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Doctor Who, Alex Day and a Christmas number one

Posted: December 23rd, 2011, 9:05 pm
by Jadax
My friend Alex Day is aiming to get the Christmas number one single in the UK this year, and in this aim, he's released several remixes of his song which all combine in sales. All the money from sales is going to charity; World Vision AUS.

On top of these, I've added my own hat into the ring, as it were, by covering the song with my friend Ed in the genre of Trock. Trock is Time Lord Rock, or songs about Doctor Who, and was "invented" by the self same Alex Day.

Watch (well, listen), and enjoy ^_^

The original song, and the remixes, can all be found here:

Re: Doctor Who, Alex Day and a Christmas number one

Posted: June 26th, 2012, 2:10 pm
by Jessy27
Still one of my favorite shows. And all the girls he picked up where so cute. :)