Gamestop 2013 Black Friday Ad Info

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Gamestop 2013 Black Friday Ad Info

Post by Jaladar » November 29th, 2013, 9:31 am

OK so for those of you that weren't aware, there had been some debate about the Game Stop Black Friday ad and how it was going to work.

Initially, due to some confusion caused by a Black Friday Ad website, everyone thought game time cards were going to be on sale for $5. That didn't happen.

Then, people thought (myself included) that if you bought one of several games (Mists of Panderia was one of them) on sale you would get a free game time card with purchase. Again, didn't happen.

I went to my local Game Stop (which was a successful trip anyway since i found something I had been searching for for my nephew--woot!) and discovered that the free digital code you receive for buy one of the specific games listed is actually the digital version of the Battle Chest, which they have on sale for $5. This is also the way it is printed in the ad, but the online versions were so small it was hard to tell what the digital code actually was. So no cheap game time cards at all, no way no how. Just thought I would let everyone know if that was a planned stop for you today. Happy Holidays!


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