll keep you posted as we receive additional information.
Posted by Breanni
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